Fiction Fantasy Suspense

Once upon a time there was a tree full of blooming flowers and Pra, Jaa, Paa and Tii, the four butterflies made the flowers their homes. They lived there happily along with twenty other butterflies. They all collected honey from the flowers daily and preserved it for their future use. They thought themselves as the beauty of flowers and the honey is the jewellery of their beauty. It was a hot summer day, all butterflies fell asleep upon the flower beds after sipping ambrosia. But when they woke up they found nothing inside the flowers. The honey was stolen. So they were starving. Next day they again fell asleep and when woke up found nothing. They became worried about that. They called the plunderer as Honey Thief. They often said, "the flowerbed is only for butterflies not for hornets". So they easily suspected the hornets as the plunderers of honey and they planned to catch them. Tii, the big butterfly came forward and blamed the hornets and accused their black eyes, black hearts and black thoughts. And other two butterflies of the same age came forth to support his accusations against the hornets. The rest butterflies believed that.

          One day the clouds were running to and fro in the sky and suddenly the flowers of rain started to fall. Unfortunately a poor hornet lost his way to home. When the lost hornet came to the flowers and knocked the petals for help, nobody came out. To protect himself from the hazardous flowers of rain, he took shelter under the flowering tree. When the rain stopped, all the butterflies came out. Suddenly they found someone under their house. Pra said, "It is a black hornet. I think he came to steal honey yesterday but couldn't steal away". Someone cried, "Kill the thief!", Jaa asked the hornet, "Why are you here? Who sent you? Tell us immediately or you must die for your strange appearance". But the hornet was silent like a winter night. No answers came out. The poor hornet was lying dead upon the fallen flowers. A cuckoo was singing a song from her broken heart. A green leaf fell in sorrow. But the butterflies were sure of the hornets as the plunderers of honey, the nectar of their life. So they decided to investigate the homes of the hornets. To fulfill their motives, they selected four groups where each group was divided into four butterflies. The name of the four groups were 'Group of Morning', 'Group of Noon', 'Group of Evening', and 'Group of Night' respectively. Each team was their prescribed duties. To keep an eye on the movements of hornets in the morning was the Group of Morning's duty. The second group watched the hornets' noon movements, the third group observed the hornets' evening activities and the last and fourth group investigated their night intercourse. But when everyone failed and they decided to make the special detectives. Ten detectives flew to the moon and requested her to help on their investigation. They said to the moon, "We are the beauty of flowers. We are in great danger. Someone steals the honey everyday. Help us! We beg you not to get up tonight and we'll catch the thief in darkness". The moon accepted their proposal. Then they flew to the glowworms and requested to come with them and beg their help. The detectives then appealed to the wind not to blow tonight. And they welcomed the darkness holding the black crown on his head at night.

It was dark night. The moon did not bloom in the sky. The wind stopped his breath and the glowworms were sitting with the lights off to suddenly light the torch. And the detectives were standing alert with the nets in their hands to entrap the honey plunderers. They were all standing still like a statue but no plunderers came yet. The detectives were shocked. Then they decided to enter the home of the hornets directly to find out the store of robbing honey. So one day in the very morning the detectives flew to the homes of the hornets. There they found the houses made by hornets. The houses were made of clay. One detective said, "Soil is consumer, how can it contain the melted honey!", "I think the store house of honey they've made inside their body, let's see it!", another detective said. They came back home.

Two weeks later, the detectives found a hornet beside the flowering tree was buzzing of happiness. They thought the hornet's sweet buzzing was the reflection of honey. So the innocent hornet was entrapped by the detectives. To find out the store house of honey inside the hornet, they killed the harmless hornet ruthlessly and found nothing what they expected. They became hopeless. A detective said, "I think, this hornet didn't drink honey. The another hornets must have drank the nectar!". The rest detectives thought he was right. So they again started investigation very carefully. This time they decided to kill all the hornets to discover the ambrosia. Gradually they began to kill all the hornets. But finally they found nothing what they wanted. Suddenly the black cloud was sailing holding the heaps of pain in his heart but no flowers of rain came out. And the detectives realized their faults and their wrong investigation, then they found a flock of white birds were crawling over the clouds to reach their destination. 

[In a desert the sands sparkle and we make mistake to think it water. The thoughts are like the sands and we often take them as perfect but sometimes they are wrong. A black cuckoo sings the sweet songs, we'll never forget that light has no value if shadow denies her; even flowers bloom in darkness. Thoughts can't be true always but the result of thoughts must be true. So before drawing the steps judge the accurate measurements of your steps. Think well, do well. Thinks not what may prove you wrong, thinks what can curve you on the wall of grim belief. Always remember, don't think twice after the danger exists once].

December 18, 2020 15:24

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