
I love sitting here with you. It’s such a peaceful spot with the bridge and the ducks and swans floating by. 

Don’t forget the rats. There’s plenty of them about too. One scurried under this bench when I was sitting here on my own the other day.

Trust you to go and spoil things. 

What do you mean?

Bringing a rat into it. I was thinking more of Monet’s bridge with the waterlilies under it. What did you do?

Nothing. He just popped his head round. To say hello. Fortunately, by then I’d finished my sandwich. I shuffled my legs and off he scarpered.

I’d love to see a water vole.

You look all dreamy when you say that. How would you know the difference?

A water vole is sweeter than a rat. It has a round friendly face, a short tail, and tiny ears. And it’s all furry.

A rat is furry too.

But a vole is cute. Think of “Wind in the Willows.”

You’re thinking of Ratty. Another rat. 

Oh, you know what I mean. Endearing characters. 

I’ve never read it so I wouldn’t know.

Come to think of it, neither have I. But back to water voles. Maybe the reason we never see one is because they’re fast becoming an endangered species.

Why’s that?

All the rubbish that gets thrown into our rivers, no doubt. That, and loss of habitat.

Well, there’s plenty of hidey-holes for all manner of creatures here.

For sure.

Do you remember when we saw that snake further up the river and you said how streamlined it was with its head poking out of the water?

I’m not likely to forget something like that in a hurry. It was fascinating to watch, even if it did seem out of context. I always think of snakes as creatures that glide through the grass, not swimming in the river. If you can call it swimming. I’ve only ever seen grass snakes round here. You have to admit it looked kind of weird moving through the water. Menacing.

Only if you don’t like snakes.

I wonder how many times we’ve sat here since we’ve known one another.

I don’t know. A lot, probably.

I used to spend my break here on my own before…

Before what?


Well, what? 

Before you came along.

Did you?


It’s certainly picturesque. Shall I take a picture of us sitting here on my phone?

If you like.

Not in the mood?

You’ve taken a lot of pictures of us out together. On our outings. I mean don’t get me wrong – I love the pictures and videos you’ve taken, but it’s nice to sit quietly sometimes.

Fancy sharing a drink?

Go on, then.

Wonder what’s happened to the heron’s nest.

That’s much further along the river. Below the town’s main bridge. Anyway, it wouldn’t be nesting at this time of year. 

It’s not there at all now. That part of the river has flooded onto the island bit where it had its nest.

I thought that was where the swan’s nest was.

Well, whatever it was. There was a grey stork-like creature that seemed to spend a lot of time there.

There’s been so much rain lately, it’s not surprising the heron’s home has disappeared. It’s a shame. I wonder where it’s gone.

I saw it not far from here two days ago.

Did you? That’s good.

We’ve had some great times, haven’t we?

Yeah. Really great. You know, I used to feel so lonely before you came.

Did you? Well, it’s not always easy back at the hell hole. There’s a lot of interruptions and stress. Really, we never get a moment’s peace. I know I find it hard when you’re not around. 

Me too.

You’ve been awesome. 

Have I? What, even when I bug the hell out of you?

Usually, it’s me who’s bugging you. 

Aside from that, it’s great having someone to share things with. I haven’t been able to do that for a long time.  

Where do you fancy going on our next outing? It needs to be somewhere we haven’t been before.

Does it? I quite like going to the same places. 

But it’s nice to try somewhere new.

It is, but it doesn’t really matter. I enjoy your company wherever we end up. 

I wish we could spend more time together.

We’ve had this conversation before. WE just can’t. I mean, if things were different, perhaps we could. But I have to… you know.

I know. 

You know there was a time when…. 

I know. I didn’t expect you to.

Anyway, I just can’t go there again.

I know. But just out of interest, why exactly?

You know why. 


I certainly can’t go there. Not now. Not with anyone. 

Why not? 

Take a look at me!

I’m looking at you. 

What do you see?

If only you knew! You’ll have me blubbing in a minute. 

Ah! No need for that.

We have always been honest with each other, haven’t we? Even when it’s not been easy. I see someone who is kind, talented and a lot of fun. And let’s face it, you’re pretty easy on the eye too. 

Not anymore. Not since…

When I first met you, girls were practically falling over themselves to get near you. In fact, one nearly did. I’ve never told you this before, but it happened not long after I knew you. We were outside the pub that’s now closed – I’ve forgotten the name of it – 

The Fish and Hook.

That’s it. Anyway, it must have been a summer’s day because I remember they had drawn the tables up outside. Or maybe I’ve got that wrong. Maybe you were sitting there on your own. No, that was another time.

Make your mind up, girl.

Hang on. Give me time. I’ll get it right in a minute. Yeah, got it. We were sitting there at the table and this girl was passing by, and she nearly fell over because she couldn’t take her eyes off you. 

Really? I didn’t notice. 

You wouldn’t. Anyway, it struck me at the time.

Maybe I looked ok once. I was often mistaken for being younger. But now – 

Don’t say that. You still look good. And it’s not all about looks. Looks are nothing without personality. You’ve got that in spades. You don’t see yourself as others see you.

Does anyone? Anyway, you know my feelings about -

About what?


Don’t I just? We never speak about… It’s like we made a pact.

Speak about what?

The elephant that stands between us.

Which one?

What do you mean, which one? I mean the one that’s so big, we spend most of our time trying not to trip over it.

Oh, that one.

Sometimes I just can’t believe you. You can’t have forgotten.

Hardly. But it was a long time ago.

Seems like a lifetime. A lot’s happened since then. 

That’s true. 

Just like you to bury your head in the sand and think everything in the garden is rosy. Even when…

You do that too.

Not like you. You don’t want to see the thorns. Tell me, don’t you ever feel lonely?

All the time.

Oh, we’re just going round in our usual circles. 

I think I know what you’re talking about, but I don’t want to put my foot in it and say the wrong thing. 

You’ve a history of doing that.

Anyway, I’ve got too many problems for…

I don’t deny it’s difficult.

Life sucks. 

I really wish we were able to spend more time together. 

That would be great. 

But we can’t. Not without causing…. You know that time when you said what you said… It nearly killed me.

I’m sorry. You’re the last person I’d want to hurt.

I can’t think what came over me. There’s so much I want to say even now, but I daren’t.

What is it you want to say?

I want to say…

Go on, spit it out. 

I can’t. Even though I want to. 

Go on. Just say it.


I’m what? 


I’m nothin?

If only you knew.

Say it. 

No. And don’t make me. I can’t say it.

Alright. If you insist.

I’m definitely not going to say it.


Funny old set up life, isn’t it?

February 23, 2024 10:06

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Wally Schmidt
18:15 Mar 04, 2024

The mystery of the story and the connection and history between the MCs is palpable. I thought maybe the man was dead and she was talking to his ghost, but now that I've reached the end, I see you've kept the mystery alive. Despite not having a big reveal at the end, I found the characters and their comfort with each other, utterly charming. Great story Helen!


Helen A Smith
18:50 Mar 04, 2024

Hi Wally, Great to see you back! I can see why you might think she was talking to his ghost. I tried to leave it open so people reading could decide for themselves. I love the way people formed their own interpretations. Thanks for reading.


Wally Schmidt
18:54 Mar 04, 2024

I actually owe you another HUGE compliment...I hardly ever like reading stories without quotation marks in the dialogue, but it felt perfect for yours and I'm so glad you ditched them. You may have made me a convert. 😉


Helen A Smith
19:03 Mar 04, 2024

I actually feel the same. It’s not something I’d normally do, but it felt right here.


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Yuliya Borodina
13:45 Feb 29, 2024

I loved the feeling of intimacy, history and obvious deep affection that threads through the conversation. A curious structure too. Thanks for sharing!


Helen A Smith
15:23 Feb 29, 2024

Thank you Yuliya. I glad you caught the shared history between them. Thanks for reading.


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Michał Przywara
21:35 Feb 26, 2024

The dialogue is quite smooth and believable, and it just screams “long, shared history”. True to the prompt, they don't explicitly state what is happening, and there's lots of possibilities. They could be friends, or there could be a romantic connection - or they could be friends who could have had a romantic connection, but it never happened, and now it's too late. There's definitely a hint that time's running out. Is that just coming to terms with aging? Maybe. That works with the ending. But I wonder if someone is dying, possibly. The...


Helen A Smith
12:41 Feb 27, 2024

Ah, you astutely picked up the bit about the man’s concern over appearance. I wanted to preserve the mystery, but you got close to one of my ideas. It’s interesting how everyone forms their own interpretations with stories. This is where well I will miss your insights. Thanks for reading.


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Tom Skye
11:15 Feb 26, 2024

Very natural dialogue that was easy to read and flowed beautifully. Obviously a lot of mystery here which left us very intrigued. Really nice little piece. Thanks for sharing.


Helen A Smith
13:17 Feb 26, 2024

Thanks. I’m glad it flowed. Feeling a bit fed up with the writing so always good to get good comments.


Tom Skye
13:25 Feb 26, 2024

Don't get fed up. You have to keep doing it until you win :)


Helen A Smith
13:30 Feb 26, 2024

That would be great. 😊


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Marty B
23:14 Feb 25, 2024

That is how it is with friends right, the little things matter more than the big ones, for good and for bad. 'What do you mean, which one? I mean the one that’s so big, we spend most of our time trying not to trip over it.' The spending time with each other is so needed that 'the elephant that stands between' gets ignored. Until the elephant sits on somebody, that's never good! Great work with the dialogue only! '


Helen A Smith
09:58 Feb 26, 2024

I like the way you put “until the elephant sits on somebody” - very true. Thanks for reading.


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Rebecca Detti
22:04 Feb 25, 2024

Helen, I really loved this. For some reason it reminded me a bit of a conversation between Lionel and Jean in As Time Goes By. It felt like a conversation between two people who had once been lovers and had recently reunited. Great stuff! Thank you!


Helen A Smith
17:49 Feb 26, 2024

Hi Rebecca, Sorry, I only just saw your email. Ah, I loved Lionel and Jean in that, although I wasn’t thinking of them when I wrote this. Thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Look forward reading one of your stories soon. Probably on way to work.


Rebecca Detti
14:11 Feb 27, 2024

Hi Helen, oh I know, I love Geoffrey palmers voice! Great story! Thank you!


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Viga Boland
19:57 Feb 25, 2024

Ah Helen…written in my favourite style…dialogue! Hats off to you. So few handle dialogue-only well, but you pulled it off. Love the ambiguity too. You kept me guessing from start to finish. 👏


Helen A Smith
20:24 Feb 25, 2024

Thanks Viga. I really enjoyed writing it.


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16:05 Feb 25, 2024

What an intriguing read with many unanswered questions left open for interpretation. I was really thinking these were two inanimate objects but couldn’t figure out what. Great job!


Helen A Smith
16:07 Feb 25, 2024

Oh my goodness. You’ve just highlighted another possibility. Thanks for reading Brianna.


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Hannah Lynn
14:49 Feb 25, 2024

I enjoyed your story reading through trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Did they reach old age together? Was one of them a ghost? Was it one person talking to himself/herself? I do love the ambiguity about it leaving us wondering! :)


Helen A Smith
14:54 Feb 25, 2024

Thanks Hannah. I wanted it to be ambiguous. I’m glad it left you wondering. I was hoping to leave the possibilities open to interpretation. Thanks for reading.


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Ty Warmbrodt
16:07 Feb 23, 2024

Are they trying to enjoy each other's company without giving into the temptation of an affair? Ugh, you naughty girl! You have me wondering. Fluid dialogue and a brisk pace. Nicely done!


Helen A Smith
16:22 Feb 23, 2024

Thanks Ty. I wanted to leave it open to interpretation.


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Jack Kimball
15:17 Feb 23, 2024

Lot of intrigue here Helen. The elephant in the room… In my view starting with; 'Before you came along.' and resistance of video/camera shots... And then the teasers, my trying to figure it out: - 'Did you? Well, it’s not always easy back at the hell hole.' Hmmm. A bad marriage? - 'But we can’t. Not without causing….' Pain for his family? - 'You know that time when you said what you said… It nearly killed me.' - 'I’m sorry. You’re the last person I’d want to hurt.' - 'I can’t think what came over me. There’s so much I want to say even now...


Helen A Smith
15:35 Feb 23, 2024

Hi Jack, I wanted to leave it open and tease the reader. Hopefully, there are all sorts of possibilities as to what this “elephant” is. Thanks for your encouragement. I’ve got rid of typo. Much appreciated.


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Jack Kimball
15:48 Feb 23, 2024

Yes. Lots of interpretations which gets the mind intrigued.


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Mary Bendickson
14:53 Feb 23, 2024

Nothing to say.


Helen A Smith
15:07 Feb 23, 2024



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16:24 Mar 20, 2024

Love the way the dialogue flows. No need for other things to disrupt it. Both characters say everything that is needed. Really nice.


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04:16 Mar 20, 2024

Which proves you can tell a story, and include back story, purely with dialogue, no quotation marks or names and no 'he said' or 'she said's. It's almost like a love story without the word 'love', they interact so well. They are opposites but they let each other be who they are in a considerate, yet honest, way. It wasn't boring. The elephant in the room. Ooh! What could it be?


Helen A Smith
06:51 Mar 20, 2024

Thanks Kaitlyn. I was surprised by how well the story was received. It was easier to write than some. You are right - I intended it to be a kind of love story without using the word love. I wanted to keep the elephant a mystery so a person reading could draw their own conclusions.


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Asia W
08:58 Mar 05, 2024

I love this, the conversation truly feels so genuine and intimate.


Helen A Smith
20:58 Mar 20, 2024

Thanks so much Asia.


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Alexis Araneta
12:23 Feb 23, 2024

Oooh, lovely job, Helen ! I love the way you built suspense. The fact that it ended with neither of them saying what they wanted to say was genius. Great job !


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