
Mrs. Battlets was a supercilious woman. She always live in this pride that she is the most intelligent woman of her society. One day when she was going for shopping with her friend in her friend's car she asks her friend to give her permission for driving. Her friend Mrs. Jones knows the Mrs. Battlets don't know how to drive car, but as she was insisting she gave a chance to Mrs. Battlets for driving. When Mrs. Battlets starts driving she was not able to start the car even she was trying again and again but she can't start it. When Mrs. Jones asks her to help, Mrs. Battlets refused, because she was still thinking that she is the most intelligent woman of her society. Then Mrs. Jones told her, what problem is occurring, actually Mrs. Battlets didn't start the key of car, that's why car was not able to start. After listening this the people who where near them, started laughing at Mrs. Battlets. When Mrs. Battlets heard their laughing, she felt shame a bit. But still she was thinking, that she is the most intelligent woman. Then they both went for shopping. After sometimes they reach to the shopping mall. They started buying their needed things. Few minutes later, their shopping ended. Now it's time for billing they went to pay money, there they both saw a lady, who forgotten her wallet and when she went for paying, then she got to know. That she had forgotten her wallet at home. After seeing this, Mrs. Battlets starts laughing loudly at that woman. And then finally, this was turn of Mrs. Battlets, for paying. She was going in a high pride for paying money. When the billing was done. She put her hands in her purse, and then a she got a surprise. 'Are you curious about knowing the surprise'? Ok let me tell you. Actually Mrs. Battlets also forgotten her wallet at her home. When her friend asked her, what happened? She told 'I had forgotten my wallet at home'! Everybody, who where present at that shopping mall, started laughing at her. Her face become pale. She was feeling ashamed on her pride. Then she realised, that she is not the most intelligent woman, and from that day she never felt pride.

December 13, 2019 11:31

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