
Me and my twin look exactly alike. You can't tell us apart at all. Only our names are different.  Hello my name is London and this is the story of how I stole my sister, Paris’s spotlight.

The day was the 14th of July my sister and I were on our way to Hollywood. She said she would help me become famous. Me and her were like best friends we hardly ever fought and when we did we always made up in the end.That's why the story is such a shocker to me. At the time we were about 15 years old.  What can I say I was young and dumb. I know my rights and wrongs now.  The plane ride to Hollywood took forever since we lived all the way over in Maine.  I really don't know why  our mother named us London and Paris. Once we got to Hollywood it was definitely worth it!

 I could see the big block letters Hollywood on the hillside. They were so beautiful. A few moments later somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me away. It wasn't my sister.  This is what he said 

”Hello my dear Paris we have been waiting for your arrival! we are so glad you can make it.” He thought I was Paris! Ha he must be joking.

“No, I think you got the wrong person.  I'm her sister silly!”  

“Oh I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.   I am one of her friends here in Hollywood. I hope we can be friends too!  My name is Noah.  What's your name?”  Noah had a very kind expression on his face.

“My name is London.  Nice to meet you, Noah!”  I really wanted me and Noah to become friends. We did but he kind of hates me now.  He pulled me back to  where my sister was when we  got off the plane.  But  she wasn't there anymore. Noah thought that a crowd probably pulled her away. When I went to Hollywood there were a lot of crowds of people.  Noah said that we could go and meet some producers.  I wanted so bad for one of them to have me in a show or movie. I got a lot more than that. 

“Ah! Paris you’re back so soon!” He had a British accent.

“Umm…” he cut me off.

“No need to stumble on words.  You must apply for this new movie!  It is being recorded in 1 week!” At the time I thought my little sister wouldn't care if I took one of her movies.  But little did I know shooting movies are so exhausting. Noah had left so he couldn’t help me with the producer man.  I knew I would meet my sister back at the hotel tonight  but I hope she doesn't freak out when I tell her about the producer man. 

What am I kidding she will totally freak out!  The producer  told me the name of the movie it was called “ Lost  in Paris”  which I know my sister should be starring in . It's called Lost In Paris it even has her name in the title!  But I really want it to be my first movie!  My sister’s been talking about a movie. I can't remember the name but she's been talking about it for weeks now and what if this is the movie that she keeps raving about.  The producer talks like he knows I'm in the movie. Maybe my sister applied for it before she came to Maine.  The producer had a firm grip on my hand. I could not just pull away and he wouldn't let me get away even if I tried. I guess I could say that I have to go home and work on something. Would he let me get away then? 

“Um Mr… I have to get home because I have a lot of work to do.”  I put my puppy eyes on.  He has to say yes.

“I guess.  If you must!  Go, scram!” His voice was filled with sadness.  He must be very lonely.  

I don’t know my way around the studio so it took me a little while to get out.  My sister had texted me the address of her Hollywood house.  I can’t believe that she had a house before me!  And she’s only 15!  I did google maps because I’m a total newbie to California.  Her house isn’t very far so I think I’ll walk home.

I was not prepared to see her home.  When you first walk in she has a  diamond chandelier and a  beautiful stairway that leads to the second story of her house.   I walked upstairs and couldn't believe my eyes. She had so many rooms in her house!   she told me that I could have any room I wanted except for the one with double doors that was her room.   every bedroom that I looked in was completely different.  It  would have different colored different kinds of beds and different amounts of space.

   I obviously chose the second  biggest  one.   In my room  there was an accent wall. The three walls were gray with a rosie pink accent wall.  The bed sheets were a shade of rose gold.  The closet was huge and had many types and colors of clothes.  Now the bathroom was… HUGE!  I couldn’t believe it!  It had a hot tub and a really big s  hower you could fit at least seven people!  My sister rules!  

Paris came home about two hours later.  She looked so worn out.  I bet she was!  It was dinner time when she came home.  She had her cook make us some delicious sushi!  It’s tsunami sushi and some crab puffs! It was so yummy! I decided not to tell her about the movie.  

One Month Later…

My sister won’t talk to me.  She hates me for what I did.  I took her spot in her movie.  I really didn’t think she would care.  But I thought wrong. I feel like such a jerk.  I made tons of money when the movie came out and no one even knows.  It's our little secret for now at least.  

That's my story of how I stole my sister’s spotlight.  I hope you enjoyed it!  And remember it’s our little secret.

September 04, 2020 04:23

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Avery G.
02:33 Sep 11, 2020

Wow, this was good! I think you are amazing at writing! Please write more! Great job!


Lauren :)
16:02 Sep 11, 2020

Thanks! I love read your stories as well!


Avery G.
16:47 Sep 11, 2020

You're welcome! Aww, thanks!


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Yolanda Wu
10:46 Sep 07, 2020

Wow, this story had me hooked the whole time, I guess it's just your use of character voice which really grabbed me. I really wanted to know what was going to happen next, and you had me wondering so many things. Even though London did some questionable things, I still feel for her as a character. My feedback would be maybe the end bit could be a little less brief and go into a bit more detail. But of course, it is your story so you have no obligation to listen to me. Amazing work!


Lauren :)
14:38 Sep 07, 2020

Thank you so much! Your feedback helps me become a better writer!!


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C.j 🤍
21:06 Sep 06, 2020

Loved your story!!! Could you please read my story


Lauren :)
21:17 Sep 06, 2020

Thank you so much!!! I will totally read your story soon!


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