most people do not realize they have not seen real sunshine since 2000.

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: End your story with somebody stepping out into the sunshine.... view prompt


Adventure Coming of Age Creative Nonfiction

Sunlight- I miss you really I do.

Up bright in the sky light I miss that sunlight. Makes me wonder. So do you I suppose. I wonder about you. During the summer sun shine you look at things and wonder about this is this or that is that. Not paying attention. Not caring really about what is about to befall mankind. I like that about summer time light. Makes you forget about everyone trying to kill you. Kill you? What do you live in a game?

Laughter of course I do.. I live just as you do. In a game. You do not realize it but yo are playing in it all the same.

The summer light does not hide much these days. I realize that these days. What people do not seem to care to realize is they have not seen the sun in their sun light in their life time.

What am I talking about? Oh, summer light summer sun shine. A dream I suppose. A dream? Of course this is after all just a dream. If this was real I would be out fighting. Oh, wait the great meme wars of 2020. I failed there so. Maybe I would be out ranting and raving tell people repent God is coming. Oh, wait did that and no one seems to care. Maybe I would write letters to people and fax my congressman? Oh,wait I did that too. Maybe I would just tell you a story about summer time sun shine and you can seek your own research and tell me in my comments if I am telling you something new?

The game simulator played and can be seen if you Google FAllon, Montana maps and look into the sky.

Yes. Majority of people do not realize they live in the mirror realities. And have died so many times that reanimation to a lot of people is no longer possible. Hence the masks. And weird road repairs that do not match what reality was the day before or the day after.

Meaning? The sun is a projector. The earth is one of many simulated realities.

And? We are all playing the final outcome. Or Time of Tribulation or for those Mandela effected time shifting realities twists.

The last years was the Revelation Plague. Brought to you by the CIA Bill Gates and Resident Evil Umbrella corporation.

Say what? Look it up. Bill Gates patent the corina virus vaccine November 2019. The virus that was used in the patent was given to Canada March 2019. Chinese spies stole virus sent it to George Soros and Fuaci Wuhan level four military lab. And there the Umbrella corporation ie Mircosoft released it to kill Freedom Hong Kong which no longer is in the news is it?

Sunlight? I wonder what the real sun is like? What am I talking about? Go to Fallon, Montana google maps. Switch to real photos. Look at the sun. Tell me what you see. i know what is there. Do you?

Sunlight? I think I might have seen in the summer of 1965 or what they call here 1973. Depends on when I was actually kidnapped I suppose.

People say sunlight is the real light. I wonder if I am a vampire these days? Will I explode if I get touched by it?

Meaning? Honey, I am a one eyed one footed pirate, poet, writer who seldom leaves his room. And?

I am just wondering. What the real sunlight is like. Would I enjoy it? Not this mirror light that seldom brings that summer warmth. Or the feeling of completeness. And seldom do I smell the sunlight these days.

Smell the sunlight? Yes. When you are eating peas in a pea field and look up and see the sun going down. The smell it was not there a moment ago. I did not change. The reality as far as I could tell did not change. But the sun? The sun changed and thus the smell was the sun and it smelled nice..


Up the sun goes into the sky.

Nightlight is nice in the sky.

Light of the sun is bright.

I enjoy the light.

Glowing growing plants if you understand avatar this or avatar that.


Time to tell you avatar you eat plants and plants grow with light.

Welcome to the game of life summer time shining sun mirror reality.

What should be expected in the mirror reality of the time of tribulation? Well lets shine some sun on it. Mark of the Beast big part of Revelation look it up new patent issued March 2020 to Microsoft 2000060606 tell me what you think. The end of the system of things both currency being considered to being going away and electronic currency owned by government senate debate look it up. CIA FBI Social Security US military plan for the removal o 224 million US citizens by 2024 look it up on Vaccination protein is in capable with humanity long term health look it up Health gov. When you shine light on these things you realize there is something wrong with this mirror reality and there is nothing you or I can do about it. Or I can at least. I mean I wrote and ranted and raved and now I write stories which me and my one lone reader. HELLO out there read together and wonder. IF we were insane would we write this? In yet? To tell some one else hey don't fall into that trap. Does nothing. FATE destiny is already set in. There is nothing I really can do? Pray? I do that a lot more these days. Does it work? God? Sure he controls the storyline even in a reality supposedly owned by the corporation. Meaning?

People call Mandela effected people reality shifters. I have shifted a lot. In December 2017 a lot of those in Mandela effected group came out of a reality where Hawaii was nuked. And? Well, that reality ceased to exist after a time. How long of a time? Here matter of days. There? Weeks, months, maybe years? I don't know. It ceased of interest to me in 2018 with something else taking my mind away. What was it? I don't recall it was big enough that Facebook banned my writing and I was forced on to minds. And there?? Well, I wrote for a time too. In 2019 another big event happened and that one I can tell you about I suppose. Names changed dramatically. From Ottoman to Ottman. From well Linda Carter of Wonder Woman to Lynda Carter of Wonder Woman.

Reality is but a portal to which I see just for the briefest of time.

June 19, 2021 22:43

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