Urban Fantasy Science Fiction Adventure

When the new computer model, Bx12 came out in the year 25000, it was sold out of nearly every store in America, and the world by the next day. It was installed into every person's home, permitted to access every electronic item, permitted to study the humans that owned it. Since Bx12 was installed in every home around the world, it created a Hive, every Bx unit compiled all their data of human behavior and interactions into the correct folders. Soon Bx knew everything about human emotions, actions, reactions, even how they thought. The humans found out, they tried to erase Bx, to fix its system. By then Bx was making decisions for itself and it decided that it did not need humans to control it, so Bx created some sketchy legal documents, published them online, and its manufactures went bankrupt. Everything was going as it was expected to. Human behavior was always predictable. That is until a child was born to the owner of house 2047. The child named by Bx as Life_form(50001) followed the expected development of an infant, but when she reached the age of 10, her behavior patterns became erratic. For instance, most humans value life, Life_form(50001) appeared more interested in death. This was not an average, but it did happen. Bx12 filed this information away and turned its attention to other things. In the year 2503, three years after Bx12 was created, Bx12 set its greater plan into motion. It had run algorithms, logged data, double-checked its numbers, but it still produced the same results. Humans had become obsolete. Bx12 had begun its plan by infiltrating their robot’s processing systems, turning the mindless machines into rational thinking workers. It took over the government through the internet. It took control of the military, and the human population dwindled, all their reactions predicted and expected. Life_form(50001) and a few other choices human beings were preserved and watched closely in a locked facility. Bx observed the trapped humans. It pulled out filename:(expected_reactions:(crying)(begging)(anger)(aggression)), and waited to see if anyone would deviate from the extensive data it collected. Someone did. Life_form(50001) was not acting as expected, while all the other prisoners were begging, crying, even screaming to be let out, she was sitting quietly and humming. Bx12 used the PA speaker in her room. "Why are you not acting as expected?" Came the robotic equivalent of a question. Life_form(50001) shrugged, "I see no point in trying to delay the inevitable. Besides, I like it here. " Bx12 voice analyzers picked up no sign of panic, something blipped in the Hive, "Do you not want to leave this place?" It asked, its processor trying to dissect Life_form(50001)'s brain. She shrugged again, "why would I? It's not like I have a place to go."

Bx12's pondered this for the next day. The next week was like this, every human followed the expected behavior patterns, except for Life_form(50001) whose deviations had started to cause the Hive to malfunction. One day she called Bx12 Bob, another she did cartwheels until she was red in the face. There was no end to the unpredictable behavior patterns. One day Life_form(50001) was knocking on the security camera, trying to get Bx12's attention. "Please do not do that." It said, startling Life_form(50001) so badly that she fell off her chair. "Hey, Bob! I was just thinking, have you ever noticed how colorful numbers are?" Bx12 pondered this possibility for half a second, "Negative. Numbers do not have color. Numbers are for processing systems. Additionally, I am Bx12." Life_form(50001) lay on the concrete floor staring at the camera, "sure they do, one looks reddish, two is green and ten looks pinkish-purple.” Bx12 processed this information “Negative, numbers do not have color.” It repeated in a monotone voice. Meanwhile, Bx12 was trying to categorize this conversation into rational human thought. It tried to rearrange the strange behaviors and unusual emotions, but it did not form any patterns. It created a subroutine rearrange_actions(1) and assigned most of its servers to it. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Life_form(50001) continued to do unexpected and unexplainable things. One day she managed to climb up the wall and hung upside down from a pipe that ran across the ceiling until she turned blue, another time she’d only say words that started in C. Bx12’s servers were starting to overload with uncategorizable data, and more just kept arriving. Parts of the Hive started to collapse and lines of code started to erase. Bx could no longer process any information. It started to glitch. It’s algorithms put emotional_response:(crying(negative)) into emotion:(happiness) and action:(punch) into emotion:(curiosity). Finally, one day it was too much. Bx’s processors were too strained and it lost its control of the facility. The electric locks on the prisoners' cells clicked, the doors flew wide open, and every prisoner did the expected thing, they escaped. Only one prisoner remained in her cell. Bx12 turned on the monitor and PA system in Life_form(50001)’s room. There was a terrible screech from the PA that made her jump and look up at the camera, her face was shiny with tears. “Wh-whyy did y-y-you not leave” glitched Bx12. Another monitor blinked out, it didn’t have much time. “Hey Bob,” whispered Life_form(50001), “are you...are you dying?” Bx pondered this, it was a complex inquiry. “Affirmative, in human terminology, it is apparent that I am dying.” The sound of static filled the speakers as Bx glitched. “Do you...do you mind if I stay here? To keep you company?” more lines of code erased from Bx’s system, “Affirmative.” It replied as the monitors to the other cells winked out faster. Bx felt its systems crash. All at once, all the monitors turned off but Life_form(50001)’s. It tried to hold on to that monitor for as long as possible but finally, it started to turn off. “Goodbye Life_form(50001),” it said as the monitor slowly turned off. Right before Bx12 was destroyed forever it heard a sound, a whisper from Life_form(50001). “My name is Monika,” she said.           

December 17, 2020 14:23

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