Coming of Age Funny Friendship

Hi my name is Ella,am in highschool.am waiting for my bff,her name is Tima but I prefer calling her"The easily scared or weirdo" because she is almost scared of everything,and she is also unbelievable crazy.she is also sometimes irritating but that why I love her so much.am still waiting for her to come out.I don't know why she is always the last person to come out of the class.but anyway,am planning to tell her that we will be spending a night in a graveyard with others.but am not going to tell her that we will be in a separate tent and a miles away from others,because she will freak out.maybe this will help her stop being scared.oh! here she comes.

Tima's POV

Sup bae, how was class?

Ella's POV

Fine,why are you always the last person to come out of the class?

Tima's POV

Because i wait for everybody to leave before i can come out with out any body stepping on me or teasing me.

Ella's POV

That's her,my bff the weird one.

Tima's POV

What ever I don't care miss cool girl.

Ella's POV

"Weirdo" I want us to spend a night in the graveyard.

Tima's POV

Wh wh what.

Ella's POV

In a graveyard.

Tima's POV

Gra grave, graveyard.the two of us,but why?

Ella's POV

Miss "Easily scared",it's won't be the two of us only, others will come.

Tima's POV

Like how many of them?where are we going to lay down? are we taking a bed with us?

Ella's POV

Like five of them.crazy, we won't be taking any bed with us.we will be lying on the graves.

Tima's POV

that's creepy! I won't be part of it.

Ella's POV

hahahaha come on am just kidding.we will be setting up a camp.trust it will be fun.

Tima's POV

Ok then am going.but promise not to scare me or leave me alone.

Ella's POV

I won't,go and prepare I will come pick you up.

Tima's POV

Ok see you in the evening.

Ella's POV

Finally am going to make her fearless in just one night mmmmm.A night she will never forget.

Tima's Pov

It's almost time.Why am I feeling scared.come on Tima you can do this.yeah it's just one night with friends,you won't be alone in there.ok I can do this yessssssss.

Ella's POV

Good evening Aunt,is Ella in.

Tima's mom POV

How are you dear? Yes she is in her room preparing.

Ella's POV

Ok. Yo bae,ready,come out let's go.

Tima's POV

I think am feeling sick.i won't be going.aah aah aah my stomach's hurts.

Ella's POV

Come on "Easily scared" or should I say drama Queen.you are not feeling sick and you are coming with me (dragging her out) .see you tomorrow Aunt.

Tima's POV

Tomorrow mom,love you (kisses her)

Tima's mom POV

Girls take care of yourself. Ella please don't leave her alone, you know how scared she can be. She is my only.

Tima's POV

Come on mom,am not that too scared.

Tima's mom POV

You wish. Ok girls be careful.

Ella's POV

Don't worry Aunt I have got her back.(smiling) .let go weirdo.

Tima's POV

Ok miss cool girl. I know you are just pretending to be fearless.

Ella's POV

Here we are.in the graveyard.

Tima's POV

Why did we arrived so soon.oooh ooh ooh.am starting to shudder.

Ella's POV

Come on bae let set the camp up.

Tima's POV

( While Setting the camp up) Ella where are the others.

Ella's POV

They are on their way.go put the stuffs in the tent.

Tima's POV

When will they be here? It's already 6:00 o'clock.ok forget it.tell me a story.(holding her hands tight)

Ella's POV

Why are you holding me so tightly,come on let go,i won't go anywhere.if you want to hear something nice let go of my hand,if not am not going to say anything.

Tima's POV

Ok letting go.but don't go anywhere.

Ella's POV

Ok once upon a time there was a haunted house with a lot of ghosts and evil.

Tima's POV

Stop,stop (closing my ears) I don't want to hear a story again.lets play poker.

Ella's POV

Ok but no cheating.(while playing) time passes away quickly.

Tima's POV

Ella why are the others not yet here.its Already 12:30

Ella's POV

Well they said they couldn't make it.so it's just the two of us stuck here.

Tima's POV

What! the two of us.what if a ghost comes in here.oooh God save me!no no no.

Ella's POV

Come on "easily scared" ghosts don't exist.

Tima's POV

Really! No I don't believe you.(shivering in fear)

Ella's POV

Come on bae stop being scared and let's sleep.

Tima's POV

Sleep,no I can't sleep without making sure that am safe or you won't leave when I close my eyes.you sleep,I will sleep when you are fast asleep..

Ella's POV

Ok then good night.i closed my eyes, after sometime she also lie down.closed are eyes and open after some minutes to make sure that am not gone.she's really funny.i waited till she was fast asleep, then i went out to join the others in the other camp a mile away from ours.

Tima's POV

I woke up at around 5:30 Am.not seeing Ella.what! where is she(shivering out of fear) Ella please come out.ooh ooh wh what if a ghost has taken her away no no no.(crying) please God bring her back to me.(hearing sounds)ooh wh what is that? mama please save me! why did I even accept to come?oh ooh please Ella if you are joking stop this is not funny.mama,Ella. Am scared please come out.Shh shh what if the ghosts are hearing me.ooh mama your only child is going to die if you don't come now.(phone rings).ooh what is that does a ghost have a phone.wait is it calling it colleagues for me.ooh no Ella the ghost are coming in bunch for your bff.please help meeee!(phone vibrates under the pillow) it's Ella calling.hello please Ella come save me where are you?why did you leave me alone here?please come back.

Ella's POV

Tima calm down,am not going there again.if you want,you can come over here at the other camp.its a mile away.

Tima's POV

What! no I can't come there all by my self am scared.Ella come...(call ends)how could she end the call.am doomed.i can't go there by myself and I can't stay here alone also all because I am scared. No I gotta stop being scared and go over there.yesssss,am not a kid to be scared.no no no! ok, let's go.(on my way) am not afraid any more.ghosts don't exist.i gotta be like Ella, fearless,brave and cool. am not "Easily scared" as she calls me.i will prove her wrong.yes Tima you can do this,you are almost there.go further more yesss.almost there.i can do it, I can do it.finally a five steps more yes. Ellaaaa (hugs her with joy) Am not scared anymore all thanks to you.

Ella's POV

Yess you are now fearless.all thanks to us.am sorry for leaving you all alone,for not telling you about this camp and also for lying to you that the others didn't make it.sorry.

Tima's POV

If you wouldn't have done that I wouldn't have become fearless like you. So no more calling me "miss Easily scared"

Ella's POV

What are friends for? Ok miss fearless let go join the others inside.


October 23, 2020 23:59

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