The 4 siblings

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Ka-boom! Run for your life.....

Hi I’m Lit. I am a adopted child along with my other 3 siblings. It was hard enough living in the orphanage, with the discrimination because of how we looked. Our parents worked in the nuclear industry. But one day, everything went wrong. The day was sunny and beautiful as our adopted farther (as our professor) said. That day as they just finished the brand new automatic bomb, something went wrong. Suddenly as they were about to check the engine of the bomb..... Ka-boom! The bomb had malfunctioned and caused a nuclear reaction. “Run for your life“. Dark, toxic fumes filled the air, as the building collapsed. Struggling our mother surprisingly made it out. Tripping and stumbling had made her breath in A large amount of the toxic chemicals. Our mom at that time was pregnant, it was a surprise that she had made it out. As she entered the safe haven, she fainted. We were okay after but we were born differently and had some kind of power in us. Our parents died shortly after that. They left us each a necklace, and our names. Now we live with our professor. Professor loves us like he is our biological parents. Everyday we train with our professor. We were once discriminated, but now we are looked up to. We are the best superhero’s in the world.We all have different powers, my brother Aquarius, Aqua for short has water. Leaf, my sister has the power of nature. Winter, has the power of snow. But one day our professor died. He told us “Always believe in yourself and cherish the moments of your life. We were all so sad and all of us promised we would help people if they needed us , just like our professor.

. . .

One day we were called into fighting a new villain, Scarr. All of us zoomed into the fight. Winter try to freeze him in place, but he put his hand on his gun and shot her right in her weak spot. ”Ha ha ha

don’t come near me children I know all of you!” Leaf did her vine wrap

but he hit her in the temple so hard that she went flying back. Aqua flying with rage and me got together and charged. I thought why was he so familiar to us? “Hello citizens of the new world, right here I have a message for everyone today, I am here to announce to the city council that they have no vote to say I will not be ruler of this world, oh where are my manners, I am Scarr and nobody can stop me, hahahaha” said the villain. As they charged he summoned a group of alive bullets. “We have to split up“! As they ran toward Scarr they split up into two directions. Leaf and Winter ran toward the live bullets. Lit and aqua ran to the villain. They ended up on top of a skyscrape. As Lit hit him with fire, he deflected it and said “What did your Professor teach you, how to put on pretty pink nail polish?” This infuriated them and the rage fueled the fire. Lot sidestepped and thrust his sword at Scarr. Scarr tried to deflect the strike, but was cut on the arm. Blood dripped down his arm, as he howled in pain. He took out his gun, and curled his finger around the trigger. He pulled and it scraped against aqua‘s face. Scarr laughed in triumph, “Now you will have a scar like me!”. Lit screamed in anger and once again faked stabbed, ducked and this time thrust his sword into his target. Scarr screamed in rage. His face was full of agony. He withered for a few more seconds and stopped moving. Outside the living bullets slowly fell, and started to turn to dust.

They stood and rested, as they waited for Leaf and Winter to arrive. Their they found the Scarr on the ground bleeding and Lit, bleeding, severely scratched and scared, glowing with his sword above Scarr. They found Aqua trying to stop the flow of blood on his face. He had a big scratch across his face. He took out his healing potion and drank all of it. Zap ran over to join the group. “Do you know what was on the Scarrs neck? asked Zap. “What.” they all said at the same time. “He has the necklace we had that was from professor, the same one as ours.” and Zap touched his necklace. “He probably stole it.” growled Droplit. They decided to take of the Scarrs mask. “Any last words before we take of your mask?” asked Leaf. There was silence. Three, two, one, and they flung the mask open.

Nobody could believe their eyes. Lit fell down along with his siblings. Laying in front of them, drenched in blood, was their professor. A long silence, followed with a lot of tears. They were speechless. Finally, Leaf said in a shaky voice! “Why”. The professor, finally finding his words, said “ was a ghost that possessed me, when Lit stabbed me, the ghost died. As he used all his energy to speak, blood dribbled out of his mouth. Aqua swiftly took out the healing poison and placed it on his lip. The professor refused and closed his lips. It’s no use, I can feel myself dying and even if I do survive, I won’t be able to live with the guilt.” “I have one wish before I die, I would to be buried, cough at your parents side.”, and with those last words he died.

They held a funeral the day after. They stared solemnly at the grave and the coffin. Saying their final prayers, the coffin closed. Another loved one, dead, gone, going to sleep forever. Lit felt pain closing around his chest, swallowing his heart whole. He knew that even if things fall apart, it will rise again, and they left the funeral, and returned home.

June 28, 2020 21:17

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