American Contemporary

"Hi dad, I'm home! Wow, what a day I had. How are you guys? huh? Dad you comfortable? Kevin, bro? you good? You getting tired of sitting that long? Sorry, I'll loosen the ropes a little. There. How's that? Better? Can you move your fingers? All your toes? I mean, the ones you still have? I told you not to make me mad! I hate it when you ignore me! That is so impolite and mean that I just had to defend myself! What are you afraid of, Bro? I'm not taking any more of them. I can't cut off the big ones so don't worry. Great! I'll have your dinner soon. What do you want tonight? A strawberry or mango smoothie? I'll have to add bananas because they are just on the verge of going bad. I don't want to waste them. Let me take off my coat. There, that's better. It's really hot in here. you guys hot? I'll open the window..oops, too much, the snow is coming in...ohh, breathe in that fresh cool air! It's invigorating! Now, dad, what about you? You look like you're falling off the bed.. no wonder! You soiled the sheets again? How many times do I have to wash them during the week? I told you I don't have time to do it more than twice a week! Now, I'm sorry I have to do this, but you know I hate to do laundry! Great, now you're bleeding all over the sheets. Stop crying, I'm sorry, okay? It's been a long day. I'll give you some clean sheets tomorrow. Meantime, I will roll you over and...oh gross! That's disgusting! You have a huge bedsore! How did you get that? Okay, I have to clean it now. Kevin? Sorry, dinner is going to be delayed. You can thank dad for that.. Now hold still. I'm just going to clean this out with alcohol..shhh! Don't try to scream ! It's only going to hurt worse! Here's a nice clean towel to dry you off with. I'll cover this with a clean blue absorbent sponge, there that should do it. Guys, I was looking at the photo album yesterday. Remember these pictures? Look dad, that was the day you took my sister Michelle to the carnival instead of me. I never figured out why you did that. Course, now that I think back about it I had forgotten that you tried to leave her there. I was so shocked when she made her way back! Mad too. For once, I was the only one. I guess that's why I bonked her on the head with a rock. How did I know what was going to happen? I was only two. Okay, now for dinner. I'll wash my hands first, then I'll make your smoothie, bro. All done. Here, doesn't that smell divine! Actually, it smells so good, I'm going to have it. Yum! Delish! Okay, stop looking at me with that big sad eye. I'll heat up the broth I made for you yesterday. There is some left. Now, while that is heating, I guess I have to make your dinner dad. What do you want? Let's see what's in the frig..oh, okay, here is the leftover ground meat I made for you. was it good? Too spicy? I couldn't find a recipe of how to make eyeballs, so I winged it. It's kind of like jelly! Here, you can lick it off the spoon. It's okay, I'll hold it for you. What's the matter? Know what! I don't have time for this! I have to go soon. Kev, bro, your dinner is ready. I hope it's not too hot. I know just how to cool it down! There! one pint of vodka chilled in the freezer! Just like you like it. Hurry up, finish it. Swallow it! Do I have to force this down your throat again? You almost choked to death yesterday. Did you like how that felt? No? then drink it. Here, I put a new straw in it for you. That's better. Oh! I have to hurry! There's still some packing I have to do. Dad? What was the combination on the safe? I need money. Dad? Never mind! I actually figured it out last month. let's see. 23 left.. 15 right and 3 to the left. That's correct, isn't it Dad? 23 was for the years you and mom were married, 15 is for the years you spent in prison after you killed her and 3 is the age I was when they took me away. You know, after I went funny. Sorry Kev, I guess there's no memorable date for you in this family. Unless you count the day when you were adopted. I always forget. Was it the second or the thirty first when you graced us with your presence? Hmm, you were always such a big shot. You don't remember that? Look at you picture in the family photo album. See? big high School athlete. Scholarship just because you could run fast! What about me? I did stuff. But, no, I don't have to go to college. Girls should be married! Well, dad! thanks, that worked out great! Anyway, I'm better off alone, who needs a man? I mean, look at the two of you? You disgust me! Cowering in your little chair, needing me to feed you like a baby. And you dad, useless piece of junk! Anyway, I better take the album with me. I'll destroy it later. I'll finally get some happy memories of the two of you. I'm taking all the money dad. I'll be needing it where I'm going. What? You think I'll tell the two of you? Let's see..money stuffed in my purse, old identity burned into ashes, new identity ready to go.. I have finished packing. I guess I'll see you...oops! one more thing. Kev? Just in case you think you are going to be a hero. ..I have now ripped the phone out of the wall, and the only cell phone is mine.

So, my old life is dead. My new one has just begun. Don't call, don't write. I'll lock the door behind me..hahahaha"

February 18, 2023 00:52

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Graham Kinross
00:27 Mar 07, 2025

Wow, this is grim stuff. It’s amazing the way it can come back to haunt people years after they’ve done something unthinkable. I’m sure the father never imagined his daughter would take horrific vengeance against him and although it could be said that he deserves it for killing her mother I can’t say the same about her brother just because she resents the opportunities he had that she didn’t.


21:46 Mar 07, 2025

wow! I'm honored you read my story! this is amazing! Thank you so much. There is a part 2, I don't think I entered that one in the contest, but it was how she got along after she escaped. It was written from the point of view of her psychotic break. So: how much of the first story was true? There were definitely triggers that would have caused her to have a psychosis. I hope I left the reader wondering if she really did travel to those places or did she finally have the true psychosis on the front step of their home? I don't deny that bot...


Graham Kinross
23:55 Mar 07, 2025

You’re welcome LJ. What’s the name of the sequel story for this?


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18:13 Mar 02, 2023

The piece of murderous art itself. The mastermind himself was a bit silly with all that talking but the end was unexpected. Great tension and open end just marvelous. Well cooked threats as a cherry on the top and doom of his victims... chillin...


00:01 Mar 03, 2023

thank you so much for your comments! Truly appreciated!


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S. M. Lewis
23:58 Mar 01, 2023

What an intriguing story! I love the creative choice to tell the whole story from the main character’s perspective. You dropped in some fascinating tidbits that left me wanting to know more about Dad, too. So much tension! Well done!


00:04 Mar 03, 2023

thank yo so much for taking time to read it! Your comments are always welcome!


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Delbert Griffith
13:18 Feb 25, 2023

This was creative, hilarious, and chilling. The implicit and explicit tortures that you slipped into the story, coupled with the MC's blasé attitude, was entertaining and macabre. I think the ending is not quite right. I feel like it would have been more powerful to end it at: "I'll be needing it where I'm going." A really creative take on the prompt, and written quite well. Good job, LJ.


15:25 Feb 25, 2023

Thank you so much or taking the time to read it! I appreciate your comments. It was an interesting exercise!


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Wendy Kaminski
18:16 Feb 19, 2023

This is probably the most unusual and creative approach to the dialogue prompt I have read so far! A horror story in monologue, for sure, yikes! I think the looks, etc. as perceived by the narrator, count as the other half of the dialogue, frankly. That is the only communication the others can do. Nice challenge response!


00:20 Feb 25, 2023

Wendy! Thanks so much for that.! It was hard but I thought it was an interesting exercise! Thanks for taking the time to read it!


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