All Moms are Supermoms with Superpowers as Superheroes

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Put simply, moms are superheroes. In fact, they have super powers that would make any caped crusader jealous.

According to my observations of my Mom, she has 12 Unbelievable Super Powers which even she or any mom must be aware they have.

Toy doctors, boo-boo fixers, housekeepers, referees, teachers, chefs… AKA: Mom.

When I became a mom, I quickly realized just how powerfully strong and incredible moms are.

Now, as a mom of two, I realize it even more. In fact, I have realized that us moms have such amazing super powers that I often wonder why we aren’t given a cape right after we deliver. But, we really don’t need one, do we? Our superhero strength comes from our love for our children, and that is the most powerful tool in the world.

Sure, it would be nice to have real X-ray vision and to actually fly, but don’t need those super powers. We know what our children are doing when they are in another room and we soar higher than any superhero when our kids say they love us.

Just like Wonder Woman, moms are superhumans, except we are the real deal. Just in case you need a reminder of how badass moms are, here are 12 superpowers that moms have that would make any superhero jealous.

1.)They're Multitasking Marvels:

A Mom changes the kids' diapers, helps with the math homework, folds laundry and plays with their kids all at the same time? Yeah, that’s pretty much the definition of multitasking at its finest, and it’s something that each and every one of us moms are able to do.

We have the power to keep everyone on schedule and tackle pretty much everything that comes our way without breaking a sweat (well, sometimes we do break a sweat, but I prefer to call it a “mother’s glow”).

There’s a reason why the kids bypass dad and make a beeline to mom, who is doing a million things all at once, when they need or want something. Even though mom may be juggling tons of balls, she always figures out a way to add one more.

2.)They Have Supersonic Hearing:

Under the cloak of night, supermoms everywhere jump out of bed to attend to their children’s needs. A faint cry, a tiny sneeze, a quiet moan… We can be dead asleep and yet still hear our children when they need us.

Our supersonic hearing allows us to swoop in and save the night, tending to our children’s needs, no matter how tired we may be.

Whether it’s to offer a cuddle or check a temperature and administer medicine, us supermoms have supersonic hearing that allows us to keep tabs on our kids at all times.

The only downside to this superpower is that it does rob us from a good night sleep. Oh well, such is the life of a supermom.

3.)They're Lie Detectors:

Though your kids may think they are slick, supermoms can’t be fooled. We know when they are fibbing, and we’ll get them to tell the truth.

When your kid is stumbling over his words, trying to piece together a story, or when you know for damn sure that what she swears happened is not in any way, shape or form what actually happened, you know it. There’s absolutely no way that your kids can get one past you because you have the truth buster super power.

Sometimes it can be hard to get your kids to reveal the truth, but you’ve got tricks up your sleeve that fish the truth out; like when I tell my 6-year-old that a blue dot forms on his head that only I can see when he’s lying…. Works. Every. Time.

4.)They Have X-Ray Vision:

While no, we may not have Superman's X-ray vision, supermom vision is pretty damn close.

We have the ability to see everything, and I mean everything. Like X-ray vision, we can see what our kids are doing when they are several rooms away, but unlike the superpower in comic books, ours doesn’t burn holes through walls and isn’t, well, awkward (I mean, we don’t really want to see someone’s underwear or anything…)

What our X-ray vision can do is pretty incredible. We can see our children about to touch something that shouldn’t or see when one child is about to snatch a toy from another and stop catastrophe before it strikes. Call me biased, but that’s a pretty incredible superpower.

5.)They Fight Monsters Under The Bed:

Yes, yes, superheroes fight lots of monsters and villains and, of course, lots of crime. In fact, that is pretty much their job. However, these superheroes, like Batman and Spiderman, got nothing on a supermom's ability to fight the monster crime lurking under her kid's beds.

You see, the superheroes in comics or in the movies have to fight some epic battle in order to save the day. And even then, those monsters always seem to come back. But for supermoms, all it takes is a quick look under the bed or in the closet and a stern voice that clearly instructs those monsters to disappear, and just like magic, they do!

Monster-busting success with little effort? – I definitely think that’s a superpower.

6.)They Can Freeze With A Single Stare:

Some superheroes can turn freeze things with nothing more than a stare, and so can moms. However, while a superheroes freeze ray may be able to stop someone dead in his tracks, it doesn’t prevent their bad behavior; once the ice melts, the person trapped in it continues on with his devious behavior.

When supermoms put their freeze ray into action, it not only stops their children dead in their tracks, but it also turns their behavior around.

When my kids are acting up, all I have to do is give them my mom “freeze stare” and not only do they stop what they are doing, but they change their behavior immediately. No words. Just a stare. Now, that’s a super power.

7.)Their Bodies Are A Food Source to child:

Get ready for this one: moms are a source of food!

I know that this comes as no surprise to anyone on the planet, but our ability to use our bodies to produce food and feed our kids makes moms superheroes. I mean, when was the last time that you heard of a comic book character who could create food and feed others from their own bodies?

Our bodies instinctively create milk, which is, by the way, said to be one of the most nourishing foods on the planet for babies (as they say, breast is best.) I’m sorry, but if that isn’t a superpower, I don’t know what is!

Move over, caped crusaders, all moms everywhere have got you seriously beat!

8.)They Can Heal With A Single Kiss:

Yes, there are some superheroes who have the power to heal others, but are they able to heal with a single kiss? Nope, I don't think so!

When it comes to an ‘ouchie’ (as my son calls his boo-boos), moms can take the pain away with just a single kiss. It could be anything from a bump on the head to a scraped knee; no matter if it's big, medium, or small, a mom’s kiss has this super healing ability that will magically take all the pain away. Amazing, right?

And our kisses aren’t only able to take away physical pain, but they can also take away emotional pain, too. When your kiddo is feeling blue, a kiss from mom on his/her forehead always sees them through!

9.)They Can See Into The Future:

If you’re a little skeptical about people having the ability to see into the future, all you have to do is look at a mom and you will be convinced that this superpower is most definitely the real deal.

Supermoms are clairvoyant. We can truly see into the future. I am convinced of this supermom super power every single time I say “Someone is going to get hurt” to my sons, and then – BAM! – two seconds later, someone is on the floor crying their eyes out.

Fortunately, I also have the supermom superpower of healing with just a single kiss, so when my vision becomes a reality, I am prepared to swoop in and save the day by giving their “ouchies” a kiss.

10.)They Are The Masters Of Finding Things:

You know you’ve been there before: Your child is franticly searching for a toy, a shoe, a lovie, a tree branch that he found outside and has turned into a magic wand and can’t bear to be without it (that last one is my 3-year-old’s latest obsession,) and it’s nowhere to be found. Your husband has searched high and low, under the bed and in the couches, but there’s no sign of whatever it is anywhere.

That’s when supermom swoops in and saves the day with her master finding abilities. You can be doing a billion things at the time, yet you somehow know exactly where to look (underneath a bookshelf, in the corner of a closet, etc) and you find the missing item. Way to go, supermom!

11.)They Have Patient Power:

Yes, I know that patience can run thin; however, as far as people – and any other being – goes, mothers have the most patience in the world. We certainly have more patience than superheroes. I mean, when a superhero wants answers or wants to solve a problem, what do they do? – They usually act quickly to get the results that they want (i.e.: they have little patience.)

Supermoms, on the other hand, have tons and tons of patience. Who else would be able to sit through a long, drawn-out story that has to be started over again from the beginning because one minute little detail was left out (“I forgot to say the garbage man was wearing a blue shirt, and blue is my favorite color!”), all while smiling, other than a mom?.

12.)They Create Human Beings:

Last but certainly not least, and what I think is the most amazing super power of them all, is the ability to create human beings. I mean, that alone qualifies every mom as a superhero.

Can you name one superhero who has the ability to create another human being? Not a cyborg or some other type of humanlike robot, but an actual, real human being that thinks, breathes and has feelings and emotions? Unless I’m missing something, I don’t think that there are any that can, other than a supermom!

Girl, the very fact that you can take a few cells, turn them into a human being, nurture that being in your womb and then give birth puts her beyond superhero status: it puts you on, dare I say it? - Goddess status.

By Pooja Sarmalkar

June 29, 2020 09:21

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Fay Winter
23:39 Jul 09, 2020

Hey Pooja Sarmalkar! I think your story was well written and true. However, there's one sentence which I personally, don't appreciate. 'There's a reason kids bypass dad to go to mum....' What are you trying to say to all the father's out there? That they're not as important in their children's lives? I know children that don't have a preference at all between mothers and fathers. I don't want to be rude, I promise. I just wanted to say my point of view. Other than that, I think it is a well written story. All the best for future stories! P...


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Shweta Shirodkar
16:36 Jul 08, 2020

Agreed !


16:44 Jul 08, 2020

Thanks a lot shweta ❤️🙏


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Show 1 reply
17:12 Jun 29, 2020

I find all super powers in my mom, my mom is a superhero with all magical powers. 🎉🎊


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17:11 Jun 29, 2020

I find all super powers in my mom, my mom is a superhero with all magical powers. 🎉🎊


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