Drama Suspense Thriller

The hot asphalt road Is now covered in debris as your car is stripped of its color and covered with the fear of loss. In 10 seconds, your mind is adjusted to what has just happened. Second 1 you are unaware unconcise even. What has just happened? What did I do? How am I going to pay for this? Did I hurt anyone? Where am I? Second 2 the loud screeching of tires is now following you, and the ringing in your ears are unbearable. Second 3 and second 4 you have come to your senses but to no prevail no one is around you jut a handful of nosey so called citizens wondering what has happened, but thinking that someone else will help as we know that they must not be disturbed on account of an act of heroism. Second 5-6 you are now fully aware of what has just happened you have been in a car crash; your leg is pinned down and you cannot feel your arm. Your breathing is stratified, and you are pretty sure that your wife has been hurt. Second 7 you are calling for help simultaneously trying to weave yourself out of your seat but that damn seatbelt has entangled you in its waves of anger despite your confidence. It is digging into your porcelain skin. Your wife is now awaking. You try to talk to her but there inst anything coming out. “Can you hear me?” “My love I am so sorry?” “Hello?” “Answer me!”. You realize she isn’t moving anymore. Her icy blue eyes begin to close again as she begins to fade even more and even faster. You try to inch your hand towards hers, but the universe would not allow it.  As if it was some sort of punishment. Second 8 you now realize she is not breathing. Her chest stops moving and for a second your heart stutters in its love for her. “What have I done?” “I just killed the love of my life the mother of my child”. You begin to scream at yourself internally “I deserve to die!” “Not her” “It was my fault!” “Please let her live!”. Your pleas begin to intensify yet they will not be answered.

 Second 9 you are yelling at the top of your lungs for help, but no one can hear you over the howling of the cars, until you realize that someone has already called the ambulance. From a distance you can hear a loud whine that vibrates your whole body. Red lights are now encircling you and a man is now dragging your wife out of the car. Her body seems so frail. You could also tell she was slipping away ounce by ounce.  Her face begins to become the same color as her icy platinum blonde hair. The only color in her face was the blood that strikes the middle of it.  You can see the worry in the man’s eyes and from there you know that there is little hope for her. The pleas  you had in your voiceless breath and mind begin to intensify so greatly you feel like they will be the ones to kill you. A woman is now on your side, but she is barley understandable as you are too caught up with what is happening to your wife. Second 9…. You begin to fear the worse. Will she make it? Will I get to hold her hands again? Will we be able to see our daughter again? My daughter you begin to think. Your mind is now filled with the face of your sweet daughter. Her perfect spiral curls protect her perfectly created face that held such a gentle soul. Second 9… you remember that you must hold on for your daughter. You cannot leave her an orphan you thought. Now you can only focus on your daughter. Will she every forgive me? How will I tell her she lost her mother? Your eyes begin to flutter even more. Until the light disappears. Have I died? Is this the end? No! you have simply realized that you are being saved. But can any one truly save me you thought.

             Second 10, you are out of the car with your face covered since they had to cut the door. You couldn’t see anything behind the heavy paramedic jacket, yet you knew what was happening. Until you get distracted by the tremendous pain in your leg, it’s so unbearable that you can feel it in your throat, its engulfing your mouth and no words can escape not even to breathe… second 10 you are flashing in and out of your body or maybe it was the piercing sunlight hitting your eyes after you squirmed the jacket off. You then realize that your wife is laying on a stretcher. A pool of hopelessness blood surrounded her that put fear into the paramedic’s eyes that were crowded around.  They all had the same terrified look on their faces. As di you.  She is gone, you can hear the lifelessness of her skin as there is a dullness in its glow. The presence she once radiated in a yellow color has began to dim rapidly. DOA the three letter you hear ring out of the paramedic’s mouth.

 God, second 10 has been dragged to what felt like a whole minute. “DOA” the three letter you hear ring out of the paramedic’s mouth once again and in a somber tone. DOA, DOA, DOA, the letters float in your mind. Dead on Arrival-DOA. You are now crying a tear less cry, no tears stream out of your lifeless eyes and down your cold cheeks as they can’t, you are screaming in agony, but it Is silent. The woman is still speaking to you. “Your wife has passed; I am very sorry”. “Sir, sir!” “Can you hear me sir?” You are still weaving in and out of your body but at this point your thinking what is there to hang onto. Suddenly its as if there is a soundless world. The vibrations of the hot asphalt deplete your soul. Your eyes are waving a joyful farewell to the light…you are now gone.

December 31, 2020 06:24

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