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Adventure American Crime

 "I can't believe this is happening to me!" Bella panicked as she stared at the tomato garden beside the mini park of her 5 bedroom apartment. She got married to Ged 9 years ago, just after Jane was born. Getting married to Ged was one of the great decisions she has made in her 30 years on planet earth. They were two love birds, always having each other's back. Bella met Ged at a 'tomato farm planning' training organised by Toma Fruit Company. 

   They both had a vision of starting a Tomato production company, this will improve the economy of their town by reducing the rate of Tomato importation from Gelivin City. Bella accepted Ged's proposal not just because of love, but she was convinced of a bright future with Ged, a tomato future. Their tomato journey started immediately after their honeymoon. They both made a decision to start small, get enough experience and then launch out big. 

   They started a tomato garden beside their park and after 4 years of their tomato farming they had reduced the importation of tomatoes into their town by 17%. It's time to enlarge their dreams! Ged woke up one beautiful morning to serve Bella desert in bed. Ged had always treated Bella special, but this day was different. His face was booming with excitement. "Honey, I'll be traveling to California for two weeks, I need to get a loan from my Uncle over there, we need money for tomato farm and our tomato love," Ged said as they both laughed. "Tomato love sounds good you know," Bella said, "but two weeks away from me doesn't," Bella added as she took a bite of the dessert. After a long deliberation, she finally agreed and Ged left the next morning. 

   Bella was preparing to take Jane to school, she had promised to make tomato sauced pancake for Jane, but the pancake had gotten burnt while she was speaking with Tony, a friend she met at a grocery store some 5 years ago. Tony had loved Bella from their first bump at the store, he got to know that she was married, but not wanting to let go of her, asked if they could be friends. Bella could not admit she likes Tony's personality, he dresses so nice and appears to be a cool guy. "You might burn the house the next time this happens," Jane said as she patted Bella's back. "Sorry darling, I'll make it up to you tomorrow." Bella said as she picked up the car key to dash out. 

   "I think you have a call" Jane said as she gave Bella her phone. "No playing of games on Moma's phone baby girl" Bella answered as she tried to pick her call. "Hello.... Morning to you, you are on to Bella from BELGED tomato company... Yeah, I know Ged... Ged!!!" Bella screamed as she fell to the ground. Immediately Ged arrived at his Uncle's place, the police had arrived to raid his Uncle's house, they found a school bag filled with drugs in the house and Ged was arrested as a suspect, along side 5 other men that works for Chris, Ged's uncle. Chris fled from California when he heard this. Ged was sentenced to 35 years imprisonment. 

   It's been 3 years that Ged got detained, Bella kept the tomato business running and Tony has been very helpful. Tony took Bella to an exotic restaurant one friday evening, he had decide to finally tell Bella about how he felt about her. "You look stunning tonight" Tony said, as he stared closely at Bella. "Thank you Tony, can we place our orders please" Bella replied, as she stared at the menu. At this point, Bella had fell deeply in love with Tony, he was always at her house to help her out with the farm and chores, he apparently takes Jane to school every morning and picks her up after school. All through those times, Tony never made any sexual move towards Bella and this even made her love him more. 

  "Let's get married." Tony said as they sipped their wine. "I promise to be by your side always. I love you Bella" Tony added. "What about Ged?" Bella said as she dropped her glass of wine on the table. "You can't stay all alone for the next 27 years," Tony replied. "When Ged is out, you can go back to him. I will let you go back to him, I promise." Tony replied, holding Bella's hands. "Is that a promise?" Bella asked Tony, looking straight into his eyes. "I promise," Tony replied her as he brought out a ring from his wallet. "Will you marry me, Bella Peters?" Tony finally popped the question. "Yes, Tony White, I will." Bella answered. Tony gave her a peck and they had a wonderful time together. 

  It's 1 week to Tony and Bella's wedding, and according to Tony, it's their family tradition to have a one week wedding. For them, wedding is beyond the celebration, it's a time for family bond. Tony and Bella's family had started arriving from 9:00AM in the morning. "Hey tiny Tony!" Grek said To Tony as they both started laughing. Grek is Tony's only brother and his third sibling. "When will you stop calling me that, I'm chubby now! Take a good look at this handsome man." Tony replied as he turned around, showing some stunts. "Where's your mummy? " Tony asked pretending to put up a serious face. "Mummy? You know we've gat no mother," Grek replied. "I mean your wife bro!" Tony said, smiling but trying hard not to laugh. 

   "Why did you put my bag on the couch Grek? I told you to carry that back on your shoulder man!" Tracey said as she walked briskly to where Grek and Tony was. "Here comes your momma" Tony said to Grek quietly. "Bella! Bella!!" Tony tried to call Bella over to change the discussion. "You need to feed our baby now and get my bag off the couch" Tracey said to Grek, almost approaching where Grek and Tony were standing. "Hey Grek, have you met my girl? This is the bride to be." Tony said as he gently turned Grek's face from Tracey to Bella. "Nice to meet you Bella" Grek said forcing a smile. "Tony said so much about you" Geek added promptly. "I hope you said nice things about me" Bella said to Tony. "It's so nice to finally meet you Mr Geek, Tony told me...

   "Hello boys and bride to be" Akela interrupted. Akela is Tony's eldest sibling and the only female out of the three. "Sis!" Tony said as he jumped at Akela. Akela has been a mum to her two brothers, ever since they lost their mother. Akela likes Tony more than Grek and has not bothered to keep that from anyone. Tony is the smart and cool one, while Grek is too dummy for her, more reason Tracey treats him as such. 

   "Good to see my baby boy" Akela said as she hugged Tony once more. "Hello Tracey, I didn't see you, try to get some fat" Akela said to Tracey."I know you wouldn't," Tracey replied as she hissed and left Grek. "Dear wiffy, Tony said you have a girl, do you mind if my kids stay in her room? I'll love some privacy with my husband." Adela said, anxious for a positive response from Bella. "I'm sure Jane wouldn't mind," Bella replied, trying to make disapproval gestures to Tony, but Tony pretended to be carried away. "Oh... Her name is Jane, we have a family member that bares the name," Akela said, trying to make Bella comfortable about her decision.

   Bella stood by the door as Akela's girls trooped into Jane's room with their bags and boxes. Jane didn't seem happy about the girls staying in her room, Bella has never seen her that unhappy. "It's just seven days," Bella whispered to Jane as she waved seven fingers to her. "Jane has never shared her room with anyone, she loves her privacy." Bella said to Tony quietly. "She'll be fine," Tony responded as he hugged Bella. 

   It was the third day of the wedding, usually the day to discuss about the family traditions. The dress code for the family on this day is purple. The house was beautifully decorated with white and purple ribbons and gold balloons. Everyone was set and the event was about to begin, when someone knocked at the door. "Grek, go check who is at the door," Tracey said authoritatively. "Big Moma! You made it here!" Grek said as he carried Big Mama's traveling box into the house. "Hello everyone" Big Mama said in her tiry voice, starring at everyone, as if trying to know the bride. They all stood up to hug and welcome her. 

   "Where's the new bride?" She asked. Bella waved at her with a big smile. "You should be on a white dress not purple my darling." Big Mama said as Bella stared at the audience of the party confused. Akela had instructed everyone including her to wear purple for the day. "Akela said I could wear a purple dress," Bella said, hoping that someone will just stand up and explain something to this woman she's meeting for the first time in her life. "I have told you not to handle family traditions again Akela. I'm your mother's sister. Let me do that always!" Big Mama said trying to sit on the couch. "I'm not a kid Mama, I can handle things in this family." Akela responded, in a bossy tone. 

   "Have you told the new bride about our main tradition yet?" "Big mum, let's take things slow please, we'll get to all of that." Tony interrupted sharply, trying not to make Bella uncomfortable about his family. "There's nothing slow about our family, only Grek's reasoning is," Big Mama replied. Tracey couldn't take this, as she dashed out of the house angrily, dragging Grek to the car, as she carried her baby with the other hand. "They don't love you here Grek! But I do and will forever be on your side baby," Tracey said as they approached their vehicle to go back home.

   Bella sat hopelessly, it was a family drama. "Beautiful lady, it's important to know our family traditions before you tie the knot on Saturday. New brides must stay with Grandma in the family house at Granville City for one year after their wedding. "What will happen to the tomato farm?" Jane asked profusely. ""Listen ladies and gentlemen, I have a tomato farm here and I can't abandone it for a year." Bella said trying to get herself together. Tony couldn't stop panting around. "Granville is just few miles from here, you can come over monthly to check on your tomatoes," Big Mama responded. "You either go to Granville or stay out of the family." Big Mama added. 

   "I'm done!" Bella shouted as she threw the ring at Tony and walked out. Bella locked herself in the room with Jane, as she could hear Tony's family and her's drive off to their houses. Bella wept all through the night, blaming herself for agreeing to be with Tony. "If he loves me, he'll love my tomatoes too. I can't leave my tomatoes." Bella kept saying as she wrapped herself in her duvet. 

  It was the door bell that woke them up the next morning, "Check who's at the door Jane." Bella said to Jane, still trying to get some sleep. "Daddy!!!" Jane screamed after she opened the door. Bella rushed downstairs still in her purple gown. "Ged!" Bella screamed as she bursted into tears. "The police arrested my uncle last month and got to know I was innocent." Ged said as he hugged Bella and Jane. It was such an emotional and beautiful moment. 

   "My tomato love..." Bella said, as she gazed at Ged. "The government decided to compensate me and gave me $10,000," Ged said, holding Jane and Bella's hands. "Let's paint the town with tomato love!" Ged added. 

BELGED tomato company became a major producer of tomatoes in their town and at some point, they began to export tomatoes to 7 other cities.

November 27, 2020 17:35

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1 comment

Book Worm
16:12 Dec 04, 2020

Tomato love was quirky but interesting. Wish you wouldn't change the tense within a sentence.


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