The Lost Treasure of Cleocatra

Submitted into Contest #238 in response to: Write a story including the line “I can’t say it.”... view prompt


Adventure Funny Fiction

A ragtag group of anthropomorphic cat treasure hunters finds themselves deep in the ancient pyramid that houses Cleocatra’s tomb, trying to figure out how to access the entrance of a hidden room filled with treasure. They’re led by George, who is accompanied by Dr. Bliffy the expert Purrgyptolgist, Amelia their Purrgyptian spelunking guide, and Father Joseph a priest from the Catacan. The group now walked down a long zig-zagging corridor upon steps of masterfully cut limestone.

“Before we enter the chamber, I will douse each of you with this holy water to protect us from any evil spirits who may try to harm us.” said the Priest as he pulled out a flask with a cross on it. 

The cats stood still as Father Joseph flicked the holy water onto each of them as they approached the entrance of Cleocatra’s chamber. Each stepped into the room with their flashlights shining about like spotlights as they licked their fur and meandered about the chamber taking in the awe-inspiring hieroglyphics. 

Amelia examined the walls. “This is incredible.”

“Sure is,” responded George in high spirits. “Hey Father this holy water is quite refreshing, tastes a bit like there are some holy spirits in it,” George said to the Priest with a wink.

Father Joseph brought the flask to his nose and sniffed, “Hmm, yes it seems the dishwasher at the Catacan hasn't been doing the lord's work. No matter, these things are a pain to clean.”

George walked up next to Amelia looking at the great hieroglyphs, “Well Dr. Bliffy now's your time to shine, what can you decipher?”

“Ahhhh let me take a look at my notes,” said Dr. Bliffy, unassuredly scratching his head. “Hmmm I’m not too sure, these hieroglyphs seem to be from before antiquity, possibly the bronze age, when the Furrlistines first appeared in what's now present-day Pawlestine.”

“We don't have time for a history lesson, we're about to make some, let me take a look at those notes,” said George.

“Oh no, ah, they won't make much sense to someone untrained- '' George, not interested, ripped the notebook from Dr. Bliffy’s hands and then squinted.

“Dr. Bliffy what the hairball is this?” George flipped around the notebook to reveal overtly sexual drawings of cat women in lingerie batting at feathers hanging from a stick.

“Ah, I can explain, those are just some light doodles,” responded Dr. Bliffy pulling at his collar.

George flipped through more pages as his jaw began to lower and eyes twitched, there wasn't a single Purrgyptian hieroglyphic to be found. Only sketches of cat women dressed promiscuously.

“Dr. Bliffy where in the hell is your research!” shouted George, his chest rising and falling.

“Alright, alright, I'm not really a Purrgyptoligist, I don't have a doctorate, I haven't been featured in the Purr York Times and I didn't go to Yale,” Bliffy responded, his ears and head dropping down in embarrassment.

“But I saw your degree!”


“So you lied about everything on your resume!” exclaimed George.

Bliffy shrugged. “Yeah but so does everyone else, I went to Community College for marketing.”

George silently unpacked this revelation in his head trying not to blow a fuse, “Could’ve paid the extra fifteen dollars for a background check. Just like my witch of a mother said, it takes a rich man to be cheap.” he muttered through his gritted teeth.

“Well, now that the cat is out of the bag I do have a little bit of battery left on my phone. Maybe we could just look it up on Google?” asked Bliffy, attempting to make amends.

“Bliffy I maxed out three credit cards getting us here, I got a subprime mortgage I can’t afford for a hunk a shit cookie cutter house on Long Island, alimony for two kittens.” Steam began to shoot out from George’s ears as a manic look rolled over his face.

Bliffy trying to butt in, “Listen I-”

“Your own mother was cleaning your litter box during the last financial crisis! Do you know anything about inflation?! Do you know how expensive milk is getting?! Or those cheap scratching posts from China! I’ve dumped half! Half my life savings into Catpto Currency and I’m losing thousands of dollars a day faster than I’m losing the love and respect of my children! Please tell me you're yanking my tail!”

Bliffy looked at his feet. “I’m sorry George.”

“You're sorry?!”

“I don't know what to say. I watched a Ted Talk on faking it till you make it and right after I saw your ad online looking for a Purrgyptoligist and thought, hey I want to go on a free trip to Purrgypt.”

George sported the look of a madman, “Bliffy you and Cleocatra are going to be sharing this tomb if we don't find her treasure.” he said with a hiss.

“I’m sorry I know I'm an idiot, my horoscope said that it was time for new beginnings. I thought this would help launch my career as an influencer.”

“A what?” said George, exacerbated.

“An influencer, you know, making cat content for social media?”

“Your generation is doomed.” said a deflated George.

“You're telling me you know about Catpto Currency but not what an influencer is?” asked Bliffy in disbelief.

George put his head in his paws. “I read the news, you dimwit.”

There was an awkward silence among the four, “So you don't know a lick about ancient Purrgyptian hieroglyphics?”

“Only what I read on Whiskerpedia,” murmured Bliffy.

“Cat Whiskers Christ Bliffy!” shouted George.

“Do not use the Lord's name in vain,” interjected Father Joseph scathingly.

“Oh save me your judgment priest we all know you aren't all saints over there at the Catacan.”

“You dare insult the Catacan!” exclaimed Father Joseph.

“No, I’m just surprised the Catacan let you tag along even though no kittens were accompanying us!” responded George antagonisticly.

“Oh so it's a catfight you want is it?!” shouted Father Joseph as he pulled back the sleeves of his vestment.

“If you want one you got one alright!” shouted back George fashioning his claws.

“Enough! We're here in the tomb of Cleocatra…illegally and if the authorities catch us we are going to Purrgyptian prison for life." The three fell silent as their eyes bulged out from their heads. "Now I don't know if the three of you know anything about Purrgyptian prison but the inmates won’t take kindly to grave robbing foreigners,” said Amelia.

“What!?” exclaimed the rest of the group in unison.

Amelia shrugged her shoulders matter-of-factly. “Well, I thought I’d fess up too.”

“Alright Amelia, welcome to the club!” Bliffy raised out his paw enthusiastically for a high five but Amelia just glared back at the pudgy cat with disdain.

“I thought you said the government sanctioned us coming down here?” asked George bewildered.

“Yeah to waltz right down into Cleocatra’s tomb to steal her lost treasure?”

George was now bouncing around flailing his arms. “We told them it was for an exposé on Cleocatra! That we’re part of CCNN, not that we were going to steal anything! They weren't supposed to figure that out till after the fact!”

Amelia scoffed. “You think the government of Purrgypt was going to fall for that, after all that's been stolen from this country? You're more full of yourself than the British Museum, no wonder you invested half your life savings in Catpto currency.”

George yelled, “Because of the security of the blockchain alright!” walking up to the old dusty walls of Cleocatra's chamber and scratching them furiously as the group watched on at his meltdown.

“Think, think, think,” George said to himself looking over the hieroglyphics. “Just like Mother said, you want something done right do it yourself.” he scratched at his chin. “Ah, I hate it when she's right…maybe I shouldn't have put her in that nursing home.”

“Well, we’re here and that's what's important. So any ideas?” asked Amelia.

“Yeah, does anyone have catnip and something to smoke it out of?” asked George defeatedly.

“Ugh,” said Father Joseph, shaking his head.

The four stood around aimlessly.

“Well, I'm standing in Cleocatra’s tomb, illegally, with a virgin, a Purrgyptian, and a priest. Huh, that sounds like the beginning of a joke. Well, we know there's a secret entrance here somewhere and it only opens when the correct phrase is said. Said phrase is supposed to be hidden in this room. The problem is our Purrgyptoligist isn't a Purrgyptoligist. So what could the password be?” George said to himself walking over to the tomb of Cleocatra, his brow furrowed.

“Ahhh!” he slammed his paw down on the tomb, sending a puff of dust everywhere.

“George look!” Amelia pointed to the tomb's lid and inscribed into the stone was a phrase. Amelia looked over it attentively.

“Can you read it?” asked George.

“Yes, it’s in Purrgyptian, it says, ‘From the dawn to the dusk of time, a word shared by all cats before the fall of mankind, a phrase floating around deep within all our minds…meo-'” Amelia halted putting her hands over her mouth as the hair on the groups backs stood up simultaneously.

“It can't be…” murmured Father Joseph, promptly making the sign of the cross before kissing his crucifix and reciting a prayer.

“It makes so much sense,” whispered George wide-eyed.

Amelia lowered her paws from her mouth, “The one word that must never be said. Banned by every government across the earth. The perfect password to protect her riches from those who’d steal it.”

“Well who’s going to say it?” asked Bliffy.

“No one! Do you know how dangerous this could be?” snapped Father Joseph. “Not a soul has said that word since the last epoch.”

“This could be part of Cleocatra’s curse. It may turn us back into animals or even worse, humans,” said Amelia.

All four shivered at the idea.

“If life's a dream then that’d make it a nightmare,” said Geroge staring intently at the carvings on the tomb.

“But maybe the secret entrance will be revealed and we’ll all be rich.” chimed in Bliffy.

George fiddled with his whiskers thinking deeply.

“Well, I can't say it,” said Father Joseph.

“I can't say it,” responded Amelia.

Bliffy takes out his smartphone, “George if you're going to say it give me a heads up so I can get a video, this will definitely go viral but my phone is almost dead.”

“I can't say it,” said George.

“Why not? Think about it, we'll all be rich!” said Bliffy.

“Bliffy the only thing you'll be getting rich from is settlement I’ll have to pay you after I claw apart your face.”

Bliffy went silent.

Then Father Joseph chimed in, “You know the church could do a lot of good with that money...and you owe me for that wine.”

George turned his head with annoyance. "You said that was the altar wine and you drank half the bottle yourself, you didn't have to pay for that!"

Father Joseph stuck his chin up in the air. "But the church did."

“And you still owe me for bringing you down here,” said Amelia.

“Right, all three of you shut it.” George scratched his head again. Thinking to himself, I can't believe my ex-wife is going to get half of this. That's almost a good enough reason to walk right on out of here but look on the bright side, I could pay off my debts, get a house on Nantucket, invest in something less volatile, get that sweet passive income, and retire. What's the worst that could happen, it's just a word. But what if I turn into a human? The thought made Geroge feel like a hairball was stuck in his throat. Ugh. I could be turned into a monster and all of these suckers would get the riches. He continued to ponder.

“Unless…I got an idea,” said George.

“I can't say it. But what if we all said a part of it at once? It's a four-letter word and there are four of us. We can each sound out a single letter altogether. That way none of us are actually saying it.”

The other three looked around at each other and then back at George.

“Well you don't make it as an influencer without taking a risk or two, I got nothing to lose, I’m in,” said Bliffy.

“So am I,” said Amelia.

The three looked at the priest as he turned his head upwards, “Please, have mercy on our souls.”

George grinned. “I'll take the M, Amelia the E, Bliffy the O, and Father Joseph the W.'' 

They all nodded in nervous approval.

“Right,” said Geroge, “On the count of three. One, two, three.”





They all looked about the room anxiously.

“Well, that was underwhelming,” Bliffy said, ending his phone's recording.

“Maybe we should try again?” said George.

“Do you hear that?” asked Amelia.

There was a rumbling sound that grew, dirt began to fall from the ceiling and the ground shook violently.

“Look!” George shouted pointing to the back wall behind the tomb which was slowly sliding into the corner of the chamber and as it opened a golden light illuminated the four.

“Oh my Lord.” said the Priest who couldn't believe his eyes.

“We did it,” Amelia said, mesmerized.

“I did it,” said George transfixed on the golden light showering his face, a vision of him sipping on a pina colada, toes deep in the sand watching the sunset on Nantucket ran through his head.

“No, no, no, no!” shouted Bliffy. The three snapped out of their respective trances and turned to look at him as he dropped to his knees, phone in hand. “I can't believe this! My phone died! This would have gone viral for sure!

February 24, 2024 00:57

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