A Super Kiss Goodnight

Written in response to: End your story with a kiss at midnight.... view prompt


Adventure Romance People of Color

"To your left Nubia, she looked to her left but was kissed on the cheek to her right. She blushed and turned to her side looking at her husband. "This is no time for being flirtatious. We are in the middle of battle Ahura!" Ahura looked around them, surrounded by Deimos and Phobos Ares's sons who wanted revenge. 

Ares was the one who kidnapped Nubia when she was a baby and her mother Hippolyta and the Amazons thought she was dead. Diana didn't even know she had a sister which hurt her the most, nor did they both know that they had a younger brother named Jason. Which they would be visiting right now if Ahura took this fight seriously. Deimos and Phobos grew tired and attacked both of them. Nubia and Ahura were ready one thing about the team fight is that they were top number one. Ahura was the God of light and Nubia was the Queen of the floating island and lost princess of Themyscira. Nubia blocked them with her shield and Ahura attacked. Ahura loved fighting together with his wife it was always a fun time as he punched then threw a light attack at Deimos knocking him out. Now it was Phobos's turn "brother...are you okay Phobos looked back to Ahura and Nubia snarling at them" you will pay for that Ahura and Nubia!" He launches at both of them trying to cause fear and panic in their hearts. The black mist surrounded them fighting back the mist Nubia inhaled the mist and began to go into a panic attack. Ahura put a light shield up as Phobos mocked them while attacking the shield Ahura put up. Nubia dropped her shield and lower herself toward her knees. Ahura comforted his beloved grasping at her and trying to calm her down.

"Damn you Phobos you will pay for hurting my wife". Ahura went blow for blow with Phobos. As light and dark mist were combined into this battle Nubia was calming down. She took deep breaths and calmed herself down looking at him finally getting serious in this fight. Nubia was coming to grab her shield putting weight on her weapon and getting up to help Ahura out. Still in a daze "Don't worry Nubia am going to end this soon and we can meet up with your family." Phobos laughed at that statement "Oh yeah and how are you going to do that...huh!" Ahura smiled as light arrows surrounded Phobos charging toward him arrows piercing him and he had his final gasped and felled down defeated. Ahura picked up Nubia 'Are you feeling better my beloved, she nodded slowly "just want to get ready to see my siblings before we're late to meet them.' He smirked but was still worried about her 'okay lets go."

Dressing up for the dinner date with Nubia's siblings. Nubia wore a black dress that hugs her curves and muscles with straps that keep falling down every now and again. Ahura wearing a black suit with gold on his cuffs. Both were matching in their attire a little late, but always fashionable. They open up a portal from the island to meet Jason and Diana. Diana and Jason were waiting for them patting their shoes and looking at their watches "They're late', Diana replied to what Jason said 'give them one more minute' Diana looked at Jason and sighed. Diana has been saying that for the past hour and no sign of them this was their idea to meet up. Something doesn't feel right then a portal opened seeing the two dressed up both facial expressions looked like they had been in battle not too long ago. They both waved at Diana and Jason all hugging each other going into the Phoenix Idol, the top restaurant in the city. 

All of them order different meals that were very expensive Jason was concerned about the price since his job is being a fisherman in a small town nothing compare to what everyone else did as a job. Ahura reassured Jason that he can order how much or whatever he wanted to he knew the man who owns the restaurant and he owns him and Diana a big favor for saving his life. Jason ordered what he wanted and they ate the delicious food. Began talking about their adventures this month. Jason after gulping down the last bits of food talk about his journey as a fisherman fighting against harpies that attack him and his mates last week. Diana was next having another save the whole earth from the god of another dimension. Ahura applauds Diana for taking on such a beast. Nubia nudged Ahura. "sheesh not so loud people are staring." Ahura didn't mind the mortals staring at refined immortal beings. He thought it was an honor for the mortals to be around such wonders. But Jason and Diana thought differently and wanted to be amongst the humans with little trouble. 

After dinner, Jason and Diana went separate ways saying goodbye to Nubia and Ahura. It was getting dark. Ahura and Nubia went for a walk through the park to watch the sunset. Holding hands sparks flying, as they walk through the grass Ahura opens the portal to grab a towel for his wife to sit on. He also had a bottle of red wine that he had been waiting to try. She took her heels off and sat down next to Ahura. "I love watching the sunset with you, my dear husband." Nubia grabbed his hand tightly "I am glad I got to spend so much time with you Ahura." Ahura simply looked at Nubia lovely as the sunset set. Ahura seem a little worried about the last battle they just had and how the black mist went into her lungs had him worry about her. Nubia saw how his face frowned and gripped his hand more tightly telling him not to worry about her and that she is okay. Both chatted with each other until almost midnight about life and their love for each other. "I enjoyed this night with you and many more to come both giggled the red wine getting into their system as they both kiss. The clock strikes midnight as fireworks started a new year.  

January 02, 2023 00:19

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