Crime Fiction Drama

“This is a robbery.” I said calmly, pushing my golden hair behind my shoulder. “Bring me everything.”

“Ma’am, I-”

“Just do it.” I told the bank teller firmly, giving him a look. It wasn’t a glare exactly, more like one of those looks your mom gives you do something wrong. I wasn’t threatening him, I didn’t even carry a weapon with me. But he was going to do what I say.

I stared into his gold-green eyes with my baby blue ones, telling, insisting, he did what I asked. See, I didn’t give orders. I never had to. People, especially men, just listened. This man however, with his long black hair and mysterious green-gold eyes, was stronger than most. He hadn't set off the alarm. He was considering it though, his eyes darting to it nervously then back at me. He scanned my figure, not with desire but as if he was searching for the weapon I didn’t have.

We stood like this for many minutes, no one else taking note of what was happening. I studied him closely, deciding he was quite handsome. His nose was straight, and he had these beautiful dimple marks in his chin and cheeks. His long black hair brushed his back, and he was several inches taller than me. Not that I minded, it was actually better this way.

“Bring me everything.” I repeated in a whisper. I urged him on, pushing him quietly with my gaze and stance. I wasn’t pushy, but I was confident. No one had resisted me before. Why should I expect it to stop now?

Around us the world continued, heels clacking against the floor and boots thudding, some heavy, some light. I heard buttons being pressed, and a tiny ding of approval as a loan went through.

The man didn’t move. He looked at me seriously, considering my request. 

“Bring me everything.” I repeated in a whisper. His eyes widened slightly, but still he didn’t move. I could tell I was close to getting what I wanted. He was almost broken. He dragged a hand through his hair. He knew he should alarm someone. He didn’t know if I had a weapon or not. Or maybe he did. 

He glanced around, looking for anyone who might be an accomplice. Several burly suit-wearing men stood around talking, occasionally glancing at me. Now they had desire in their eyes. I was a respectable woman, with curves in all the right places. I turned my hip slightly, just enough to show myself off.

The man thought I was giving a signal, especially when one of the other men took a step towards us. I smiled one last time. “Please?” I added sweetly.

The man left to get what I wanted. Everything. Several people stopped him to ask what he was doing, but all he did was point at me and then continued.

One of these people came over to me and asked what I was doing. I told her I wanted everything. She just nodded blankly. Weakling.

Soon I had the whole bank wrapped around my little finger. The man came back, pushing a cart full of money. I peered inside and dug around, making sure they werent tricking me. I glanced at the man, and smiled at him seductively. He smiled back, winking.

He was letting me know he wasn’t under my control.

I raised an eyebrow at him, ignoring the lusty stares the men were giving me. He raised an eyebrow back. I rolled my eyes. “Give me the cart.” I said haughtily.


I gave him a look, one that said, Don’t defy me.

The man smirked. “You said you wanted everything.”

I smirked back. “Then come. Allow me to rob you of your job, your soul, your dignity.”

“Only if I may steal yours.”

That’s when I hear it, the tiny, lilting whisper in my head, urging me to love him, to listen to him. I smiled at him, knowing his secrets. “Come.” I whispered. “Come to me.”

The man smiled and took a step closer, leaving the cart.

I didn’t care about the cart anymore. All I wanted was him. I swam in his beautiful green-gold eyes. I could feel him fall deeper into mine. He tugged at the cart, pulling it with him as he advanced on me.

My heart beat eagerly, and I leaned forward. The part of my brain still sane was terrified, knowing what this man could do to me. It excited me. The man was so enticing, with full, soft lips and thick hair I wanted to run my hands through. He scanned my figure again, undressing me with his eyes, no longer looking for weapons.

I gave him a sly look, then turned around, leading him outside. I bent over, opening the trunk, and I felt his eyes on me the entire time. Gentleman like, he helped me unload the cart, hiding the money in the fake walls. I stuffed several bills in my bra, in case he tried to pull something. I got the feeling he would.

His voice whispered in my head, just as mine whispered in his. I excited him, and he tried to pull me against his chest, but I only smirked and pulled away, climbing into the driver's seat. I allowed him to sit shotgun.

I was already several miles down the highway before anyone at the bank realized what had happened. It was too late now, I already had the money. I glanced at the man. We. We had the money.

The man noticed me looking at him. His hand slid over the seat, resting on my thigh. I glanced at him slyly. “What? You looking to have some fun?”

“Of course. But ma’am, you never allowed me to finish my sentence earlier.”

I frowned. I had no idea what he was talking about.

The man sighed. “I was going to say, I know your secret.”

I raised an eyebrow, pushing my hair back. “Oh?”

“You’re a siren.”

I smirked. “Not quite. I am what you are.”

The man’s eyes widened nervously, like a cornered animal. “No.”

“Oh yes.”

The man drew his hand back, knowing he now had no power. I had robbed him blind. He thought he had control, that he had power, that he had strength. He didn’t. All he had was an illusion.

I laughed, and without pulling over, slid over into his lap. “Now give me everything.”

The man, who had been excited minutes before, only looked terrified; we were cruising down the interstate with no one at the wheel. I only grinned. This was going to be fun.

November 21, 2020 02:41

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Jubilee Forbess
06:45 Nov 28, 2020

Hmm! I liked it, but would you mind clarifying a bit? What were they?


Leya Newi
07:01 Nov 28, 2020

Okay, this was kinda a mess of a story, I know. My idea was somewhere along the lines of the woman being a siren of some sort, and gosh this needed a lot of editing I didn’t do. The man was something similar, but I never clarified and I honestly have no idea. I feel like I should’ve changed some things to make it clearer but that just never happened because I kinda rushed writing it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Jubilee Forbess
16:45 Nov 28, 2020

Yeah, I don't know... it was a cute idea, I just don't know how to give it some direction.


Leya Newi
17:06 Nov 28, 2020

Yeah, I’m happy with the idea... I just wish I had some more time to fix it up and mess with it. Maybe I’ll post a sequel at some point explains what’s going on.


Jubilee Forbess
17:14 Nov 28, 2020



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11:08 Feb 27, 2021

As others have said, it needs a little clarifying at the end, but I love the idea that the tables turned at the last minute and that she has seized the power again. :)


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A.J. Brown
02:23 Dec 31, 2020

I always like a story of a dominant woman so I sure enjoyed this one! The ending didn't make sense to me, but Stephen King is my favorite author and his endings don't make sense half the time so that's not a story killer for me. :)


Leya Newi
22:36 Dec 31, 2020

Thank you so much! This was written in a rush after not writing so it's not that great, but I'm glad I managed to get a story out and that you enjoyed it!


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Zea Bowman
00:04 Dec 10, 2020

Ha! Another great story! I'm a bit confused...at the end, does she mean "everything" like in the ooey-gooey kids look away sort of thing, or an "I just tricked you. Now we're in a car speeding down the interstate with no one on the wheel," sort of things that a siren would do. The idea was great, and the descriptions were on-point. Don't get me wrong; this was another beautiful story, but just a bit more time to freshen it up would have made it even better. Looking forward for more of your work! -Zea


Leya Newi
00:42 Dec 10, 2020

Yes, I was really happy with this idea, but I had no time to edit and it ended up kinda confusing. I want to write a sequel or prequel explaining what's going on better, or maybe just rewrite the entire thing and try to fit it to another prompt. Thank you for the feedback!


Leya Newi
00:44 Dec 10, 2020

When she said everything, I think she meant it both ways. Um, at that point even I was still a little confused.


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Sunny 🌼
18:49 Nov 25, 2020

Great twist!


Leya Newi
00:58 Dec 10, 2020

Thank you!


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