The Sun is Stagnant But Life is Not

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Begin your story with somebody watching the sunrise, or sunset.... view prompt


Friendship Fantasy Sad

Tubbo stood on his porch as he watched the sun rise over Snowchester. He saw the light reflecting off the snow as the whole world lit up for the first time that day. The light was almost blinding. Tubbo stoped to watch the sun for a moment contemplating if it ever got tired of taking the same path every single day. He thought about the fact that the sun had to watch everything, it watched people love, and fight, it saw the rise and fall of nations, it saw everything and still the sun had to rise and light up the world again. 

After the sun had begun to hurt his eyes Tubbo looked away and began his day. Unlike the sun Tubbo never knew what to expect from his days, somedays would be mundain only filled with building and chores, other days he couldn’t go 2 minutes without it seeming like the world would end. 

So today was a mystery, the plan was to go to Las Navadas and work on his outpost and Tubbo stuck with that. The journey to Las Navadas is a relatively short one, only requiring Tubbo to walk a few miles down the main path. Allong this path one may meet any number of people on any given day. Today Tommy was walking along the path, accompanied by Wilbur. When Tubbo saw the two he greeted them accordingly.

“Hi Tommy, Hi Wilbur!”

“Hi Tubbo!” exclaimed Tommy ever exited to see his childhood friend.

“Whats up Tubbo?” Asked Wilbur. Ever since Wilbur came back from his trip he seemed different but Tubbo couldn’t place it and noone else seemed to notice so he generally ignored it. 

“Nothing much big man, just on my way to finish up the outpost by Las Navadas”

“Oh, whats that for, You planning on spying on Big Q?” Wilbur questioned. 

Big Q-or Quackity- was the leader of Las Navadas, a country built around gambling. When Wilbur came back he asked to join Las Navadas but Quackity told him no, so in revenge he decided to build his own nation across the river from Las Navadas. Tubbo only knows this because Tommy came to him after this happened telling him that he didn’t know whether he should accept Quackitys invitation to Las Navadas or join Wilbur in his new nation. Tubbo told Tommy to go with Wilbur in his new nation because Tommy and Wilbur always seemed like brothers. They always were on each others sides even at their darkest moments. 

“Yeah Ranboo and I decided that we want to keep a close eye on them incase they start getting violent” Tubbo responded. 

“Makes sence, how are Ranboo and Micheal by the way?” Tommy jumped in to the conversation. 

“Doing good, Ranboo is still having his memory problems but he tells me that hes working on it, and Micheal is as great as always.” Ranboo-Tubbos platonic husband and best freind- and his adopted son Micheal live with Tubbo in snowchester. Although Ranboo has been distant lately. Tubbo wonders if maybe that is because of something he did…

“Tubbo!” Tommy yelled, effectively snapping Tubbo back to reality. 

“Oh sorry just got lost in thought for a second there”

“No problem, can we join you to see the outpost?” Wilbur asked.

“I don’t see why not, come allong.” 

The 3 walked allong the path twords the outpost they talked and joked about the ood old days. The time before all the revolutions and wars. It was a simpler time, until everything got messy and people got hurt. As they were talking it slowly became clear to Tubbo that what Wilbur thought the “good old days” were, was not when Tubbo and Tommy though they were. Tubbo and Tommy though about pulling pranks in an old van and challenging each other for who could build the tallest building. 

What Wibur had in mind came after, after the war for L’Manburg-the vary first nation outside of the greater world. Wibur thought of war, he thought of pain, Tubbo realized that when he and Tommy became child soldiers, that was when Wilbur considered the “good old days”. 

Tubbo shook the thoughts from his head, he did not want to remember what came after the war for L’Manburg. 

“Look, the outpost is right over there,” Tubbo told his friends. 

“I thought you said this outpost was supposed to be secret.” Tommy said in reaction to the size of the outpost infront of him.

“It was at first but then I just kept building and I didn’t want to stop”

“Quackity is going to notice this” Wilbur pointed out.

“He already has, I like to think of it was sort of a scare tactic you know? Like he sees how big and powerful Snowchesters outposts are he wont mess with us. Yeah?” Tubbo explained.

“Its so tall… you could easily jump off that and die you know?” Tommy said out of seemingly nowhere. This caught Tubbo off guard, but he couldn’t say that he was surprised, Tommy has had a hard life just like him. Tubbo knows that Tommy has a history of suicidal thoughts but he doesnt bring it up, he decides to change the subject and move on. 

“I suppose so but thats the not main reason, more for intimidation.” Tubbo shows the two to the door of the outpost and is about to let them in when he sees Quackity approaching.

“Well look who it is, trying to scare us off? Huh?” Big Q walks up to the group, he is wearing a multicolored suit that doesn’t white match properly and he seems to walk too large for his average height. 

“Did you hear someone say something? I thought I heard a snake slithering by.” Wilbur retorts. This causes Wilbur and Quackity to get into something resembling a screaming match. Tubbo looks to Tommy for something to do about it but all he finds in Tommys expression is pain. Tommy is watching the two fight like a little kid whos parents are in the middle of a divorse. Tubbo takes Tommy into the outpost, leaving Wilbur and Quackity at the base of the tower. The two teens run up the stairs only to find Ranboo at the top, organizing supplies. 

“Oh, Hi Ranboo!” Tubbo greats his husband, out of breath.

“Hi Tubbo, hello Tommy.” Ranboo greats. Tommy answers with a wave. “What brings the two of you up here?”

As if on cue yelling can be heard in the distance. Tubbo and Tommy look at each other and Ranboo seems to understand.

“I see, well can I get you two some tea?”

“Yeah I’ll have some, You?” Tubbo looks at Tommy.

“Sure, do you have Camimile?”

“Ofcourse” Ranboo replies and he starts working on their tea.

Tubbo and Tommy sit on some chairs and Tubbo watches as Tommy deflates, he looks exhausted. 

“Hey, whats up big man?” Tubbo asks “you look tired.”

“I am tired, man ever since Wilbur came back he hasn’t been treating me much like a brother. His words say one thing but then his actions say another. I dont even know what to think anymore. This whole situation with Big Q feels like a custody battle or something.” Tommy confides. 

“So I’m not the only one who noticed that! Today when we were talking about old times, he was talking about the war for L’Manburg, and the revolution, and the explosions, Wilbur was talking about a time that I don’t want to go back to. I don’t think he recovered after he got back. I sure as hell know that we didn’t have time too recover while he was gone. But he’s talking like all that was fun. I still have scars from the fireworks that got blown up in my face, I haven’t gotten over all the abuse I faced under Shlatt, I was never ready to lead L’Manburg when I was handed the presidency. Then moments after, the nation I was incharge of leading got blown up.” Tubbo ranted, his tone getting angrier with each word. After he finished, Tubbo realized that he was standing and sat down. 

Ranboo brought over the tea. As he set down the cups some of the water accidentally spilled onto his skin. He hissed in pain. “I can’t remember where I’m from, who my parents are, who I am really. Sometimes I’ll have huge gaps in my memory and I wont know what happened so I started keeping a memory book but I can’t put anything important in the books incase its stolen, but then I can’t remember the important things like who my friends are. I’m allergic to water and I can’t even tell you why.” 

Tommy took a sip of his tea and looked around at the three of them. After a moment of analysis he seemed to come to a conclusion. “I guess then we are all tramatized messes. Or maybe we are just overdramatic kids making too big a deal about nothing.”

“What you went through, what we all went through was not nothing, it was hard and noone should ever have to go through what we did.” Tubbo moves so he is sitting next to Tommy and Ranboo does the same. 

Tommy lays his head on Tubbos shoulder, “Yeah…” 

Its a moment of connection. Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo all three sending each other a message so strong that if it was said out loud it would loose its effect

I’m here for you

Opening his eyes Tubbo looked up just in time to see the sun set over Las Navadas and the world that had beaten him down and damaged his friends, but it had also brought them all together. 

The sun would rise again tomorrow, and then it would set. The sun works on a continuous path, Tubbo is glad that his life does not work like the sun. He is glad that he does not just have to watch events unfold, he is happy that he gets to be apart of them. He wants to fight for the people he cares about. 

With a sigh of what felt like relief, Tubbo closed his eyes once again. He felt the comforting presence of his best friends.

He felt a home.

June 21, 2021 05:40

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