
I can't believe he's gone, Jolene thought as she sat down on the outside porch for her morning tea. Keith was the love of her life and in an instant that life was taken from her.

They were together for six years. Sitting down for morning tea and talking about their future together was their favourite past time. As she sipped her warm chamomile tea she was thinking about their life together while a single tear was released from her eye.

Jolene just couldn't believe how it happened. Keith was out of town for work. He worked in construction. He went wherever he was needed. He was staying in a cabin two hours outside of the city. There were four other men staying in the cabin with him.

The story that Jolene heard from the other construction workers is that Keith was sleeping. Another worker put a pot of oil on the stove to cook some french fries and then went outside for a cigarette. The pot caught fire and the whole cabin went up so fast. They didn't have time to get back in the cabin to get Keith out. Keith was the only one caught in the fire.

Jolene was so mad at the whole situation. Keith was just sleeping and he was the only one that lost his life.

I'm never going to see him again, she thought. I'm never going to sleep next to him again. I'm never going to even have another fight with him. I'm never going to hear his voice again. "I never left you".

"Huh", Jolene jumped. "Who's there?" Suddenly, a feeling of calm came over her. Her hand started to tingle. All of a sudden she had the over whelming feeling that Keith was with her in that moment.

"Keith, is that you?"

"Yes, my love! I have never left you. I never will."

Jolene looked at the empty chair to her left. Slowly Keith's aura started to appear. He was smiling and holding her hand. "You are so beautiful, my love!"

Jolene just started to sob. She wanted to hold him so close but she knew that she couldn't. "Honey, why did you leave me? I miss you so much, I have never felt this much pain before."

"Oh Jolene," Keith exclaimed, "you know I didn't want to leave you. Things happen for a reason. I love you so, so much. You know that. I never would have left, if I had a choice."

"I have been with you this entire time. I know you have been struggling and you have been in a lot of pain. That is why I am here. I have been granted this short time to appear to you, just this once, so you can have some closure."

"No, Keith!" Jolene yelped. "Not short! Not once! Please stay."

"You know I can't. Let's just sit here for a little while and enjoy each other's company. Like we used to.

They continued to sit and talk for the next two hours talking about the life they had together. Keith was even able to get Jolene to laugh a few times. Jolene was enjoying the morning so much that she was starting to forget that Keith wasn't truly there with her, and that he was going to have to leave soon.

After talking for two hours Keith realized that he was going to have to leave and he wanted to help her ease some of her pain.

"Jolene, my love! Please know that I didn't suffer in those last moments!"

Jolene let out an enormous sigh of relief. "That is one of the things that has had me so worried. I thought you went through so much pain when you died."

"No, not at all. I didn't feel it at all. I was sleeping and just didn't wake up. It was just the smoke."

"Well, I guess that's a little comforting to know at least." Jolene said. "What about now though? Are you in any pain?Are you at peace?"

Keith smirked at her. "I told you I haven't left you, I meant that. To be with you everyday is the best thing ever. I am so happy.

"I just wish I could be with you everyday." Jolene frowned.

"I know you do, my love. But just remember, I'm always with you. When you are sitting out here drinking your chamomile tea every morning, I'm with you. Just look at this chair and you will know that I am sitting here with with you. You can talk to me. You might not hear my answers, but I will definitely hear what you say to me."

"I will talk to you every day then."

"You can talk to me about your good days and your bad days. Tell me funny stories that make you laugh. I love watching you laugh. You are so beautiful when you are just in the moment and laughing without a care in the world."

"Jolene, um, when you're ready I don't want you to hesitate to move on either."

"What do you mean? There is no one else for me."

"Right now, maybe not, but I don't want you living a lonely life either. I know you won't be ready for a long time, but eventually, please think about finding someone else. Even just a friend for companionship. I don't want you to be all alone. That's not healthy for anyone."

Jolene was feeling very uncomfortable and looking at the ground now. "I'll think about it."

"That's all I ask. I think It's time that I go now, my love."

Jolene's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Oh, okay. I love you so much, Keith."

"I love you too. Forever and always."

Keith stood to stand in front of Jolene. He bent down to give her a kiss on the lips. It didn't feel like a normal kiss though. She just felt a slight tingle on the tip of her lips. She will remember that feeling forever.

When he stood he said "remember, I will always be with you," and with that, he was gone.

Jolene took a few moments to cry and remember the last few hours. Once she composed herself she stood to bring her tea cup in the house, she had a smile on her face now.

She couldn't wait for her morning tea tomorrow.

March 07, 2020 19:14

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