Crime Romance

“I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

“I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."

She once thought that love and marriage were the same. That she didn’t need love. She thought that love was for suckers and people who didn't have hopes. People who didn't have dreams. Besides, she didn't have anyone to fall in love with anyway.

But that was the past.

Now, in her sleeveless silhouette and her long veil covering her long straight hair, she felt more happy than she had ever been She never imagined this moment ever happening. She never wanted to. Instead, she wished for a happy life by herself and maybe just one little pet. That couldn’t hurt. But she soon figured out that a person was way better than a pet. You could talk to them, help them, adventure together, and love together. Smiling at her groom, she knew that her past was the past and that she would just have to forget it. She fell in love once, She could do it again many times. But she had to hold on to her groom for now.

* * *

”You will never fall in love. Who would possibly want you? Who would possibly want an ugly, fat girl? Answer me.”

This was what she had had to go through ever single day when she was in 5th Grade. She had a crush on a boy who was so popular he didn’t even know her name. And then when it spilled out, the girls started tormenting her, calling her fat and ugly.

That was when she became rogue.

She ignored everyone who bullied her and instead, she would glare at them as she passed. Sooner than later, people started to back off. And she was happy with that. Of course, things didn’t change. No one still liked her, and she didn’t like anyone.

Until now.

* * *

”Hey babe, what do you want for dinner?“ She asks to her groom.

”You dont have to ask me. We’ve got service, remember?” He answers, grinning.

”Oh right. I forget.” She nervously giggles.

She had still not gotten a hold of this new feeling, love. At first, when she saw him with his friends at the club, it was too much to handle. Too much that she had to vomit an hour later. She had only went to the club for the music and drinks. She never expected to go and fall in love. Now, even on her honeymoon, she still has butterflies in her stomach. Just thinking of herself alone without him makes her fists clench. Little does she know that her fists do more than clench.

* * *

“Oh My Frickin God! What happened?”

She yells at a blood covered groom. A thick knife is stabbed at his chest, and his once pretty brown eyes show shock. His body lay on the floor, which is flooded by his crimson blood.

Her hair hangs from her head and soaks the tears she form.

Because he is at the front door, she figures it was room service that had done this.

“I will kill that sack of shit!” She glares at the blood covered door and promises her dead groom.

* * *

“I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

“I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen.“

She once thought that love and marriage were the same. That she didn’t need love. She thought that love was for suckers and people who didn't have hopes. People who didn't have dreams. Besides, she didn't have anyone to fall in love with anyway.

She once thought that love will be wasted. Even if you do love, what’s the point? One of you will get taken away from life and you will never see each other again.

She once regretted this. Was she really in love, or did she just need someone to hold on to so she didn't have to be alone again? Was this man someone worth her life? Maybe he wasn’t going to die like the other groom. If not, would he be worth living with and loving?

She once thought that her past was the past and that she would just have to forget it. She fell in love once, She could do it again many times. Could she really? Maybe she couldn’t. Maybe she would just be afraid of losing and losing and she would never have someone. But that is also scary. Being alone your whole life. Not falling in love and not having any friends.

But here she is back again, just past a year after his death. Wearing a sleeveless slinky dress this time, with a short veil. She decided to dress rogue-like. She even got her hair chopped short. She never got to killing whoever did it to him, but she will one day. She promised it.

She’s been to his cemetery several times, crying and praying like she never would have done when she was younger. She hopes that her groom now will live longer.

”I won‘t let my groom die this time.” She whispers.

The End

January 01, 2021 23:28

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I really enjoyed this story a lot! :)


Coco Longstaff
22:25 Jan 02, 2021

......Really? You did? But everything’s kind of repeated and wasted dont you think? I only like the content of the “wedding vows” hmmmm but anyway. Thank you very much


Of course I did! Your stories are very unique and creative in my opinion!


Coco Longstaff
23:55 Jan 02, 2021

Aww thanks


Of course! :)


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Coco Longstaff
10:58 Jan 02, 2021

Hmmmm this is kind of weird. It’s being repeated too much. I think I will edit this one day


Clara Woodwake
15:53 Jan 11, 2021

It is fine if you don't repeat it again, but to repeat it for the next wedding is perfect. Nice story.


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16:06 Feb 11, 2021

At first I thought it was just accidentally repeated but I like how it's like she vowed herself not to let her new groom die.


Coco Longstaff
03:08 Feb 12, 2021



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Klara Kuznecova
22:04 Jan 09, 2021

Wow! Amazing story! Really loved the words of these wedding vows. And the plot itself was niiice


Coco Longstaff
22:24 Jan 09, 2021

Oh wow thanks so much Yes. I’m not married yet, but this story is kind of based on me, because I never thought that I would have a crush, but then now I do, so it’s just a little bit similar. Again, thanks!


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Coco Longstaff
10:58 Jan 02, 2021

But thanks for the likes


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Ohhhh Noooooo Okay, I can tell you like murder. ME TOO GURL/ BOI POWERFUL ENDING AGAIN HOLY CRAP


Coco Longstaff
00:46 Jan 04, 2021

YES!! Go team thriller/murder! I’m a girl but you can call me whatever you want! Thanks again. But hold up your profile pic is Shinobu!? I love her too




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