"Fairy and the warlord"

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in.... view prompt


Drama Fiction

It was a bad tropical storm.A young woman Eve sitting along with her husband ,Richard a lawyer and Mr Max a doctor,enjoying drink in the lobby.Mr Richard,Who was already tight and nervous and not showing interest in talking and discussion."Darling,let’s go to the beach”Eve looked romantically towards Richard and said ." But in this severe weather”I want to go to bed,and also we all counseled not to leave the residences".said Mr Richard.”Than, Mr Max,will you company me”asked Eve from Doctor Max.”Dear ,I have to go to the hospital,I have to be there the whole night “.apologetically answered Mr Max .”You always think about your self and only to think about own self is selfishness ”.Added Mr Richard.”What's wrong with that if I don’t think of myself,Who is going to think for me .Expressed Eve.”One side thinking is not genourous,it’s selfishness". Richard sarcastically answered.Doctor Max left for the hospital. "please Eve, sit here for a while I want to talk to you,I told you don’t be so socialise,I’m a lawyer,I need time for preparation,today I lost a such an important case,”.Richard said all this sadly.,”Finish it in a nutshell "“Eve said it little rude.”I need your assistance,millions of times you promised me but you broke it”Richard went on saying”we should be separated for some time “.”Do you wanna divorce “abruptly Eve jumped “No ,I don’t mean this"Richard tried to clarify himself.”Are you in love with some body else".Eve said it this time with a conserned attitude.”No,im only in love with you “,Richard answered softly."Every body in this world work but they maintain their social and family life,this is ridiculous,I’m not selfish,you are now thinking one sided ,I did a lot for you,I marry you ,I know you were of mediocre life,but I didn’t hear the world, I kicked the world and now you are kicking me“ Eve heatedly said .”I don’t need your dad’s wealth,I wanna build my own dignity and style,today every body think and say openly I depends on you,your social life is disgusting for me"Richard explained it."Richard ,you are not a good lawyer,you will loose me".Eve lit a cigarette and said it.I’m leaving for the beach cottage just now,I love to drive in rain.”Eve said it with a careless manner.”In this storm,you will drive and there is a peril of flood near cottage "Richard softly tried to stop her."Come on give me the key of the car,only ....my car".She in a rough roundedly said,and in a fit of rage took the keys from Richard. “Richard tried his best to stop her but she was reluctant to listen to him. Eve rushed the car towards the beach cottage. Doctor Max came because all the roads were blocked due to heavy Stormy rain weather.,He decided to spend the night in Richard's house.”I’m very upset,Eve left for the cottage.”Richard told Doctor Max.”But why did you allow her,it’s a perilous night".Doctor said in a loud voice.”we had a heated discussion,and she left me”Richard said in a low tone.”Will she come back”asked Doctor Max.” "No".Replied Richard shortly."She is the only child and became stubborn,she talks too much,travel a lot and she enjoys friendship,now this is her lifestyle now,nobody could change it,you have to go with it”Doctor Max described and tried to convince Richard coolly. Storm getting more hazardous and some time it seemed the rain would break the wind shield of the car.The car skid for so many times,she didn’t care and didn’t stop or thought to turn back home.Eve was trying to show her husband that she will not come to her standard,he would have to come to her standard of living and life.She snapped the door of the cottage.The cottage presenting a dark scary mysterious look. Windows glasses were all broken and the breeze spraying the lobby with a sprinkling rain water.The frames on the walls were tilted and most amazing fire in the Fire place was burning with a great noise.It seemed somebody is living in the cottage.”Anybody here"Eve's voice was scary.Saw a woman appearing in white house coat,with a candle light and the lights vanished.It was complete dark.Now Eve could only sight a slight appearing of a woman.”What bring you here?”.The strange woman rudely said to Eve,"How did you get in?The key is with me".” She asked Eve. "I got my own keys,This is my cottage”Eve said with a frowned eyes. "Your house,I’m living in the attic with my husband”.”woman said."Go away,this is my house,or I will call the police,wearing my customize house coat,take it off"!Now Eve became more frowned. But became more furious when she saw a man coming down,in a mysterious gait.”Your building up is entirely crude,speak gently or" ,and he came close to Eve and trying strangling her.He looked like a warlord of eighteen century.She bluntly fallen on the side sofa and started coughing severely.Somebody knocked at the door,That woman opened the door,Street watchman entered,wearing a raincoat and hat.said politely.”I’m sorry, lights saw open,any service “.”No,we are comfortable”The woman said.”Help me,they would kill me".Eve yelled but the man went away like a a deaf ignorant.”Eve became more scared and she thought to call the police but she lost her cell.The woman and man came close to each other,the man said “She is a fairy,my sweet fairy” he lit a candle and in a commanded gesture said “come close to us,we are not bad people but won’t bare a rude like you “come over" and Eve came close to them.”want to know about something? Fairy said.Don’t you say,I will tell” and she looked in a mirror.”You are entirely worldly person,live for your own,no love for humanity,your husband wants to separate but not permanently and she laughed and the storm raised more fast and thunder bolted.They both went upstairs .Eve wanted to run but badly fallen down on the floor and badly hurt.”please help me,I’m badly hurt”Eve cried.Fairy gave her little water and started soothing her with rubbing her hand on her leg.But after little time ,the rubbing stopped and a splash of lightning lighted the whole scenario,there was no body beside her.In the meantime somebody knocked the door,Eve woke up and opened the door,There were two men,from the Mentally Retarded Hospital,They were looking after Fairy and that Warlord.They thought Eve is Fairy but Richard entered and Eve showed them the way up.They taken back Fairy and the warlord back to the hospital.Eve was still upset and collecting,she was ashamed of her attitude and thoughts towards Richard ."Richard although they were maniac but they taught me a great lesson for life.

The End.Fairy and the Warlord.

April 08, 2021 16:59

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Naheed Babar
09:15 Apr 18, 2021

Yummy story.


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Naheed Babar
08:59 Apr 18, 2021

Throw it's a good concept.


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