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Adventure Fiction Friendship

“No, Fortnite is not better than Minecraft for the hundredth time!” Orange said

“Yes, it is, it looks better and has more action and Minecraft is for dorks,” Ricky said back

Orange checked his watch, grabbed Ricky, and zoomed to class. The two boys sat down and enjoyed 3 hours of Math, English, and Science lectures while starving and waiting for lunch to come.

“You better hurry up orange!” Ricky said

“Ok!” he growled back

They sat down at the second most populated table, which had more kids than the table with the nerd that ate alone. The table was filled brace-faced 14-year-olds, meatball subs, and talks of the newest PS8.

“Did you guys hear about the new phone that’s coming out?” Derrick said

“No when is it coming out,” Ricky asked

“Tomorrow at 6 o’clock.” Chelsea chimed in

With that news, Ricky was excited to get out of school. On the bus, he was discussing with orange their plan for getting the new phone. They used their brilliant 21st-century minds to devise a plan to get the new phone before almost anybody else. So, the two boys got off the bus and went home to sleep. Fast forward to 3:40 in the morning when Ricky hopped out of bed to sneak out of the house to get orange. He ran 5 blocks down to oranges house and snuck into his window.

“Wake up bro,” Ricky said

“Dude it's almost 4 in the morning.”

“I know but we have to get the phone.”

Ricky picked up orange and threw him on the floor forcing him to wake up. Orange put on his tight jeans and his Black hoodie. Orange tried to eat a bowl of cereal, but Ricky grabbed him by his hood and pulled him out the door.  When the two arrived at the store to get their phones, they were struck by a line of 100 people waiting to get the phone. People were sitting in chairs, families were getting out of tents. and goths were standing like zombies with energy drinks. Orange and Ricky look at each other in disbelief.

“The line is too long bro, what should we do,” Ricky said

“I think I know,” Orange said pointing up

He and Ricky looked up at a tree and they saw the biggest beehive ever. It was dripping and gushing with honey. Ricky took off his shoe and tried to throw at the hive, but it missed. Then he grabbed a rock but that missed too. He then noticed two kids playing catch. One of the kids was about to throw the ball but he took it from them and launched it at the hive. It did not hit the hive but the branch holding it came tumbling down. The hive fell right at their feet and out came at least 500 bees ready to sting. All of the insects began to sting the people in line. Chaos flooded the block as people were running around in circles and going crazy. Bees even were getting into people’s tents.

Orange and Ricky ran into the store immediately and used all their money for the new phone. It was a mission accomplished but at the cost of people getting stung.

The boys went to get on the bus for school. Everyone circled around them as they were the first on the bus to get the new phone. There were so many kids around them except for one boy who sat alone staring out the window. Many girls were rushing up to Orange and Ricky and were giving their numbers.

“Dude these phones are amazing,” Orange said

“I know man, let's call each other later on tonight and see how good these things really are” Ricky replied

Orange and Ricky ran home as fast as possible. Once they got home it was time to call each other. They talked on the phone for hours and got other people on there with them. Orange went to sleep once his bedtime came but Ricky did not get to as he had other plans. He stayed up until 2:00am talking to many different girls on the phone. He fell asleep on the fifth girl he talked to.

The next morning, they dragged themselves on the bus exhausted. They were barely even able to open their eyes. The one thing orange could do was reach into his pocket and grab his phone, but he felt in his pocket it was not there. He checked his bag, his back pocket, but he could not find it. Ricky then checked around for his, but he also could not find his device.

“Dude, what happened?”

“I don’t know but I think some idiot might have robbed us.”

They both looked at each and they knew they had to do everything it took to find the phones. During lunch, they went around the school interrogating everybody. They interrogated the teachers, students, and even the principal. They looked in everybody’s lockers and everybody’s bag, but they just could not find them.                                             

“What are you guys looking for?” Chelsea said

“We lost our phones, and we can’t find them anywhere,” Ricky said

“I think I can help you guys; I have a phone tracker that you can borrow.”

“Oh, thanks!”

“No problem, just make sure to bring it back tomorrow.”

Chelsea had just saved them hours of looking. With her device, they could find their phones in no time and bring justice to whoever

robbed them.

Once they got home from school, they walked to Orange's house to use the tracker. They got into his bedroom and hooked the tracker up to his laptop. It took a while for it to boot up but eventually, it worked. When they looked on the device, they saw their phones were in two different locations. Ricky’s phone was two blocks down the street from where they were, but oranges were in china.

“Why is my phone in china bro?”

“I don’t know but let's just go get mine”

The two put a ski mask on and grabbed baseball bats and rode their bikes down to the house. They arrived at the house in about ten minutes.

They went around the back of the house and broke into the back window. All the lights in the house were off except for the basement light. They snuck down the basement steps slowly. When they got halfway down the steps, they saw a huge computer. At the bottom of it was somebody in a hooded bathrobe.

“Ok, on the count of three we will charge at them. One, two...”

Orange’s count was stopped as Ricky charged at the hooded thief. He screamed and charged at him, but the masked man turned and kicked between his legs. Orange threw a rock at him but missed. He then charged with his bat, but the hooded man pulled out his own bat that was twice the size of oranges. Ricky was still on the ground, trying to recover from how hard his grapefruits were kicked. He had to lay in pain and watch his friend struggle. He looked around to see what he could and as he was looking, he saw his phone. It was locked inside a glass case. He crawled over to it and managed to stand up. He grabbed his bat and swung it as hard as he could at the glass, but it just wouldn’t crack.

Meanwhile, Orange was still struggling to hold his own against the hooded thief. He was on the ground ready to be smacked in the head by a sixteen-inch bat. The hooded thief was ready to strike until his arms gave out and the bat fell on his head. He was sent dizzy and orange tackled him down to the ground.

“Ricky get the phone”

“I can’t, the glass won't break”

“Let me see then”

He got off the hooded thief and ran over to help Ricky. They used both of their bats at the same and smashed the glass to pieces. They raised the phone in victory. Before they could run to the steps however an alarm went off in the room and filled the place with sleep gas. As they faded away the masked man put down his hood to reveal a gas mask.

The boys woke up two hours later and the first thing they saw was a massive screen with a blueprint of a massive robot.

“Where is my phone?” Ricky asked

“It is ready to be inserted into my creation” the hooded thief

“You better give back now before I kick your teeth in”

“Never, I need it to create the perfect friend”

“What are you talking about, and who even are you”

The thief took off his hood and his mask to reveal his identity.

“Oh my god, your Francis, that kid who sits alone all the time” orange said

“No, I’m not, I’m the kid who has abandoned by the whole school” he yelled “Nobody has ever cared about me in my life, not even my parents. That’s why I'm down here because I'm only allowed to come up during school days”

“Dude all you had to do was ask to hang out with us, and we would have said yes”

“I did once and you ignored me”


“Remember when that letter you 2 months ago?”

“I don’t read letters”

“Well, that doesn’t matter anymore, because I have created the perfect friend, and he will destroy the whole world. Starting with you”

Francis went over to his computer and clicked a few buttons. Then out of the middle of the room came a huge metal coffin. It opened and out came a nearly seven-foot-tall, almost human-looking robot. It had long arms, no hair, and had a face that looked like Dwayne Johnson. It walked slowly over to the boys. Orange pulled out a pocketknife and managed to cut them loose. The giant robot swung his arm and smashed a dent into the floor. Orange and Ricky picked up their bats and swung them both at the android hitting it in the legs. The bats suffered more damage than it did, however. The robot looked down at both and decide to pick up Orange and throw him across the room.

“Orange no!” Ricky cried

In a fit of rage, Ricky put on his brass knuckles and threw two huge swings at the robots’ legs. He managed to scratch off some paint but that did not stop him from getting picked up high into the air. With the robot’s other empty hand, he pulled out a large knife and pointed it at Ricky.

“Now Rick, it is time for you to realize the consequences of rejection,” Francis said

“Dude your insane, no wonder you have no friends”

Orange woke up and looked in his bag to see what could help Ricky. The only thing he could find was one and only supreme. He used his smallest piece of strength to launch the brick at the robot. He missed but instead of hitting the robot, he knocked Francis over the head.

Francis fell to the floor.  He was knocked unconscious. The next thing he saw was 5 years into the future. He saw a world where the human population was severely lowered. He was on a throne next to his robot friend. He looked around himself and saw a world filled with A.I. he was shocked to see what he had done was so scared that he woke up. He now knew that he had a new job. But he was not sure if wanted power or his species to live longer.

The robot’s knife was getting closer and closer to Ricky’s face and Orange was in the corner vomiting blood. Francis saw all of this and decided he had no choice but to pull the plug. He unplugged every wire in the lab. And he finally poured his gallon of coffee onto his friend.

Ricky was dropped onto the floor and fell right on his feet. He picked up Oranges and then the three of them went running out of the house as the robot exploded in the basement.

“Why did you decide to save us?” Ricky asked

“I realized that the human race is more important than some dumb robot,” Francis said happily

The next day at school Francis was once again sitting alone until Orange and Ricky decided to sit and talk with him. They hung out for the rest of the month and even went to china to get Oranges' phone.

November 13, 2020 21:04

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1 comment

Matt B
21:05 Nov 13, 2020

This is my first story, cut me some slack


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