Adventure Drama Fiction

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. Lilly and Ryan Hankamer had just gotten married in front of 30 of their closest friends and family. The venue was a breathtaking scenic view on the beach. The vibrant turquoise streams and silver balloons danced with each breeze that caressed the beach.

Lilly laughed and danced with her new groom on the dance floor. When it was almost time for the evening to end, Lilly's father and mother strolled over to the happy couple one more time to speak with them about their future plans. She rolled her eyes, muttering to herself, 'Here we go again.'

"Congratulations you two. We did not think you would be able to pull this off with your budget." Her mother greeted, hugging Lilly.

"Thanks-" Lilly started before being interrupted by her father.

"Now, how much money will you need for the honeymoon? You can't possibly have any left after this event. I still don't understand how you could marry this deadbeat who has been in and out of jail and can't hold a job."

Lilly gasped at her father's insulting comments, but before she could process what to say, Ryan was already speaking, "Mr. Greer, let me just start by saying that My Wife is no longer your concern. We need nothing from you. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to tell you both that after today you will neither hear nor speak to either of us again. Enjoy the festivities. This place is paid for until midnight, but we have other plans." Ryan grabbed Lilly's hand, leaving her shocked parents speechless, as they stormed past them.

"Wow, babe. I can't believe you spoke to them like that." Lilly gushed.

Ryan gave her his dashing half grin that had helped him win her over. "Yea, babe. I promised you an adventure. You don't have to worry about anything ever again. Our new life starts tonight. You ready?"

Lilly's heart was suddenly pounding in her chest. She knew he wasn't just talking about the marriage and starting a family. Tonight, they were breaking more than rules. Lilly had always been the good girl. The obedient daughter. The rule follower. Then, Ryan entered her life and everything changed. Before she met him she was just existing, a shell of a human, but now she was living!

"I'm ready, babe. Let's do this!"

"That's my girl.'

A few hours later...

"So, babe, which bracelet do you want.?" Ryan asked, as Lilly looked over the various pieces.

"Hmmm, can we take them all?" She responded.

He shrugged, "You heard the lady, wrap them up."

Lilly giggled, "Honey, stop playing."

"Oh, I guess I should have waiting before shooting him, huh?" Ryan asked, gesturing to the body of the jewelry store owner he had riddled with bullets 15 minutes prior. The new adventure Ryan had talked about was the biggest crime spree in the history of San Diego. This was their 3rd store tonight, and adrenaline was still high.

"Just take what you want, baby girl. I promised you the world and that's what you getting." He wrapped his arms around her waist, gently kissing her neck while she perused the jewelry. That's when they heard the sirens. Ryan swore, glancing out the glass window. Three police cars had pulled into the parking lot. Their exit was blocked. There was no way out.

"Come out with your hands up!" An officer yelled out through the speaker.

"Ryan, what do we do?" Lilly asked , nervously.

"Remember, baby girl, our vows were till death do us part? I'm not going back to jail." Ryan's eyes had lost their shine as he clicked the safety off his gun. "You ready to do this?"

Lilly knew what she was getting into with Ryan when she agreed to marry him. She couldn't imagine her life without him, but never thought it would come to this so soon. It was time to make the final commitment to her love.

"I'm ready." She unholstered her gun, and started walking with him towards the front of the store.

The next few moments were a blur. The litany of shots rang through the air for seemingly hours, but it was only a few minutes. Ryan stood in front of Lilly firing through the broken window. Lilly was shaking as she prepared to make her move. Suddenly, her world stopped as Ryan dropped like a ton of bricks in front of her. She didn't realize while she was finding her nerve to shoot, he had been taking every one for her. She lets out an anguished cry, finally raising her gun. Before she can pull the trigger, a searing pain rips through her chest. She stumbles back a few steps before falling. Tears streamed down her cheeks like a raging river as she clutched her heavily bleeding chest with one hand, while reaching for Ryan with the other.

She lay as broken as the glass under her back. Her gaze clouded with more tears, as she struggled in vain to reach for Ryan's lifeless body. Lilly knew he was dead, but he promised her "Till Death Do Us Part." He was not supposed to leave this world without her. This was their great adventure. She was finally free of her overbearing parents. She was finally ready to live without fear and with abandon. But, some things always seemed to allude her. A happy squeak escapes her lips, as her fingertips finally reach Ryans. "Hey, we got a live one hear." An officer calls out, kicking her hand further from Ryan. "Hey, your boyfriend over there killed two of our officers. Those men had families and people who loved them. I hope you are suffering now." The officer walks away, using his walkie to call in to the station for more ambulances.

The cold began to set in as she felt the gurgling sounds coming from her chest. It won't be long now. I will see you soon, love.

She knew the first moment he smiled at her he would be trouble, but by then it was too late.

November 15, 2020 07:18

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