"Hop In," Says My Coffin - Part 2

Written in response to: Write a story about a problem with no good solutions.... view prompt


Contemporary Gay Speculative

I knew something was off from the moment I walked through the door. The house, usually filled with the sounds of some ballgame accompanied by my screaming father, was eerily silent. 

"Pops!" I yell to no one. "I'm home!" 

"In the kitchen," responds a solemn voice. Drenched in sweat from basketball practice, I trudged to the kitchen. 

"Hey, Dad," I say heading to the fridge. Pops leans on the counter with his hands palmed on his face. His phone, dark and quiet, lays face down on the island. 


I raise a weary eyebrow and unscrew the water bottle I just snagged by a bowl of washed grapes. "What's up?" 

"I know." He doesn't lift his head or move his body from his tense position. 

"Pops, what are you talking about? And where's Big Momma? I was hoping I could talk to her about some-" 

"You're gay." 

An invisible wind almost knocks me out of my body. He doesn't say it with conviction in his voice. His tone remained neutral as if he was waiting on my response. My hand shakes as I think of something to say. 

"Before you try to think of a lie, I saw the text." He somberly takes a sip from a bottle that I didn't even realize was there. Hennessy.

"I-", He holds up a hand which I take as my hint to shut up. 

He swallows a gulp of Hennessy and finally says, "I checked the cameras, too. How long have you been sneaking out?" 

Like a deer in headlights I freeze. "Dad, I can explain." My hands are shaking so bad that I have to set the water bottle down. 

"You know," he starts again. "I knew something was different about you. You lock yourself in your room all day, and when you come out, it's only because you're leaving. That is, when you aren't sneaking out at 2 o'clock in the morning." He finally sits straight and points "2 o'clock" at me with his eyes. 

"Please. I didn't expect it to be so soon," I try again. "I mean, yes, I sent the text to you. It was off this stupid app..." 

"Was it lying?" He raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Was what lying?" 

"The app?" 

"No, but-" 

"So what? You were just going to keep this from me?" He's so mad, steam could be blowing out his ears and it wouldn't make a difference. "For how long!" 

"Soon! I was going to tell you eventually when I was ready. I was!" It clicked on my defensive act, and now I'm angry as well. 

"Is that what you're going to tell the recruiters when they ask? If they still want you when this comes out. 'Oh, I was going to tell you eventually.' Emmanuel your career is over!" He throws his hands in the air and shakes his head. 

"Well, when you're done telling me his dim my future is let me know," I add sarcastically. 

"Boy." He charges toward me with fire in his eyes. Before he can get around the island, Big Momma walks in. 

"Jared, stand down." Big Momma walks over and takes a seat at the island. Pops just stands breathing hard from his mouth, staring wide eyed at her. "There's no need to get physical when all the boy's tryna do is explain." 

Her tired eyes droop as she wipes her forehead. Her bright blue kimono drapes around her like a cape; just like the superhero she was a second ago. She pays the bonnet on her head while saying, "Make me some tea, Jared." 

He backs back reluctantly and begins to make Big Momma her tea. 

"Emmanuel, tell him about Javier," she says. 

A pot clanks in the sink. "You knew about this?" He spins around staring in disbelief at Big Momma. 

"Yes," she simply replies. 

He looks up at me. "How long?" 

"Manny?" she says looking up at me. "How long have you been keeping this secret?" 

So far I had been bouncing from Big Momma to Pops like a tennis match. It surprised me I was being brought back into the conversation. 

"Um... since um..." I stutter. 

"Speak up, Emmanuel. Your father can't hear you." She raised an eyebrow at Pops who's resumed making her tea. 

I puff out my chest a little. This is my moment to talk. And thank God, Big Momma walked in when he did otherwise I don't know what would've happened. 

"I've been gay since middle school. When I first started playing ball, I knew something was different about me but I couldn't exactly put my finger on what it was until I got a crush in 7th grade. You remember when I told you how my phone broke and I couldn't give you an answer? It was because after I told him how I felt, he smashed my phone right in the middle of the hallway. Everyone laughed and it was humiliating, and I thought it was the end of me. And then I met Javier... my boyfriend." 

I could hear Pops loud, long sigh while he watched a now boiling pot on the stove. He can't even look at me. 

"Dad, I'm gay. And if you can't even look me in the eye while I say it how fatherly does that make you?" I spit the next words out carefully. "You're the coward, not me." 

He finally turns to face me. His eyes sput fire on every word he says next. "Only a coward will hide behind a wall of shame and keep it from the ones who love them most." 

"You don't love me though, Dad. You're disappointed that your son is gay. It's written all over your face. Don't lie and say you aren't because even Big Momma can tell you, you're mad." 

Big Momma hmpmm'ed along to what I was saying. 

He pulls the pot off the fire and grabs a mug from the dishwasher. "World's Best Dad" is what it says. I guess he wasn't paying attention to what mug he pulled out, he doesn't let anyone drink out of that mug. 

When I was little Pops took me to pottery class, I couldn't have been more than 8 years old at the time. Mom had just ran away with some other man- although I didn't know at the time, Pops told me she 'just needed to get away for a while' - and he didn't want me to feel alone so he bought two tickets for a pottery class. 

It was the best day we've ever had. After I made the mug - big and blue with handprinted white letters - we went to go get fro-yo. He even took me to the park to I could finally slide downthe big slide. I had felt so happy. I haven't felt like that in a while with him. 

He pours the water into the mug and grabs a teabag from the cabinet above. Plopping the bag in along with a spoon, he set the mug down in front of Big Momma and walks out without a word. 

The only sound I hear is the clinking of Big Momma's spoon as she stirs her tea. "Don't worry, sweetheart. He'll come around," she says. 

I look at her to the door he just pushed through. Murmured sounds of a ballgame come from that direction.

I sigh and finally relax my body against the counter. Honestly, I'm not too convinced he will. 

January 06, 2022 15:25

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Dhwani Jain
12:01 Apr 10, 2022

How are you doing?


15:43 Apr 11, 2022

Im good :) hbu? I saw you followed me on Instagram :D


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Palak Shah
14:08 Mar 19, 2022

Great story Carla, I loved reading it. I hope to read more of your work :)) Could you please read my latest story if possible? :)) Thanks :))


13:49 Mar 28, 2022

Thank youu and ofc I can :) !!


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Akshara P
17:01 Jan 31, 2022

cookie! how are you?


20:41 Jan 31, 2022

Im good how are youu??


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Shaylynn Skinner
21:24 Jan 26, 2022

Hi, I read your bio, liked your story, and followed your page. Will you do the same for me? Also, if it is not trouble, I would love to get a shoutout! TYSM


14:37 Jan 27, 2022

Thank you and ofc I will!! <33


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15:09 Jan 27, 2022

Done, done, done, and done !!


Shaylynn Skinner
20:55 Jan 27, 2022

Thank you!!!!!............... That was the nicest shoutout EVER!


14:52 Jan 28, 2022



Shaylynn Skinner
15:22 Jan 28, 2022

=) (=


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Hi Cookie!, how are u? Can u do me a huge favor and vote for me here: Here is the link to give me a CLAP : https://awards.storymirror.com/program/7737c3b5-c02c-4c7b-8a57-180cad19a2df/english/author/o2ifxdqp/story/class_8_12 Looking forward to your support! Refer the steps here - https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yxv5Z11nz_4&feature=share


17:48 Jan 20, 2022

Hiii, I'm good!! How are you?


hii! I'm ok, and thats good! If possible can u vote and share this: https://awards.storymirror.com/program/7737c3b5-c02c-4c7b-8a57-180cad19a2df/english/author/o2ifxdqp/story/class_8_12


15:24 Jan 24, 2022

It says I have to download an app


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Shaylynn Skinner
21:27 Jan 26, 2022

Can I vote for you too? =)


Hi there, of course :DD I'll be my honor! And thank you:)) Can u also share it?


Shaylynn Skinner
15:20 Jan 28, 2022

ofc I will!


Shaylynn Skinner
01:44 Jan 31, 2022

You're welcome!


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Dhwani Jain
18:23 May 26, 2022

Hey! Where are you? Why has Reedsy been so boring lately? (copy-pasting this to a lot of people as I'm BoReD)


19:38 Aug 18, 2022

Hiiii!!! I havent been on Reedsy in a while :( still probably won't I've been suppeeerrr busy lately


Dhwani Jain
09:58 Aug 19, 2022

Hii!!!!!!! Ok, have fun!


15:47 Aug 22, 2022

Mkayy <33


Dhwani Jain
01:44 Aug 23, 2022

😁😁😁 Self promo: Chek my latest story on my blog this Thursday and then very soon on Reedsy. The blog has better experience


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Dhwani Jain
15:47 Apr 13, 2022

You know Sapphire? We have a collab coming up on my blog at 04:06 p.m. IST tomorrow (April 14). Do check it out, here's the link (https://djdhwanijain.wordpress.com/)


13:53 Apr 19, 2022

Nice! I read your interview. I didn't know you both had blogs :0


Dhwani Jain
16:18 Apr 19, 2022

XD Thanks for reading. Do you mind putting a comment on my blogpost regarding the same?


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Unknown User
01:24 Jan 08, 2022

<removed by user>


18:55 Jan 08, 2022

Thank youssss!! Yes, I did type it on my phone and my sTuPiD aUtOcOrrEcT may have changed some things. Thank you for the feedback and if you could could you point some of them out for me? Ofc I cannnn I'll do it as soon as I can!! :)


Unknown User
20:11 Jan 08, 2022

<removed by user>


15:33 Jan 10, 2022

Thank youuuu!! I'm gonna edit it right after I read your story😊


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