
Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt

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My name is Crystal. As usual I didn't wake up in my bed today. I´m 13 years old when I turned thirteen, and I felt different. My 13th surprise birthday was a disaster because when my mom was walking me to my surprise party, without me knowing, I disappeared. I realized that I had a superpower, it was teleportation. You might think it is a cool superpower but really it isn't because I don´t wake up in my bed. My mom, my grandma and my younger sister, Clarissa, are the only ones who know that I have a superpower, no one would ever believe me but in my family all of the women got a power when they turn 13. My mom has invisibility and my grandma has mind control but my grandma and I can see Mom even if she is invisible and my mom and I can stand Grandma´s mind control. My dad doesn't know because we are supposed to keep it a secret and also because he died 2 years ago because he was in the army. 

¨Uuh, I woke up on the sofa?¨ I questioned myself. ¨I really need to learn how to control my power.¨ I said to myself. ¨Clarissa, are you in the bathroom!¨ I yelled. ¨No, you ask me that all the time!¨ Clarissa yelled. My mom has tried to help me control my power so I was trying to get upstairs using my teleportation. I closed my eyes and concentrated on trying to get upstairs. When I opened my eyes I was at the top of the staircase. ¨Whoo, mom I got upstairs using my teleportation!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Good job darling, I knew you could do it!¨ Mom exclaimed. ¨That's not fair when do I get my own superpower!¨ Clarissa yelled. ¨Honey, like I told you you are only 12 and plus you are getting your superpower tomorrow so does it really matter,¨ Mom said. ¨Yeah, because I want them today!¨ Clarissa explained. 

I went into mom's bedroom. ¨Mom is grandma still in her bed sleeping?¨ I asked. ¨Probably because I don't hear her right now.¨ Mom said. ¨Okay, I´ll talk to her when she wakes up, but right now I am going to take a shower. Oh yeah, one more question, can I try to teleport myself to school, and if it doesn't work I'll tell you where I am so you can take me to school.¨ I explained. ¨Okay, but on one condition, you have to call me no matter what if anything happens, promise?¨ Mom said. ¨Promise,¨ I said. 

I went into the bathroom and took a bath. Then I heard my grandma talking to mom so I got out of the bathroom to go put on my clothes for school. Then I went into Grandma's room to see what she and mom were talking about. ¨Good morning Grandma!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Good morning to you too darling,¨ Grandma said. ¨Grandma I went from downstairs to upstairs while using my power. Also mom said that I could go to school with my teleportation!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Wait, wait, wait, remember I said sif you land in the wrong place that you have to call me,¨ Mom explained. ¨Uuh, yeah, yeah, yeah whatever,¨ I said. ¨Ok, well I am going to go and eat breakfast, bye.¨ I went downstairs using my teleportation. 

¨Wow you are already here, wait, wait, wait, I know what this is about you are trying to act responsible so mom would give you a power, mom already told you it doesn't work that way.¨ I explained. ¨Well, I don't care what you guys think because I am going to find a way to get a power,¨ Clarissa exclaimed proudly.¨We´ll see about that,¨ I whispered. ¨Wait what did you say?¨ Clarissa asked. ¨Nothing, nothing at all,¨ I said slowly. I went into the fridge to get some vanilla yogurt for breakfast. ¨That's all you´re going to eat for breakfast?¨ Clarissa asked. ¨Yeah of course I don't want to eat cereal, it is not healthy, and I wonder why you are eating it,¨ I said. ¨I'm eating it because I´m not those old people who have to be on a diet,¨ Clarissa said. ¨Wow, for once I actually understand you,¨ I said. ¨Uuh, please I can't stand you,¨ Clarissa said. ¨Whatever,¨ I said. ¨Mom, Grandma I´m going!¨ I yelled. ¨Remember Crystal if you don't get to school...¨ Mom said. ¨Yeah, yeah, yeah, I call you to take me to school instead, ok bye!¨ I exclaimed. I closed my eyes and concentrated on trying to get to school. I opened my eyes and I found myself behind a bush that was right outside school. 

“Yes I did it!” I exclaimed under my breath. Also my mom made an exception and my best friend, Riley, is also another person who knows that I have a power. “Hey Crystal, did your mom finally let you come to school using your teleportation?¨ Riley asked. ¨Yes! Also I landed in the right place!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Well, finally,¨ Riley said sarcastically. ¨Huh, I don't think that is fair, it takes a long time to master a power, Riley,¨ I said. ¨Don't sweat I was just being sarcastic,¨ Riley said. ¨Oh, that makes more sense, okay let's go,¨ I said. ¨You know I´m so glad that we got lockers next to each other in all of middle school and we also get the same classes, it is like we were meant to be best friends,¨ Riley said. 

¨Ok now that school is done for the day can you teleport me with you so I can help with Clarissa´s 13th birthday party?¨ Riley asked. ¨Okay, but text your mom and tell her that my mom is going to drive us to my house so we can set up for Clarissa´s birthday party,¨ I explained. ¨Okay, I bet that Clarissa is really excited to get her own power,¨ Riley said. ¨Yeah she has been trying to get mom to give her a power,¨ I said. ¨Now that's what I call desperate,¨ Riley said. ¨I know right,¨ I said. ¨Okay, hold onto me, no, wait, let's go behind the bush so no sees us,¨ I said. ¨Okay,¨ Riley replied. ¨Okay hold on,¨ I said. I closed my eyes and concentrated so I could get Riley and I to my house. 

¨OMG Crystal you did it!¨ Riley exclaimed. ¨Oh my gosh I did!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Mom I´m home with Riley!¨ I yelled. ¨Okay, come upstairs so you can get the decorations for Clarissa´s birthday party!¨ Mom exclaimed. ¨Ok mom!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Ok, Mrs. Rodrigo!¨ Riley yelled. ¨Ok, hold on Riley,¨ I said. As Riley held on to me I closed my eyes and concentrated on trying to get upstairs. ¨We did it!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Ok, now let's go get the decorations,¨ Riley said. We entered my mom's room and got the streamers, balloons, confetti, party blowers, and party hats and the centerpieces. ¨Okay hold on,¨ I saids. Riley held on to me and I closed my eyes and tried to get us outside in our backyard. 

¨Okay let's start decorating,¨ I said. ¨It's not supposed to be windy at night so my mom said to do everything. Since the tables already have tablecloths on them, put the centerpieces and I´m going to hang streamers on the sign with Clarissa´s name. ¨Ok, I´m done putting all the centerpieces on the tables,¨ Riley said. ¨Yeah, I finished putting the streamers,¨ I said. ¨Okay, this time attach balloons onto the chairs, and I will put the party blowers and hats on the tables.¨ I said. ¨Okay, we are done, go call your mom so she can you pick up,¨ I said ¨Ok,¨ Riley said. 

¨Ok, I called my mom and she said she was golfing to pick me up. She said she was on her way,¨ Riley said. ¨Ok,¨ I said. The doorbell rang. ¨Riley your mom is here,¨ I said. ¨Ok,¨ Riley said. ¨Bye Riley,¨ I said. ¨Bye, Crystal,¨ Riley said. ¨Mom, Riley´s mom came and picked her up. She's gone now,” I said. ¨Ok, it is time for you to brush your teeth and go to bed, okay,¨ Mom said. ¨Ok,¨ I said. I went to go and brush my teeth and I went to bed. 

The next day everyone was rushing through the house to meet the early guests. I went to take a bath and then I wore a formal dress. I went into Clarissa´s room to see what superpower that she got. ¨Clarissa, what superpower did you get!¨ I exclaimed. ¨Oh my gosh, I got superspeed, now I can try out for the track team!¨ Clarissa exclaimed. ¨Nuh uh, young lady, remember you can not expose your powers to the public,¨ Mom said. ¨Humph, that is not fair mom,¨ Clarissa said. ¨Ok, put you can only use a bit of your power, ok,¨ Mom said. ¨Ok,¨ I said. 

My grandma, my mom, my little sister and I all took a picture. Just because we were women doesn't mean that we weren´t powerful.

July 23, 2020 20:14

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1 comment

Sue Marsh
15:30 Jul 30, 2020

the story line is good, although the introduction was a bit confusing. keep writing


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