Funny Inspirational Adventure

Long ago, in a world of revolutionaries, people that got tired of living under the same laws and rules established by society thousands of years prior, people who were so bored out of their minds they proposed the idea that perhaps changing the political ideals that ruled the world could offer a better and more open world in which having a conversation and having controversy would actually mean something; The Romantic Era, of course, a name that would suggest in the future that everyone during this time fell in love with each other and there was no hate or fighting, which indeed was the opposite. Some could say that this period of time is single-handedly responsible for the creation of Twitter and Facebook. Obviously, I don't think that John Locke, Shelly, Lord Byron, John Clare, and so on, intended for such horrific inventions to exist, but alas, they do, but their legacy has not all gone to waste. There still remain a few beings around the world that mask themselves as cynic beings like the rest of us, but secretly they are romantics, beings that see the 4th dimension and understand the most complex of ideas that are born in the human mind. Our protagonist, Alexandrovich, is a twenty-year-old young man that lives in the gigantic cold land of Russia, and he is a man who follows his heart but must be careful of where it will take him, the motherland is very protective of its children so Alexandrovich always thought with care, keeping his thoughts hidden away in his notebook like Winston from 1984, he wished to record events as they were and expose their real purpose to those that limited their thinking to believe what the media wanted to tell them. In other words, he wanted to be a real journalist, the best of them out there, but to see it as a simple career is not romantic at all, it is ignorant and idiotic. Alex aimed to be a true revolutionary, a philosophist, truly what Socrates and Plato aimed to be but could never achieve, Alexandrovich would carry the next generations with new views and ways of doing things.

Our future leader here did not, however, like, involving himself in political discussion or anything involved with politics, ironic since it was hard to find anything on this earth that was not infected by this concept. A world where politics governed the minds of everyone and Alex aimed to change it without getting involved in it, he would become, the Romantic Hero of the 21st century.

Alexandrovich was a student still, studying journalism at the heart of the motherland, Moscow. In order to change society, he had to live outside of it, he had to influence it from the outside. At the age of 19, he had started a channel on Youtube dedicated to delivering news in Russia called Pravda, or Truth. This obviously was under constant watch from the higher beings, not only because of its purpose but also because it was gaining popularity amongst the younger generations. These people just as young or even younger than him had opened their eyes to the reality of the world outside of their country. The channel was growing in popularity but then again amongst these thousands of followers, Alex knew that only one or two or even none were romantics like him, people who saw his true intent. Being young and a revolutionary, it would be stupid to ignore the fact that he was influenced by the Communist Manifesto and Marx's Capital, he wasn't interested in his political and economical views, but he was amazed at his approach and method to what he saw as the issue at the time. Alex decided that when the time came he would too publish a big piece of work that would shake the world.

Alex participated in discussions everywhere he could, his university, internet forums, even Twitter. He was a brave warrior. He masked himself as a cynic and accused protests from the BLM and the LGBTQ be for the purpose of simply gaining trust and gaining power over companies, he took the side of certain movements like those against Climate Change and the ones fighting against poverty in Africa. He did all of this anonymously as he knew that this was not him, but a character he formed in order to gain as much knowledge of the state of the world as he could. Secretly, he thought that the BLM was a movement destined not only to stand up against the racism and mistreatment against black people but in the future, it would grow to stand up for all people oppressed for their race. He believed it would eventually be somewhat like the French Revolution in the sense that many different people from all different classes and races would fight together to reform the system, including the LGBTQ who was the representation of free will in his eyes. He also believed that the movements that fought Climate Change were quite romantic as they embraced nature, they constantly searched ways to connect more to mother nature and to protect her, our roots; this too was a key element of the Romantic Era and he loved it.

After 5 years Alex's channel had grown too big for it not to appear on the KGB's radar. Throughout the duration of 5 years, Alexandrovich had gained fame in the political world anonymously, there were talks of a certain person online posting rather controversial opinions online and rather revolutionary ideals. He also wrote his own "Romantic Manifesto" called Pravda, just like his channel, where he explained all of his beliefs, his actions, his predictions, and finally his will. It was his own anime arc. Being the crazy and highly intellectual thinker that he is, Alex knew that they would come for him, the higher beings I mean, he knew that he was a target and they would come for him eventually. Death for Alexandrovich was not a choice, he was to be the Romantic Hero that would not die but live to see the world change under his influence.

Alex knew that he had to disappear, get off the radar, and he had planned to do just that as soon as he knew that the KGB had made their first move. Now you as the reader might be asking, how can one man take on the whole KGB so confidently? Well, he knew that they would attempt to get him first as soon as he made a move, so for five years he planned and established a network of places where he would hide and live and spend his time planning the revolution. It all took place on the 23rd of June, 2030, Alex had gathered enough money to travel across Europe and live in exile, but he had to make sure nothing remained of him. He faked his death, not only his but also his entire family's death. He made the move to St.Pettersbough while he moved to Finland. In his way, he is able to escape several agents sent to eliminate him, but none proved as problematic as Alina Solovyova. She was a master assassin, trained in the depths of the deepest dungeons of the KGB, she was the Russian boogyman, the woman that trained John Wick. No one had heard of this woman before, their targets never made it out alive, no one was left to tell the tale, and Alexandrovich didn't either. There was magic in Alina, a magic that made Alex fall in love. She was beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside. She was quick, smart, strong, and a woman that knew what her goal was in life, she was dedicated and there was no limit to the effort she put into what she did.

On one night in April 2032, after two years of being on the run, our Romantic Hero met his end at the hands of famous agent Alina, or at least that is what the higher-ups believe. Little is known from what Alina told her boss except for the fact that she eliminated him. Only a few know the true story of what happened to Alex.

He and Alina escaped together to Iceland where together they worked on the various translations of Pravda, which would be published less than a year later. Turns out that Alina was a secret Romantic just like Alex, and the point in persecuting him was just to join him. Alina faked his death better than he had obviously, she was kind of disgusted at how bad his fake death had been, she mocked him for it. Obviously, she had to bring a body back as evidence, however, no one knows where the body comes from, or how she acquired it, but I am sure no one wants to know. After that of course she was wanted but she was better at erasing her track than Alex. Not only was he able to revolutionize all systems across the world, but he truly revolutionized the meaning of the Romantic Hero. He lived outside of society with his love by his side and together fighting anonymously to change the world.

By 2036 Pravda was published, a small group had organized in America where there was more freedom of speech. Small communities formed everywhere that preached this pamphlet. Soon many other organizations adopted Alexandrovich's will, people fought with a purpose other than their greed and selfish goals. Alex's revolution had started sooner than he expected, mostly took the diplomatic route and talked and discussed their ideas. A few took it to the streets, which later on became impossible not to do, for the French Revolution of the 21st century was about to break out with Alexandrovich, the Romantic Hero of the century leading it.

August 07, 2021 21:20

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