Pack That Suitcase

Submitted into Contest #47 in response to: Suitcase in hand, you head to the station.... view prompt



Suitcase in hand, you head to the station, longing to escape the reality of quarantine and violent protest that devour our nation and what it stands for. Your suitcase filled with just the essentials, waiting patiently at the ticket booth to purchase a first class pass to the farthest beach of white sand with an endless blue ocean for tranquility and peace. Your tropical drinks with tiny umbrellas are served with a smile as you lay in the warmth of the sun and music plays in your mind that sweeps you away on a glistening wave. It still seems so far away as the chaos outside the station is a display of ugly bashing and demands being yelled as to what you are supposed to think. You anxiously await the attendants attention to get that one step closer to distancing yourself away from the madness that fills our streets. Individuals with the same thought come piling in through the station door and assume their place in line. With sloth-like movement, the attendant raises her head to see the overwhelming line before her. The printing of tickets seems to take a life time for the group of 15 before you in line.

Protesting, violence, and police defunding scream through the headlines of all media outlets. Election mud slinging is on display for the world to see. Headlines are dependent on the party they favor. Freedom of speech is being violated by censorship and Americans are taking it personally. The overwhelming desire to head for the station fills individual’s minds that are tired of being locked down in their homes due to a virus. Constitutional rights have been thrown out of the window by instilling fear among citizens. You want to be able to think, to understand what is happening, and to look at the evidence that must be found by doing research. The public must be shown to realize what is happening behind closed doors. Disbelief circulates. Only a true patriot will allow their eyes to be opened and then assume the difficult task of sharing the light with others. Others, who want to head to the station, with their suitcases packed to share their knowledge so that darkness may turn to light.

           The train whistle finally echoes through the station. You excitedly realize it is your ticket out of here. You purchase the ticket and quickly run to the terminal to board. The perfect seat next to the window is yours to imagine what you long to do when the destination is met. "All aboard", the conductor calls. You look around to the passengers that fill the train around you. The same whimsical look falls over their faces. Where are they going? Their minds too are fixed imagining what it will be like once they leave the confines of the city. The train begins to slowly chug down the track and soon the city you escaped becomes lost in the distance. With a sigh of relief, you close your eyes and the sound of the train riding the tracks leads you to sleep and to dream of your destination that you will soon be enjoying. Away from fear, media lies, and violence, far away from chaos is where you choose to be.

           The sun so bright, sunglasses barely block the glare. Fruity drinks with an ocean view is what the doctor ordered. Revitalization fills your being. The sound of sea gulls flying over the ocean and waves crashing on the beach remedies the memories of mud slinging and vulgar actions that were left behind. It is now a time to draw thoughts near and to process them in your own time. You are free! Free to think for yourself. Free to come to terms with what is happening in our great nation. Free to form your own opinion. Freedom began when you packed that suitcase and headed for the station. Freedom rang when the train started down the track. Clear your mind, open your heart, and see with your eyes what freedom means to you. It is up to you to determine your freedom. Fill your suitcase with positivity and love. Live your life by letting freedom ring in your heart and through your desires. Allow yourself to find who you truly are and what you want to do with your life. Never be afraid to pack your suitcase and take a chance. Chances should be taken for without them, one will never know the outcome.

           You are an American. As an American, you have the freedom of choice, the ability to dream, and the motivation to succeed. Your suitcase is filled with priceless abilities that make you an individual. Free thought allows you to use those abilities in promoting peace, common sense, and responsibility. Endless possibilities fill our nation when used for good. Fighting and destruction among us only makes the divide deeper and leaves the impossibility of doing what is right. Take the time to pack your suitcase and go to the station to embark on a journey of clarity and discovery. The journey will be rewarding whether it be a lesson learned or discovery of fate. Climb the mountain or dive deep in the sea of adventure and show the world just how special you are. Nothing is impossible if you at least try. Lets teach our children to love and respect and to reach for the stars. You are worthy and beautiful and free to pack that suitcase and head for the station to travel down the track you desire. Knowledge is power and it cannot be taken away. Use knowledge to make informed decisions about what is best for you. You get one life to live and a good question to ask yourself is “How do you want to be remembered?” Do you want to be remembered for thinking for yourself and doing something positive with your life or do you want to be remembered as unhappy, negative, or evil? You have a choice and the choice is yours alone. My advice to you is not to be afraid to pack that suitcase and head for the station. Taking chances on yourself is liberating. It fuels the soul to be the best you that you wish to be.

June 26, 2020 16:43

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