
I stood on the tree quietly. holding my arrow and bow loosely making up my mind on how and where to shoot, my high boots just above my knees, my brown tights and a white shirt with a ripped arm hodiee. I look over at Zake......he’s my wolf, eagle and my horse. He not that hairy, since i don’t like it. His eyes are in different color just like mine we both have white in common. Yup he has huge claws with fangs. a unusual symbol which glow in the dark and yes! He can control the glow. I have trained him it’s like the first mistake when battling to attract your enemy. Anyways, I have a same pattern on my arms. that is cause it makes it easy for the owner to find his pet. These creatures technically called ‘maracels’ are transformable. You can decide two forms in which your ‘Marcel’ will transform. And this decision is taken from the first two things you call him to turn into Like when I got zake I was 14 and I called him to transform into a horse and falcon and my Friend who’s currently captured by those ‘hacktones’. The reason why we are going to fight the pack of ‘hacktones’ Chose Selena his pet to be a falcon and cheetah. I saw Eric being tied up by some of the ‘hacktones’. I need to act fast or he’s gone. I look around ready for my performance. I always give my opponent a little show before the fun. So I smirked at zake. “let’s go” I told him and zake did a little ‘Yup’ type growling. Showing that he’s ready to fight. I brought my hair down from a high pony tail to a nice lose side braid. And now with further a do i ran at my highest pace yet being careful to be light as a feather. I travelled On the trees in circles So that the place where they are keeping Eric is my middle.




I whispered loudly and yet deeply like a ghoul “who’s there.....show yourself?” One of them shouted.

“WELL.....what DO YOU KNOW? YOUR FAVORITE POETESS IS HERE” I spoke again. “BE on alert!!” A hacktone shouted.

I can see Eric smirk happily that I am here and kinda relived. “SIR! it’s coming from behind us....no from the right.....it’s left now?” I giggled....I love this part of the fight, they are already scared to there boots And once I attack them. They will be coco bananas, I gave zake the cue. He growled and turned into a huge falcon I jumped on him and then ACTION!! He cried like a falcon, flew high up in the sky.

All of there attention’s were drawn to us and with one swift we went straight down for them. I took both my swords out. Ready to fight “let’s do this” I singed “HEADS UP EVERYONE THERE SHE IS” I didn’t even let him finish the sentence. I jumped off zake “zake wolf” I shouted and he transform at the same time as I swished down making myself into the battlefield. I fought through the hecktones. our main objective was to free Eric. So might better focus on him. They are really fast but there biggest weakness is there blind spot. So we would use that as our strategy. I looked over at zake to cover me up while I free Eric. he was fighting tremendously just like me. I took a run and he covered me up. I hurried and ran towards Eric “Oh my god! Eric didn’t I told you that splitting up is not a good idea......oh but did you listen to me NO!!” I teased and scolded him. I know he’s a great person at heart but he’s super rude

with me. He might seem like a playboy but he’s not. I cut the wooden ropes. seriously who uses that and it’s super hard to cut since it’s ‘sapli lily’ very rare and strong type of wood. Finally after some minutes which of course felt like an hour. I cut open Eric and as I did zake was already losing it. “Hey! Eric” I gave him the knife. “Go and cut Selena lose....I need to help zake” I told him and ran. “ZAKE!” I ran by his side and we fought hard. “Zake take the left one the right one is mine” I informed. Just need to buy Eric enough time to free Selena. “Ahhhh!!” I fell down hard, It felt blurry and I can see my swords far beside me I tried to reach it. “Uffahhhh.....let me go....” one of the hecktons got my leg. “Get OF OFF ME!!” I shouted and threw him aside. I reached for my sword while the hecktone got up. “almost there!” I struggled. I felt a sharp sting back of my shoulder.I couldn’t see properly anymore I saw Zake all blurry

and the hecktone with a raisin sword. I saw Eric with hecktones rushing in his Direction. He almost freed Selena “No.....I need to go back” i panted. “Ahooooooooo” Zake jumped and ran towards me. He knocked the hacktone aside and started licking me. I did a quite giggle and pointed to Eric. who was totally out numbered “Free Selena” I whispered. He nodded and with a twist flying his incredible grey hair. He ran to free Selena. I was lying here panting trying to get my strength back and then what I saw was magic. “Woahh” I whispered. Both Zake and Selena join there strength and wow the effects were indescribable. Eric ran by my side my leg was bleeding And my arms were scratched too. Eric picked my swords and then carried me up on the tree. I couldn’t believe it, I mean he’s always so rude but now I can see a whole new world a whole new person through him. I mean he’s so handsome and

awesome. He laid me carefully on the tree and sat beside my leg to clean my wounds. I can see his hands all bruised up. I took his hand forgetting my pain. “Hey what happened? Are you okay Eric?” I asked him worriedly. He chuckles a little “Your so crazy....and hopeless” he smiled a little. I was like shocked, stopped and was gazing totally forgetting to smile back. “You okay?” He asked “YES...yes I am fine” I answered and looked away. “Okay this is gonna hurt a little” he informed I nodded and braced myself. It was really painful I looked away tears forming in my eyes. “this should hold your wounds till we get back..” he informed I nodded. he came and sat beside me. I saw Zake and Selena all paired like rangers, their hairs flying and lighting up. All those neon colors and as Zake clashes his claws and Selena raises her fangs. It was awesome both of them transforming into huge falcons there formation and timing is just

perfect. I could sit here and watch this show with Eric all night. Especially the part where the hacktones are being beat up. “They are amazing” I smiled. “Hmhm” he replied and looked at me with his eyes sparkling. He smiled and placed a calm hand on my head and planted a kiss on my forehead. I was in another world. he’s so gentle and ya by the way I am not that shy girl. Who would always grins on everything. He held my chin with his hand and we smiled at each other “thanks for the save ema” he hugged me. “YOU crazy for course how can I leave you?” I gave him a small slap and laughed a little. We were totally in a scene “RETREAT!!!!”

one of them shouted and the left of the hacktones ran away. I saw Selena and zake flying high in the sky and upon landing they transformed all heroically. “ahoooo” they hoowed together zake ran towards me on the tree and cuddled with me. I laughed while he licked my face

“stop it boy I am fine” I giggled and looked at Eric. He gave Selena a treat and patted her head. “Good girl” Zake looked up and Eric gave him a treat as well. “Ready to go home you guys” Eric asked. “Yup I can’t wait” I replied. “By the way ema loved your entrance before the fight” he commented.

I chucked “Thanks again” I nodded. “No need just take a look at my page on netagram @the._.poetess” I laughed and he lifted me up.

“Looks like it’s gonna rain soon we better hurry” he informed. “Zake horse” Zake turned into a beautiful brown horse with black hair. They shone in the moon light with neons colors his tail long and thick and to me he’s the perfect horse. Eric placed his hoodie on and handed me one of those black long hoodies. “Let’s go” he jumped on the horse. “Wait—ahhh“ I nearly finished the sentence when he pulled me up on the horse in front of him.




“Selena ema is hurt so today you follow us okay?” She nodded in response. “Let’s go Zake” he ordered and Zake Started running at a fairly speed. “Eric do listen to me next time so we wouldn’t have to go through all that fighting” I advised. “Okay sure....Hmhm” he is totally faking that. I felt so sleepy and my legs were still in a little pain, He placed his calm hand around me and I slept feeling so safe and loved.

“I am here in your, Safety

You can call me yours, Let’s be something real And dear

Cause I am not an Ice sculpture

I am Vulture, don’t Soo I am here with, you in this rain

the horse is moving,

past this rain

I can feel you, beneath me and i know your, there beside me”

I can feel this poem being singed in my mind as we ran down the road back to our home, glad it worked out in the end..........

May 15, 2020 19:33

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