Suspense Thriller Horror

Clock ticking breaking the empty silence of the room, Staring at the ceiling in darkness. He lay there still. His body tucked safely under the warm embrace of his bed covers. The endless ticking in the dark, echoing around the small, hollowed room. Peaceful- yet not. The Erie light from the misty moon, casting a glow on the old wooden floorboards of the chilly room.

A dull three taps on the glass window send shivers down his spine. His body jumping and sitting up, looking to the glowing window. He Lifted himself out of the warm bed, letting his feet feel the cold floorboards below. His heart pounding, eyes narrowing in the darkness, seeing shadows of shapes in his room of the furniture. Walking over until he stood at the window, the moon glowing, now, casting down on him, on his pale skin, his hand now against the frost-covered glass of the window, looking outside over the dense trees of the woods. Dark shadows at the edge of the treeline, and a grey mist setting outside, thick, blocking out most of the view. 

The boy watched through the mist, down by the treeline of the woods outside, his eyes soon met with a pair of glowing yellow eyes watching up at him. His hair standing on edge as he felt soft breathing on his neck, warm, and close. He spun around looking into the darkness of the room. Nothing. His mind playing tricks. Turning back to the window, his heart near stopped seeing the unhuman yellow eyes staring into his window. The creature perched on the ledge. Its large bony body perched on the window ledge. Its claws for feet, gripping, keeping its balance. Its dark skin clinging to it, stretching across his body. Its large head tilted, mouth wide, showing off its hundreds of tiny knife-like teeth. The glowing ray from the full moon casting shadows on the creature as its bright yellow eyes were fixated hungrily on the young boy. Lifting its twisted hand to the glass, its long slender hand resting against the glass, as the young boy did only moments ago. Its grin only growing as its split, snake tongue flicked back and forth in its large mouth, running over the knives in its mouth.

The boy frowned as for a long few moments he just stared at the creature, every move the boy made, the creature would follow with his eyes. The boy felt nothing. Not fear of the creature, nothing. He walked closer to the window looking up at its tall skeletal frame. The things long razors for claws, lightly tapping in a rhythmic motion, the clicking on the glass now echoing loud in the room, louder than the ticking. The boy lifted his hand to the glass, placing it against the creatures. His hand half the size of these things. Standing there, press his hand against the cold glass, keeping his eyes on the creature as the creature did the same. He watched as the creature grinned widely, as if its jaw was detached, opening its mouth wide, its long snake tongue sliding out of its mouth, leaning down to where the young boys head was, licking the glass, smearing it with a dark goo from its throat. The boy did not flinch, nor did he feel fear. 

The creatures unhuman eyes almost hypnotic in a way. The creature moved its hand away, looking back at the boy until it slowly crawled down the side of the building and out of sight. The boy frowned, leaning closer to the window as he watched it crawl out of sight. He soon, walked across the cold floor again, to the bed, slumping down on the firm mattress. Staring at the window, waiting until the creature came back, listening to the ticking, waiting to hear the creatures tapping again. It never came, the tapping never came. What he did hear was loud scratching coming from the hall. The boy stared at the closed door, silently. Again, three dull thuds came from his bedroom door, only this time it sent pure panic through his body, a cold shiver ran straight down his spine as he stood up again. The clawing and tapping again as like the window- now against his door. The creature was outside his bedroom door, in the house. 

Trapped. The boy narrowed his eyes to the closet in the corner, small yet enough to fit his tiny frame in. The boy crept over, opening the door, and climbing into the closet, pulling the door closed as he shifted to the back and hid himself under some of the hung-up clothes.

His heart now beating rapidly against his chest, pounding. Closing his eyes tightly, just hearing, his knees curled up against his torso, curled up, being quiet. His breathing became panting. His small hand was now forced over his mouth, gripping it tightly keeping his small whimpers muffled under it, when he heard the creak of his bedroom door. Another dull thud as the door handle bounced against the wall, hearing a dragging sound entering the room. But the boy didn’t know the creature could hear his heartbeat, smell his fear.

The creature crawled in, licking its large gaping mouth as it started sniffing around the room, almost taunting the boy. Dragging its long claws across the floor, now a low growling sound echoing. The boy hid his face, fear taking over as tears fell down his pale face. The dragging stopped. Straight outside the closet door. Another three light taps, echoed against the closet door, followed by a scraping sound dragging down the wood. A whimper escaped the young boy's mouth, with that, he could almost feel the creatures grin from the other side of the wood. There were a few long minutes of silence- maybe it had gone away.

The boy opened his eyes, pushing open the door slightly enough to peak out. He couldn’t see in the dark, opening the door a bit more as he gave a small sob of relief… He was grabbed- the claws holding his throat tightly.

His small body being thrown across the room. The boy watched as the monster crawled its way towards him, flicking its tongue. Soon, face to face with the huge beast. The monster raised his hand, striking down onto the boys tiny body- feeling the sharp pain across his throat, but not able to scream for help… Then, the boy woke up, a cold sweat. His heart pounding, looking around the room. He was safe in his bed, It was just a nightmare… Until three dull taps echoed at the window again- it was back.

June 11, 2021 15:33

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