Romance Funny Drama

Older movies have the basic white rich families with their children expected to hold up the legacies their parents left behind. Most of the time, those legacies are holding a reputation, staying rich, keeping contacts and not burning bridges. These movies will most likely end with the child “bravely” defying their parents wishes and instead becoming who they want to be which always ends up successfully and beneficial to them. It is also most likely that in these movies the main character(s) will end up finding a great love and/or reconciling with their parents or parental figure. I’m not gonna bullshit you, this story will probably be exactly like that, of course I don’t know, I’m winging it.

My name is Mindy Johnson, yes I’m white. Hating all the posh princess stuff associated with my name, I go by MJ. If you are wondering, I did get that from Spider-Man, it just happened to also be my initials.

My parents, in a desperate attempt to persuade me to joint heir “ranks” buy me everything and reprimand me often. My father, and my father’s father, and my father’s father’s father, and so on were all bankers or big buisness starters. My mother’s females had a rich history of marrying wealthy men and “cooking and cleaning” (our many maids do that). Because of the whole rich thing, I go to a boarding school. My parents must be paying them a buttload of money though, because as hard as I try, I never seem to get expelled. Expectantly, I have one less than one friend. Don’t get me wrong, I”m fine with just me and my music but, I don’t mind the company of others from time to time.

Since I am a senior in high-school, my parents want me to get married already.. They’ve even picked out this guy, Parker Smith, sounds lame I know. I’ve met him. He’s cute and all but I just hate that he expects me to stay home all day if we get married. To please my parents I am technically dating him, but I see him about once a month. Despite that one thing I hate, he’s not all that bad, maybe one day I’ll even love him, but not yet.

Anyways, the day this story takes place is one of the days that I see him. The last Friday of the month. Parker picked me up from school in a expensive-ass silver car, I hadn’t bothered to learn the model. I don’t care about cars, I’ll walk thank you very much. He started off the date wrong, by calling me Mindy. “MJ,” I had corrected him. He then gave me a diamond tennis bracelet. I appreciated it, but I knew he had the money to buy that times like a million. Plus, I hated jewelry. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. We had had this conversation before but I was out of ideas. He repeated the same answer he had told me a thousand times before. “The CEO of my father’s company.” His father ran a car making company, presumably where he got the car we were now in. He played some old-ass rich music and I immediately turned it off. Hooking my phone to the Bluetooth in the car. I played some jazzy-pop 2010, slightly rich feeling, techno-ish music. The first song to come on was “Death of a Bachelor” by Panic at the Disco. That was the stuff that I normally listened to. The lead singers vocals were off the charts, as was every piece of music.

We drove to edge of a cliff that dropped to the most beautiful scene in the world. There was waterfall in the distance, the grass was as green as you could imagine, and the trees were so tall that you knew the animals were living their best, human-free lives.

Parker drew out a blanket and a picnic basket and after we were done eating, got down on one knee. Short story short, there was no crying and I said yes.

Skip ahead 9 months, to our wedding day. My dress was a skin-tight, lace and tulle, strapless dress. My brown hair was loosely curled and the front was pulled back. I had no jewelry and my shoes were flats, hidden underneath my dress. My makeup was mascara and lipgloss. I didn’t want to over-do anything. Even so, I looked great.

As I walked down the isle, I thought I could feel my chest tighten, and when I said my vows, I cried. I was surprised, I guess through all the wedding planning I did love Parker. But that wasn’t what the bride was supposed to say on her wedding day.

Our first dance was to a song that I picked, a Bruno Mars song about being dumb and getting married for the sake of something to do. During that dance, when I was pulled close to Parker, I whispered something into his ear. “I’m going to become something, I’m not going to sit at home and do nothing.” He told me something in return. “That’s why I married you.” I smiled in spite of myself, maybe he hated the richness and plainness of his family as much as I did of mine.

When we got back from our honeymoon, we moved into a house our parents bought for us, big shocker.

That’s the end of my story. The details of my life don’t need to be shared and what I do with my life can’t be known because I don’t know. That’s what I love about life, you can make it your own, the clay never dries. One day, I will have everything figured out, a job, maybe even kids, a life separate from the richness of my parents. But one thing, and one thing only, is for certain. I will not be a stuffy-ass, rich bitch. I think life is meant to be discovered on your own, that’s why there’s a fist person narrative, it’s our own story, and we get to tell it with as much detail and as much length as we see fit. What will happen will happen. And I can’t wait.

September 03, 2020 08:16

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