Fiction Suspense Thriller

 Episode One


Staring blankly around my room,I had nothing to do. Boredom and loneliness is just like a part of me. I really want to come out of my shell but it looks impossible. A sudden knock jolted me out of my reverie. I stood at alert, waiting if I would hear the sound once again and detect where it is coming from. "Rose, dinner is ready. Come join us at the dinning table". I heard the tiny voice of my younger sister calling me. I really do not love associating myself with people and sitting down to eat dinner is like a pain. However,my stomach awaits the invitation of a yummy delicious meal. I hopped downstairs, hurried up with my dinner and went back upstairs to my room. While in my room,my eyes wandered around and I found solace in staring blankly at the window. I was so lost within my world and suddenly I saw a silhouette figure plastered on the window,I mean,my window!. I was shocked yet my face was expressionless. I wanted to run to the rest of the family members and tell them what I saw but a part of me felt drawn to the figure. I watched in dismat as the figure crept out from the window, facing me. "Roosseee...come join me in a world where I would provide you with things you could ever imagine. A world where loneliness is a thing of the past. Come, I would welcome you. Just accept my request, sweet Rose", the figure said to me. I think I am now lost... I mean what the hell!. It happened almost immediately,the figure tracing my face with its long fingernails and I feel as though I would pass out any moment from now. The figure's face was so terrifying to behold. It or should I say she? She looked like someone from the past life who is appreciated with wrinkles and old age. Her teeth looks so sharpened, ready to make a feast on its victim. All these coupled with a long flowing black hair which looks so smooth made me freak out. "Get the fuck out of my room, I mean I do not even know you,I do not just understand the chemistry between seeing your figure on my window and coming out to face me with proposals. I mean,who are you?" I was shaking uncontrollably with fright,my once expressionless face now depicts fear. "Calm down my dear,you see,I have been roaming around for a while now and I know you need me. You sit all alone and feel allergic to social life. Imagine if you just sit calmly like you do but having the best of fun anyone could ever imagine. I know you feel unloved and that clothing which stands for sense of belonging has been ripped off. If you kindly accept this proposal as you called it,you would be chanced to meet with your parents who have become strangers to the world. Just think girlie,there is no cause for alarm". Gosh, I cannot believe all these,I mean I do want to feel this real sense of belonging but what time do when one's heart desires are just a mere cry. I just don't know what came upon me but I felt the need to try the figure's proposal. Maybe if I tried it,I would have the capability to provide my younger sister what she desires. Though the family members do not treat me at all times but the circumstances behind my birth made them disregard me. 

Episode Two

During the hours of my birth as I was told, a stranger was wrongly accused of stealing and sent to the evil forest of no return. The stranger however cursed the land! Ever since then, people act and even treat me as if I am the cursed one. They feel I am associated with the events surrounding the stranger and his curse. Growing into a teenager,I lack what most of my mates call parental care and love. I know I have told you about that we earlier before. 

I think I should just accept this figure's proposal,I really do not mind if it is even a spirit. "I accept", I told the figure. Immediately,she laughed out loud, brought forth her hands and clutched my hairs. She traced my face, sending shivers through my spines and brought forth a key. "Rose,this key you're looking at represents a change in you. Move closer to the window,make the key be in contact with the window and you would be surprised with what you see",she proclaimed and vanished immediately. I was so curious to know what would be the outcome of everything. I made the key to be in contact with the window and lo and behold,a new environment filled with extreme beauty lay before me. I do not know but I found myself transported there. It was a magical world and I really enjoyed myself. Then, I thought of my parents and immediately they appeared before me. "Go back Rose,you are not supposed to be here. This is not your place",dad said. "Uhnnnnn, what do you mean, I am definitely enjoying myself here and do not want to go back",I replied truthfully holding the key closer to myself. It was getting dark in this new environment and the shrill voices of animals could be heard. As I moved,I began to see different types of animals,some made attempts to hurt me but it looks like a shield was guiding me. "Hurry up Rose,go now before it is too late",mom said. I was confused yet was not willing to go. Mother watched me closely and snatched the key from my hand. I immediately felt disconnected,a thunder like lightening erupted and dust filled the whole arena. I felt caged waiting for a saviour. I found myself in a tunnel which looks like it has no end. On getting and rolling to its end, everything and everywhere was completely dark! "Oh!, no,dear God, kindly save me",I muttered with fright. 

The figure came holding a flashlight, trying to lure me into her so called new world again. "Look,I don't know what and who you are, just let me be". I shouted at her and she flinched backwards. She however started to pursue me, I thought she would give up easily but no. While running,I began to gasp for air, hurting myself. My body could no longer take it,I was so drained. She however toyed with the flashlight and I was able to see a window!. I tried crawling to the window,she kept on dragging me back and I still kept on pushing. I became so close to the window that I made a touch with it, I felt transported once again and the figure gradually vanished. 

Noooo!!!,I cried out from sleep. It was all a nightmare. My breathing was so fast, It was so real. I felt the pain at the joint where I hurt myself. Gosh,it was so so real. I really do not want to go through all these in the actual life.

June 11, 2021 21:44

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