
The turbulent wind, akin to a wrathful spirit unbound, tugged and tangled Argwyn’s cascading, golden tresses, whipping them about her face as she stood on the edge of the precipice, staring out at the vastness of the sea. Her eyes, azure as the summer sky and deeper than the fathomless depths of the ocean, fixed intently upon the distant horizon, yearning for a glimpse of a billowing white sail emerging from the east. Thus, for nearly a century of undying years, she came, steadfastly bound by an enduring devotion that transcended mortal reckonings. Time, an elusive concept even in the everlasting realm of Vaylin, had no sway over her unwavering fidelity.

“My Lady Argwyn, the wind stirs with a bitter chill. I entreat you to return,” spoke Farond, as he arrived breathless at the summit, his urgent words stolen by the tempest, even as it caressed Argwyn’s face with the hand of an all too ardent lover.

She, facing the horizon without a glance backward, responded, “I shall not.”

“My Lady, I am tasked to convey that Hallendel seeks the honour of your presence today.”

“Please tell my father that I am otherwise engaged this day.”

Farond released a breath heavy with lament, a sigh, a small sound that added to the wail of the already overburdened, burgeoning storm.

“Argwyn, My Lady. Surely you understand that Lothariel shall not return? He has sailed to the land of the mortals and has been seduced by the immediacy of their lives. Please, for the sake of those who remain in Vaylin, you must take your place at your father’s right hand.”

The Lady Argwyn turned, her complexion so pale and fair that not even the tempestuous wind could coax colour into her cheek. The brilliance of her gaze, unwavering and piercing, aflame with a passion, an immediacy, and a steadfast determination rarely seen in Vaylin, a realm where time was a fleeting shadow, yet all existence echoed with its endlessness.

“You speak without understanding, Farond. You are not as familiar with Lothariel as I am. He shall return.”

“The sun’s course lengthens for Hallendel, and he desires only your presence.”

“He wishes to place my hand in the hand of his successor.”

“He desires your safety and care amidst these turbulent times. The unseen disturbance growing in the distant east affects the realm of mortals, and they gain strength in response. What prevents them from attempting passage over the seas? What shields Vaylin from their inevitable invasion?”

“Father governs in fear. We, the Vaylini, have always ruled Vaylin with love and harmony. His own unbalanced perspectives will bring about our downfall, not anything that may come from the land of men.”

Farond, unable to dispute the veracity of her claim, fell silent and turned his own gaze upon the far horizon.

And tall they stood, one dark and shadowed, the other radiant and fair, striking in their contrasts, solitary sentinels against the encroaching tempest sweeping in from the east.

A flutter upon the horizon captured Argwyn’s attention. Her keen sight discerned the white sails before her companion, and her heart quickened in a jubilant rhythm.

“Farond,” she cried. “Behold the horizon. Do you see sails? I tally at least ten, mayhaps more. A flotilla approaches.”

Farond shielded his eyes from the light glittering off the water and surveyed the horizon. “My vision lacks the keenness of your own. Are they of Vaylini origin or do we stand on the brink of invasion?”

Argwyn remained silent, her entire focus, all her formidable energy, she directed toward the distant sails soaring over the tumultuous sea. Each vessel crested and plummeted on the waves, sails full-bellied and billowing in the wind.

Finally, she raised her hand, a salute, a welcoming wave, and she smiled with radiant joy. “They come.” Without waiting for her companion, she hurried gracefully descending the cliff path to the shore below, where the first of the vessels battled the receding tide. Agile sailors disembarked in the shallows, labouring to pull the boat ashore.

“Eldrith!” she called upon recognising the first man emerging from the surf, his cloak clinging to his form and long silver hair escaping the meticulous braid he usually wore. Despite his bedraggled appearance, he smiled warmly, extending his arms to embrace Argwyn.

“Lady Argwyn, you are unaltered, as fair as you ever were,” he declared. “I am pleased to see you once more; my heart rejoices to have returned to Vaylin at last.”

“And I, too, rejoice to see you again. You are welcomed back. My father will be most pleased to have his brother returned to Vaylin. You, too, are unaltered.”

“I fear you are most polite, dear Argwyn. The passage of time in the land of men has pressed firmly and relentlessly upon my shoulders. I am changed, and I know this well. The silver in my hair and wrinkles upon my brow are a testament to my time in the mortal realm, but I wear them both with pride. Our mission has been accomplished, the foe dispelled, and mankind is armoured against such future events. The time of men has begun, the time of the Vaylini in the mortal realm is concluded.”

“Then have all the Vaylini returned?”

“All who wished to live in the undying lands of Vaylin have returned. Those who stayed are now bound by mortal law and live as man would and die as they do.”

“What of Lothariel?” She asked, her voice unable to contain the depth of her curiosity. “Does he return with you?”

The silver-haired Vaylini elder paused, his brow wrinkled in confusion and concern. “Do you still care for him? It has been many centuries. Surely you have formed an attachment with one of the many Vaylin warriors in your father’s court.”

“My heart belongs to one, and I will never align myself with another.”

A second vessel was pulled ashore, allowing those aboard to disembark. Among them was one that Argwyn would never forget, despite the addition of silver grey in the long tresses.

“Lothariel!” Cried Argwyn, her voice whipped away by the unforgiving breeze. She moved to hasten toward him, when he turned to assist a tall, willowy woman to descend the gangway into the surf. With gentle hands, he swept the woman into his arms and carried her to the dry shore. Her lengthy, silky dark hair tangled and intertwined around them both, binding them together in an intimate embrace. Having set the woman gently down, he tenderly brushed the entangled strands from her face, a delicate gesture hinting at a shared past, a present, and a future. Argwyn pressed her hands to her heart, feeling as if the organ had shattered within the cavity of her breast. Farond came to stand beside her, his gaze flickering between Argwyn’s pallid visage and the tender scene unfolding on the shore.

“Oh, My Lady!” Farond murmured, the sympathy in his voice carrying clearly over the blustering wind.

Argwyn straightened her spine and lifted her chin, her innate pride rejecting the pity she perceived. “Inform my father that his brother has returned, accompanied by the Vaylini contingent from the land of men.”

Farond nodded and hurried away, but Argwyn dismissed him from her mind, her thoughts and attention fixated solely upon the couple who now strolled hand in hand towards her.

“My Lady Argwyn, you are indeed unaltered!” called Lothariel as he drew near.

“My Lord, Lothariel. Welcome home. You are much altered.” Argwyn replied and winced as her words left her mouth. It was unlike her to be so discourteous.

Lothariel remained oblivious to the slight. Perhaps having dwelt too long among men, he had grown accustomed to the absence of refined manners. “Allow me to present my wife, Delondilas.” The woman stood tall and slender, her complexion smooth, albeit darker than the conventional notion of beauty. Rippling black hair, as dark as the night, framed her heart-shaped face and her wide, serene green eyes held a quiet depth. Her soft lips curved in a smile as she inclined her head in greeting.

“Delondilas, welcome home to Vaylin.” Argwyn spoke with courtesy, returning the smile with one of her own, though forced, lacking the warmth in her eyes. Cool, polite, and distant—her demeanor defaulted to such even as it pained her.

“Lady Argwyn, you honor me. It feels as if we should already be steadfast companions. I have heard your praises sung for many years,” Delondilas expressed warmly.”

Argwyn smiled serenely and accepted the proffered kiss on each cheek. She then turned to Lothariel, who greeted her with the customary kisses. She maintained her composure to receive them. “My father will rejoice at your return.”

“We have much to discuss,” Lothariel said as he bowed to her then gently escorted his wife further along the shore.

With all the dignity she could muster, Argwyn greeted each person as they disembarked from their vessel, extending a respectful welcome to all. As the last person made their way up the shore toward Vaylin, she turned her gaze toward the sea.

Centuries of waiting for his return had passed, her faith in Lothariel unwavering. Now, in the undying lands, she faced the prospect of eternity without him. One did not cease to exist in Vaylin, and her future seemed endless and solitary. Somewhere, beyond the waves, over the horizon, lay the land of men, the realm where death prevailed.

Without conscious thought, she waded through the shallows; her dress clinging to her legs as she ascended the first vessel. The tide sucked at the hull, enticing the boat to drift away, and Argwyn released the line, setting the vessel free.

The gusty breeze filled the sail, snapping it around and sluggishly the boat responded, rising on the wind and escaping the grasp of Vaylin, its bow turned toward the east. At the helm she stood, proud and beautiful, the wind whipping her face with cascading tendrils of long, silky, golden hair. In the land of mortals, death would be a welcome release.

March 04, 2024 08:05

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Kevin V
14:49 Mar 24, 2024

Hi Michelle, I enjoyed this. It has a Tolkien-ish feel to it. It's as if the elves that remained in their lands awaited those returning from Middle Earth after securing it and, therefore, their realm. I know that these people are not described as elvish, but that is what I picture as I read. You handle the idea of living virtually forever well. The idea of living forever in this world appalls me. I look forward to eternity in the next with my Lord and Savior. But that is me. To sail to the realm of men as the Lady Argwyn does to escape h...


Michelle Oliver
15:03 Mar 24, 2024

Thanks for reading Kevin. Yes very deliberately Tolkien. I always wondered what the elves in the undying land were like. Who wants to live forever? Only if the world was perfect and I think the lady Argwyn has discovered an imperfection that she never imagined. Maybe one day I might explore this further… who knows. At the moment I’m exploring my sci-fi stories and trying to build that world.


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Marty B
18:33 Mar 09, 2024

I loved this, huge fan of Tolkien. Immortality is the curse of forever. I liked how these lines were a a great metaphor for her own life. 'The tide sucked at the hull, enticing the boat to drift away, and Argwyn released the line, setting the vessel free. ' Thanks!


Michelle Oliver
23:18 Mar 09, 2024

The curse of forever is right. Thanks for reading.


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Russell Mickler
16:46 Mar 09, 2024

Hey Michelle - Wow, how exceptionally epic; sailing into the east; even the names read Tolkien-esque. Very beautiful and sad, Argwyn, heartbroken, leaves for the mortal realm to find comfort in mortality. I mean, there's a little Moorcock in this one, too. Nicely written. R


Michelle Oliver
23:15 Mar 09, 2024

Thanks Russell. I was trying to lean heavily into Tolkien for this one. Can I tell you the thesaurus got a work out. Why use one adjective, when two more obscure ones could work better? Haha


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Tom Skye
15:58 Mar 09, 2024

Magical world and beautiful language. Great reading as always, Michelle :)


Michelle Oliver
23:15 Mar 09, 2024

Thank you for reading.


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18:05 Mar 07, 2024

Eldrith? Reminds me of Dungeons and Dragons. The whole story reminds me of LOTR. Argwyn reminds me of Galadriel... Love it. It's beautiful. ❤️


Michelle Oliver
22:21 Mar 07, 2024

Thanks. Leaning heavily into Tolkien for this one. The thesaurus got a workout, and why use one adjective, when two would do just as well!


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Wally Schmidt
16:06 Mar 07, 2024

What an immersive world you've created and let your readers fall into. Another great story to add to your body of work Michelle.


Michelle Oliver
22:23 Mar 07, 2024

Thanks Wally.


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Stevie Burges
10:18 Mar 07, 2024

Thanks for sharing your story. It was a quite beautiful story. Lothariel wants a good smacking!


Michelle Oliver
10:32 Mar 07, 2024

Yeah, he’s not overly faithful. Thanks for reading


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Kailani B.
18:25 Mar 04, 2024

I got some serious Lord of the Rings vibes, and that's something I always enjoy! Thanks for sharing!


Michelle Oliver
21:55 Mar 04, 2024

Thanks for reading l yes seriously channeling Tolkien for this one.


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Mary Bendickson
17:04 Mar 04, 2024

Such an interesting concept of a land where no one ages or dies. He had to know she would still be there. May she be happy for now. Once again a masterful story.


Michelle Oliver
21:53 Mar 04, 2024

Thanks for reading it. I’m happy that you enjoyed it


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Trudy Jas
14:29 Mar 04, 2024

What a wonderful tale, not quite HEA. But then when a woman takes charge of her own life anything can happen. A great story, Michelle.


Michelle Oliver
15:00 Mar 04, 2024

Thank you for reading it. You’re right anything can happen. I wonder what the mortal land of men will bring her.


Trudy Jas
15:08 Mar 04, 2024

Some pleasure, a lot of surprises, some heartbreak, just like the rest of us. LOL


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Ty Warmbrodt
12:17 Mar 04, 2024

Lovely, Michelle. And you did a better job of hitting the prompt than I did :-)


Michelle Oliver
12:20 Mar 04, 2024

Thanks for reading. I’m glad you liked it.


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Alexis Araneta
09:28 Mar 04, 2024

Brilliant, Michelle ! Such a beautifully-written romance story with such impeccable attention to detail. I didn't expect that Lothariel was in love with someone else (a twist I love to employ in my stories too. Hahaha !). This was so lovely !


Michelle Oliver
09:32 Mar 04, 2024

Thanks for reading it. I wasn’t sure where it would end up, but figured if you waited for someone for so long, chances are they wouldn’t be the same person when they returned. Time changes people.


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Kayden Solace
05:11 Mar 13, 2024

I love this! I especially like your voice and the many, many adjectives. Great job! Personally, I would have poisoned his drink before I left, but I haven't been raised as she was, to be proper and courteous. Really good story.


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LeeAnn Hively
03:21 Mar 11, 2024

When I try to envision "eternity", there's a panic that settles deep into my bones. When I was a teenager, the thought of being a vampire and living forever seemed so much more desirable than growing old and dying. I blame Anne Rice. The older I became, the more I understood why it was a prison sentence that drives them insane. I wonder if there's any way one could experience living forever without learning all there is to learn and growing exhausted with existence. Using this fantasy land to explore what would make a life worth living forev...


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