Drama Creative Nonfiction Funny

It wasn't the best month of July if you woke up with a blasting headache from yesterday's party that you were forced to attend and was welcomed with a really messy room—courtesy of your annoyingly cute doggo named Sandy. Anyone who has a unique breed of a Japanese pitch and an Aspin would really relate. Except that you don't know that Aspin meant asong pinoy. I went up and started cleaning my dog's mess starting with the torn off pieces of toilet paper on the ground leading to the comfort room. Great. Looks like I gotta clean someone's dump here. Life is pretty boring if you're a 25 year old girl living in an okay apartment with your dog and got nothing to do but work, work, work, and take care of your dog. I was exhausted with that little work I slept back again on my worn out couch. If anything, I would have slept walk back to my bed and sleep like a corpse and tell my dog to wake up when September ends. But that annoyingly alarm clock rang and I remembered that I have to go to my alumna highschool. If I was any younger, I would have got myself ready before that effin alarm clock goes off and take my dog with me. But no. I was old, stressed out, and irritated with everything. Literally everything. I guess those memes about Squidward being the representative for every adult was true. I hate you, SpongeBob! I went up and stretched, if I took my time doing things I normally do everyday, I might go late for our reunion. I took my time feeding Sandy with her favorite spam—this girl is one lucky bitch. I pet her, which resulted to a light scratch on the back of my palm. I remembered she doesn't like being disturbed while eating. Hehe, my bad. I impatiently looked at the wall clock, and it's just ten minutes since I fed Sandy! Seriously, why is the time so slow when you don't want it and vice versa! I just remembered my every maths class because of this in highschool. I went to the comfort room to see if I can have some comfort before I go to my class's reunion. I found none. I showered—taking my time of course. But I still finished nonetheless. I still have half an hour before I go late to my school. I chose my most ugly clothing but decided quickly changed it. What if they all make fun of me like the last time? I need to look presentable at least. I went for a pencil skirt and top with ruffles. I don't know what you call this top. And paired it with my one and only heels. I never thought I had this in my closet. I put on make up to hide the bags under my eyes. And I'm done. They better have something worth it for me to prepare like this. When I looked down, I saw Sandy wagging her tail while looking at me. I smiled. Looks like I'm not the only one satisfied with my OOTD. I carried her and went to fetch my key and went out. I'm gonna have to let her stay at the dog hotel so I can have some fun. I went straight to my then highschool. It was the same as I left it after graduation to punish myself into becoming an adult and pay the bills–finally. Sarah, our class president said that the party will be held at our gymnasium. How they manage to have the dean agree to celebrate the reunion here was out of my knowledge. I'll just leave it to Sarah's convincing skills. I finally managed to locate the gym and believe me, it was packed. Like I was in a bar. We were never this many in our class before. Maybe some brought their family or whatever.

"Gale! You made it!"

I wasn't on my will I swear.

"Hey." I want to slap myself on how passive that sounded. I wasn't that obvious, was I?

"Let's get you a drink first then we catch up. Girl, I wanna know everything about you after we graduated!"

"Err... Aren't we taking the same path? Study and work after graduate?"

"What? You already work? Woah, same as before, the hard-working Gale!"

Karen dragged me towards a group of people I don't know but clearly familiar. I wasn't that much of an extrovert when I was in highschool. But in my field of work, I have to socialize with people so I got a hold of this overly sociable person beside me.

"Do you remember Dean and Lily?"

I... don't.

"Yes. Long time no see."

"I guess she don't remember you guys. But let me introduce you to them. Dean, Lily, this is Gale. Gale, this is Dean and Lily." Second slap alert. I took their hands for a handshake and smiled.

"Long time no see, Gale. I'm glad you went here."

"I'm glad, too. How are you guys?"

Dean held Lily's hand and I saw a ring on both of their ring finger.

"Oh, wow. Congratulations."

"How about you, Gale? Are you married?" Karen asked. I blinked and tried to come up with a normal answer.

"I'm married with my work." That seems stupid cause they all laughed.

"I never thought you're this funny!" Karen said and slapped me in the arm. I just smiled awkwardly and drank from my champagne. The three of them started talking about random things like work, marriage, kids, family and everything in between. Apparently, Karen is married also with her partner and Lily is pregnant. I really thought we're on the same path. Study then work and work and work after graduating. I just silently listened to them walking while drinking. Ugh. My hangover hasn't toned down yet and here I am getting myself drunk. Again.

"Hey, Gale."


"Do you remember that one time when someone from our class insulted Mr. Johnson off?"

I was silent as I contemplated her question.

"I'm afraid not."

She burst out laughing.

"You don't remember it's you?!"

And like a flood coming downhill I remember that math class that almost ended my highschool.

I was having a bad time that day, and I don't care about anything at all. I just saw first-hand my parents fighting about petty things and it wasn't the first time. Still I was left in a foul mood. I got to my class without even minding if I was late or there was a teacher and just sat at the teacher's table. Mr. Johnson was sitting in his table and giving test to the class. I was angry and when he started lecturing me about manners and being demure that a girl should be, I burst. I burst and shouted back at him and insulted him for his bald hair and toad like stomach that he looks like a pregnant seahorse and that he's due today and the likes. The whole class went silent. And Mr. Johnson just stared at me and said;


So I went to detention. Mr. Johnson looks really bad that day and I felt bad too. So I apologized but that embarrassing moment still lingers in my mind like a gum under my desk.

And Karen just have to make me remember that!

"Ugh. Please spare me. I've had enough of that embarrassing moment." They were still laughing as I cover my face.

"You know, you were surprising that day. I never thought that you got it in you. Atta girl!" Lily said. I shook my head out of embarrassment.

I tried to come up with something to avenge my bruised... self but came up nothing. I'm not really good with remembering things.

Looking back at my high school days, these people I am with wasn't even in my circle. I don't have highschool friends just an acquaintance and they're pretty low. But these three approached me like we're good friends. And I had my fun with them.

Looks like going to this reunion wasn't bad at all.

September 27, 2020 06:14

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Alby Carter
23:18 Oct 08, 2020

(: Such a way to end the story! Nice job.


Julianne Pujalte
12:39 Oct 09, 2020

Thank you for reading!


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Warrior C
03:44 Oct 05, 2020

I super duper love this story Julienne. Thank you for sharing this to us. Stay safe.


Julianne Pujalte
23:08 Oct 05, 2020

Thank you! It's my first time here😊


Warrior C
23:41 Oct 05, 2020

You are welcome. 😊


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