My story is titled A magician who never reveals his secret to the community.

Written in response to: Write a story about a magician who never reveals their secrets — until now.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is titled A magician who never reveals his secret to the community. 

Once upon a time, there lived a magician by name Okonkwo, who never sleeps nor slumbers. 

Also, the magician tends to be predominantly artistic individuals meaning they are creative and original and work well in a setting that allows for self-expression. The magician makes real magic, casting spells and summoning other spirits. Most magicians like Okonkow performs illusions to mystify and entertain the audiences. Also, other magicians including Okonkow used quick hand movements, and a variety of other techniques to perform classic tricks such as pulling rabbit out of a hat or making handkerchief disappear. 

Sometimes Okonkow the magician uses common methods in performing magic that includes the sleight of hand, misdirection and optical illusions. 

The magician never reveals his secret. It was the magician by name Okonkow who performed all sorts of good deeds and bad deeds. Also, other magicians like Okonkow can predict and know what a person is thinking or feeling at any given time.

Some divine magicians are deities who are powerfully trained enchanters, sages, seers, sorcerers, warlocks, wizards that represent the art and study of divine magic.

Magic skills are skills that involves the essence of magic. Okonkow the magician sometimes manipulates the Elements of ice, fire and lightning when performing magic. Also, Okonkow uses mana in casting magic within the community.  

Whenever the magician performs his magical task to the admiration of the community, he often calls out the magical words louder and in a happy tone claiming to the community that he is prepared and ready to perform magic for the community. 

The magician also uses wood from the forest in performing black magic. This well-known magician by name Okonkow could possibly turn wood ashes into money and vice versa turn money into wood ashes this was magnificent in the eyes of the inhabitants of the community. 

Also, the magician could turn humans into pigs and vice versa turn pigs into humans and this happens to be mysterious in the eyes of the inhabitants of the community. 

Again, due to the magical nature of the magician he was cautioned never to reveal his secret. 

However, despite of the magic shows Okonkow performed within his community he was never willing to reveal his secret about how magic was being performed and also the reason why we have and experience both day and night. It can be noted that it was the magician by name Okonkow who often goes to the thick forest alone to perform some magic and other sacrifices. 

Most people advised the magician never to take part in any pagan sacrifice whatsoever because it was demonic to the customs of the community. 

Also, the magician obliged and said Yes that he will never take part in any Pagan sacrifice whatsoever within community. Also due to the customs of the community, the magician never joined any pagan sacrifice, but was able to always perform his magic of the right time to the community. 

This magician by name Okonkow performed other magic by healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out devils and other demons from other inhabitants within the community. 

The magician, Okonkwo is skilled in magic and he is the most well-known magician within the community.

Also, Okonkwo the magician behaves more like the famous David Copperfield, Harry Houdini, Dai Vernon and several others.

Okonkwo the magician is a performer of magic who often entertains an audience at most events or parties by engaging them in some sort of tricks or illusion. Okonkwo encounters problems sometimes in complication of magic acts especially during large shows held within the community.

It can be noted that the magician Okonkwo also has some skills which includes a good eye coordination and can also perform intricate movement during magic with ease.

Some magicians like Okonkwo often entertains and engages audiences within the community.

The Magician unlike Okonkwo has the ability to create a sense of suspense and drama in order to actually use their performance skills to hold the audience attention within the community.

The god of most magicians happens to be Hakau. Okonkow admires the father of magic Jean Eugene Robert Houdin that was why that was the reason why he took the mandate of being a magician.

Whenever Okonkow the magician performs an act within the community he is being paid a salary due to this he finds his job as a lucrative job.

It was the magician Okonkow who often turns water into red wine and vice versa he also turns red wine into water especially during parties and festivals.

In addition, the magician often cries out loud to the Ancestors when performing magic. 

Ah! Ah! May the heavens open for Magic to reign once again was the words of Okonkow the magician.

Again, the magician Okonkwo was always silent at all times and sometimes he fasted without any food and other meals especially during the day and evening. 

Also, the magician argues that fasting helps the soul and body to grow stronger in order to perform magic and other sorcery for the community at large. 

It was this magician by name Okonkow who often removes the chains that Satan and other evil gods have entangled around both the hands and legs of the inhabitants within the community. 

Go to bed! , Go to bed! were also the words of the magician whenever he sees children roaming and dancing late at night he believes evil spirits might come and haunt them. 

The Magician represents the potential and tapping into one’s talent.

Also, the magician possesses an awesome power used in performing magic. 

Finally, the magician never revealed his secret to the community about how magic is being performed and why we have both day and night.?

This is because he believes humans and other individuals are never trustworthy at all and it is only the Father of the sky who can possibly tell the secret of the Magician after his death and when he is being reincarnated. 

For it was foretold that a magician shall be born and he will do exploits then he will die and reincarnate back to life. 

July 20, 2023 00:44

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