Christmas Fantasy Friendship

Night falls over the mysterious forest of silver moon. Inside the forest, there is a peaceful town called Lunaria. Houses are built with woods, filled with unknown flowers, and the people are turning in for the night.

The town is protected by a deep powerful elvish spell to avoid being seen by outsiders who will threaten this land. But today, the worry about intruders invading is under the sod… for now.

“…*sigh! * …Luthiel, how many times do I have to tell you don’t stay up so late?”

Luthiel’s mother name is Rina, she’s a beautiful elven woman that was born in a rich family from the neighboring town. She migrated at this town when she falls in love with a poor elf named Balin who only comes home every once a year.

“But mom, it’s almost Christmas eve. I wanna watch the fairies tonight!”

“It’s late my dear, little elves needs a good night sleep so they can grow big and strong.”

“Just for one night… please?!” She looks at her mother with those cute puppy eyes.

Both she and her daughter have a little staring contest, but Rina couldn’t resist those almond shaped eyes, so she just sighed and gave a light chuckle.

“Alright, just for one night.”

“Yayyy!!!” Her daughter celebrated.

She’s about to turn around until she felt a tug on her beautiful white lucent dress.


She glanced at the ground and saw her daughter’s cute face looking at her.

“I wanna watch it with you, like last time.”

She gave her daughter a warm smile. Hoisting her up on her arms, she carries her towards the pond.

“Since when did we last do this?” Rina asked.

“Before father leave us.” Luthiel replied sadly.

Rina brushed a hand over her daughter's hair in a comforting manner.

They arrived at the garden. The lunar light shone through the pond, making the lotuses glow faintly blue. Rina sat her daughter down on a wide tree stumps before sitting in the opposite side.

“I heard, if elves went on a journey they will never come back home again?” Luthiel said.

“What?! That’s nonsense! …Yes, elves will be gone for a long time, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be back.” Rina answered.

“When will father returns then?”

“In due time my dear, let’s just pray for Selene to guide your father back home safely.”

Her mother looks up to the heaven, staring at the northern star.

“The flowers are blooming!”

Rina’s head quickly turns to the pond, the glow of the flowers went from faint to bright as it slowly opens their petals. Suddenly, a strange glowing human like creatures with transparent wings went flying out.

“The fairies!”

Luthiel felt a surge of joy. Her eyes follow the fairies flying pattern.

“How nostalgic.” Rina mumbled.

While the fairies’ dances and flies around them, one fairy suddenly flew in front of them. Luthiel smiled brightly as she held out her hand, and the fairy landed on her palm gracefully.

“Amazing…” She said in awe.

She slowly held the fairy close to her face, and it gently tapped her nose before flying off.

“Á-Achoo!” Luthiel sneezed with a few star dusts gets blown away.

She sniffled and scratched her tiny nose lightly. She heard someone snickering, she glanced at her side to see her mother holding a laugh.

“It’s not funny!”

“Your cuteness is really intoxicating!”

Luthiel’s face heats up, glaring at her mother playfully. The glaring eyes turned soft until she’s also start to crack up.

A few hours later, the fairies return inside their flowers. The petals are slowly closing after they hid themselves, and the flowers’ bright glow returned to its faintly phase.

“So, it ends… Young lass, it’s also time we turn in for the night.”


Rina glanced to her side only to find her daughter snoring lightly.

“Oh dear.” She smiled warmly.

After standing up, she approached her unconscious daughter. She picks her up carefully, making sure she won’t wake her. Turning away from the garden, she walks towards their beautiful elven house.

After stepping in, Rina’s nose got filled with those sweet nutty wooden smell. The kitchen, the living room, and all the way up of the stairs are lit up by a hanging lamp with glowing mushrooms inside of it.

Rina carries her daughter up the stairs towards her room. After opening the door, she got met with a beautiful wall that’s twinkling like glitters.

At the edge of the room, a bed with its head board pressing against the wall is seen. The bed has four medium sized trees on its corners to support the rest of the body, it also has a bird’s nest up in the middle where the branches met.

Rina walks towards the bed, laying her daughter on the soft cushion covering her with a white blanket.

“Good night my dear, may Selene bless you.”

Her mother gave her a peck on the cheek before exiting the room, and closing the door behind her gently.

The next morning…

“Luthiel, wake up!” Rina’s muffled voice echoed downstairs.

“F-Five more minutes please… *yawn! * …I’ll be down there in a jiffy…”

Luthiel said, switching position as she faced the window on her side.

Her mother’s footsteps echoed as she ascended the stairs.


Rina carefully opened her daughter’s room just to see her still inside the dream realm. Quietly, she let herself in and sat on the bed side.

“Lassie, wake up.” She gently shakes her.

A groan escaped her daughter’s lips, and she lazily open her eyes revealing its purple color. She groggily sat up, rubbing one eye.

“Good morning mother.”

“Good morning dear, I have a surprise for you.”

“Really?! What is it?!” Excitement surge through her body.

“I want you to find it out for yourself. But first, you need to fix your hair young one.” Rina chuckled.

Rina stands up, walking out of her daughter’s room. Luthiel swiftly rose up to fix her bed, her hair, and she change her attire to her favorite Lolita dress. After getting ready for the day, she opens her balcony door to get some fresh air.

She breathed in and exhaled slowly. She flinched when a snowflake landed on her nose.

“And Christmas eve has started.” She chuckled.

She walks back inside to check her room to see if there’s something she missed.

“Alright, better not to keep mother waiting.”

She walks towards the wooden door, making a creaking sound as she slowly opens it. Closing the door behind her, she carefully descends down the first floor.

“Mother?” She called.

“I’m in the kitchen dear!” Rina replied.

Luthiel stroll through the direction of where the kitchen is.

“Mother, what’s for break…fast?”

She stopped on her track when she arrived at the kitchen entrance, her eyes and mouth shots wide open when she saw a familiar face at the dining table looking back at her.


“Long time no see Luthiel!”

She quickly sprinted towards her father, and buried her sobbing face on his shirt with her arms wrapping around him tightly.

He brings his daughter’s face to look at him, and he dries her tears away using his hands before kissing her in the forehead to calm her down.

“I've missed you so much father.” Luthiel sighed heavily while quivering.

“I missed you too.” Her father smiled warmly.

Rina walks over to them and said…

“Balin my love, why don’t you give our daughter her Christmas present while I make some breakfast.”

“Where?!” Luthiel’s soaked eyes lit up.

“Come over here.”

Balin guides her to the table. At the floor between the side of the two chairs, she saw her father’s bag and a medium sized round-shaped thing that’s hidden under a dark cloth.

“Is that it?” She pointed at the object.

“Right you are.” Balin chuckled, picking up the mysterious object and placing it on the table.

The little elf stared at the object.

“Can I?” She looks at her father.

“Of course. It’s your present, is it not?” Balin replied.

She carefully reached out for the dark cloth that’s hiding the object. When she got a hold of it, she slowly and slowly takes the cover off. After taking it off, the room got filled with a melodic flute sound.

“Father! This is?!”

“Yes, a night hummer. One of the rarest birds in silver moon forest.”

The medium sized bird looks at Luthiel, it hummed a melodic tone while spreading its beautiful lucent blue wings.

“Oh my, it looks like a cockatiel, but the only thing different is the tail is quite long.” Rina commented, while bringing the breakfast she made on the large table.

“Lembas bread, my favorite!” Luthiel’s mouth watered from the sweet pleasant smell of the pastry.

Unexpectedly, the bird made a grumpy sound.

“Are you okay?” Luthiel looks at the bird worryingly.

The bird flicks its tail and flap its wings aggressively.

“Father? What’s wrong with him?” She asked while rubbing the back of her head.

“Firstly, he is a SHE; secondly, I guess she is hungry. Maybe you should let her out of the cage young one?” Balin replied.

“But she’ll fly away.”

“You should trust her more my dear.”


Still having second thoughts, she flicked the cage door’s lock. With a sigh, she slowly raised the door open which the bird quickly flies out of her cage.

“Oh no!” Luthiel tries to chase her but her father quickly stops her with his hand.

“Luthiel relax… Look.” Her father pointed at the bird who landed on Rina’s shoulder.

Rina broke off a small piece of bread and offered it to the bird. The night hummer chirped happily before grabbing the piece using her claw, and started eating it.

“Lassie, have you already picked a name for our little friend here?” Rina looks at her daughter who returns back to her chair.

Luthiel put a finger under her chin.

“Hmmm… I’ve been thinking calling her, Vena.” She answered.

“Vena… Not a bad name… Do you like it little one?”

The bird chirped happily on her new name, she flew off from Rina’s shoulder and landed on Luthiel’s head making the young elf chuckle.

“Alright now, eat your breakfast before it gets cold!” Rina said to them.

Luthiel gave half of her bread to Vena, and the lovely family begins to munch and peck happily on their morning meal.

A few minutes later, breakfast is finished and all of them wore a satisfying look on their faces.

“…*sigh! *… Now that breakfast is over, I must head to town to sell the artifacts that I got from my journey.”

Balin stand up from his chair, picking up his bag from the floor that’s right beside him.

“Can I come with you?” Luthiel spoke up.

“No young lassie, you shouldn’t leave little Vena here all alone.”

“Well, she can come too.”

The bird gazed at Balin, looking like she’s waiting for his approval.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Luthiel cocked her head.

“Being a rare bird, it’s very dangerous for her to be out.” Balin crossed his arms.

“Oh, alright… Be safe father.” Luthiel just gave her father a smile.

“I’ll be home before lunch.”

And with that, he gave her daughter and wife a kiss on the fore head before walking out the door.

“So, Vena? What do you wanna do today?” Luthiel glanced at her pet who is humming happily.

 “Say, why don’t we go inside my room!”

She walks over to the table and opens the bird cage. After opening it, she approached Vena and tries to pick her up, but she dodged her grasp and flew over at the top of the kitchen shelf.

“Get down there!” Luthiel exclaimed, but she slowly relaxed when she saw the night hummer’s wings trembled.

“Come little one, let’s get you inside the cage so I can show you your new home.” She said in a soft tone, but also failed.

Suddenly, she heard her mother chuckled.

“I don’t think she wanna be inside the cage my dear, maybe you should be more reasonable?”

“I-I guess you’re right…” Luthiel sighed in defeat.

“Will you come down here if I promised I won’t put you inside the cage anymore?”

Without any hesitation, Vena flew down and landed on her head again.

“See Luthiel, birds are like elves. They don’t like being trapped inside a small room… They are smart enough to communicate with us too.” Rina pointed out.

Luthiel picks up the bird from her head gently to not scare her away again.

“I’m sorry little one.” She brings Vena close to her.

Vena nuzzled Luthiel’s nose as a sign of forgiveness, making the little elf smile from the show of affection. After it all ended well, she placed the bird on her right shoulder like a pirate would do. They exited the kitchen and walk up the stairs.

They arrived at the door of Luthiel’s room.

*Creak! *

“Welcome to your new home Vena! … Where should I put you?” She looks around the room.

The night hummer spreads her wings and took off while chirping a high-pitched joyful noise. She ventures around the room, trying to make herself more familiar with her surroundings. Her eyes glimmer when she saw a bird’s nest resting on top of the branches of the bed.

She hastened her pace; she flew like she’s got nothing to lose. She landed gracefully at the nest and chirped happily at her new home.

“You like it?” Luthiel chuckles, walking towards the balcony door to close it.

The bird flapped her wings to say “Yes”.

One hour later…

*Cricket sounds…*

“Umm… So, what do you wanna do today?”

The bird descends down from her nest, landing on Luthiel’s hands. She ruffles her wings, surprising the young elf.

“Are you hungry? I can get some Lembas breads in the kitchen?”

Vena shakes her head; she flies towards the balcony door landing on top of the door knob. She gestured to the elf that she wants to go outside and play.

“No, it’s too dangerous!” Luthiel strictly said, causing the bird to glare at her.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind blows the door open. Using this as an opportunity, Vena immediately spread her wings and quickly flew out the room.


Luthiel sprinted outside the balcony trying to catch her bird friend, but she missed.

“That little bird will get herself in trouble!” She said to herself as she sprinted out of her room and down the stairs.

“Woah there! What’s the hurry lass?” Rina jumped when she almost got run over by her daughter.

“It’s Vena! She flew outside!” Luthiel exclaimed with heavy breaths.

“Hmmm… You should check the backyard; I think I saw her flying over there.”

“O-Okay mother! Thanks!”

Luthiel rushed towards the backyard, bursting through the backdoor. After going out, she looks around hoping to see a blue bird perched in some of the trees.

“Vena! Where are you?!”

Her eyes suddenly widened when she heard an all too familiar sound, a sound of an animal crying for help. Her little feet carry her as fast as it could towards the direction.

“Vena, I’m coming!” Luthiel cried out.

“What has she gotten herself into?!”

Sweats drips down from Luthiel’s head, her heart is thumping so fast it’s like it’s going to burst out from her chest. The scared chirping noise is getting louder and louder. However, her body froze when she came face to face with something, she’s hoping she would never encounter in her life.

“A L-Leopard?! B-But how did it get here?!”

Mind going blank, she quickly shakes it off when a bird up on the tree is chirping in panic.

“Get away from her!”

The large cat’s attention turned to her, causing the young elf to back off slowly as the predator is stepping forward with hungry eyes. The cat then lower itself on the ground while growling loudly and then suddenly…

*ROAR!!! *

With a blink of an eye, the leopard pounce her but it missed when the young elf falls down on her side. The leopard then begins to prowl again, bloodlust filled its eyes when tiny droplet of blood drips down from the wound of Luthiel’s shoulder.

The predatory cat sprinted towards her, but to its luck it isn’t aware what the elf is capable of.

“Wind gust!”

The leopard got sent flying across the garden, a sickening crack was heard after it hit the solid body of the tree.It tries to stand up, but the sharp pain on its side is overwhelming.

Glowing white eyes and a wind vortex from her open palm are slowly fading, Luthiel is breathing heavily from the sudden use of elvish magic. Her bird Vena flew down the tree, landing on the young elf’s lap with a sad look.

“It’s okay little one, you’re safe now.”

“Luthiel!” Two familiar voices cried out.

“Mother! Father!” She was surprised when her mother’s arm wraps around her.

“Thank Selene nothing bad happens to you!” Rina looks at her daughter with puffy eyes.

Luthiel flinched when her mother accidentally touched her wound on her shoulder.

“Come, let’s get you cleaned up.”

“It’s okay mother.”

“No, it’s not… Come now.”

Her mother picks her up from the ground with Vena flying at their side. She glanced at her husband with worry looks.

“I’ll take care of this mess. You should go inside.”

Rina only nodded before walking away.

Luthiel suddenly spoke up… “Vena, I’m sorry for being the worst caretaker. I promise you this time, we will play together every day.”

The night hummer heard this. She flew in front of the young elf’s face, giving her a nuzzle as a sign of apology.

December 23, 2020 04:46

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