Second Chance TV Series by Mr. Prince De-Grant Brempong

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about a TV show called "Second Chances."... view prompt



Weekly Writing Prompts Mr. Prince De-Grant Brempong Tel.0575086991 Email Email Email Write a story about a TV Show called "Second Chances." My story is entitled Second Chance TV series. The story happens to be an American science fiction crime drama television series. The TV show was created and produced by Rand Ravich in America a land of opportunity and plenty. The TV show "Second Chance" is based on the following television cast and characters. Among them includes Robert Kazinsky, Adhir Kaylan, Ciara Bravo, Vanessa Lengies, Tim DeKay. Rand Ravich happens to be the Executive Producer of the TV show "Second Chance." The story is based on the life of Jimmy Pritchard, who happens to be a seventy - five year old King County , Washington sheriff. However the story tells of the murder of Jimmy Pritchard that he was murdered and he was brought back to life. In that instance , he was brought back to life in the improved body of a younger man. Also despite the fact of having a new life and a chance to relive his life through his resurrection the temptation of his career being tarnished and destroyed began to haunt him. Jimmy Pritchard is restored to life and given superhuman strength of some sort by the well renowned genius tech billionaire twins both Otto and Mary the founder of Lookinglass. After what really happened to Jimmy Pritchard ,he runs away still under the constant surveillance of the twins. Jimmy then recognizes the FBI partner of his son John Strayburn as one of the murderers. Duval was kidnapped for notifying the Chief of FBI about the whereabout of John and Jimmy. However, Jimmy's resurrection brought about the issue of black out where two murderous convicts escaped entirely from Prison. Jimmy felt responsible so with the assistance from Mary he made the effort to track them down . Jimmy introduced himself as Duval paternal half brother and seek to offer his help in fighting the crime in the city. The FBI scientist made a comment to Duval that Jimmy's DNA sample is a familiar match for him. It was claimed by that company C.E.O. Duke Davis stole stole the surveillance footage based on interactions with him. Mary then offers to assist him and offers Lookinglass assistance to update his security which he refuses entirely. During their absence ,Duval takes advantage to interrogate Otto asking him questions about Jimmy, lo and behold he could not answer him much by then. There was a scene, where Arthur warns Mary. Jimmy also offered to distract Duval by offering him information about the case. Within the premises of Davis home it was revealed that the murderer was his teenage son ,Asher. Jimmy then follows the girl Bobbi to Ashers party where he manages to steal Bobbi wallet. In the wallet of Bobbi was a Diary ,where they realized the content in it, and where she was leaving to after the party. They followed Bobbi slowly to Davis jet where to their observance he saw Duke stabbed fatally by Asher. Without any interruptions Jimmy and Asher started fighting and Jimmy manages to knock down Asher before the timely arrival of Duval. Bobbi then aimed and shot at Duval who was observing the scene of the fight. Jimmy protected Duval by jumping in front of the bullet through that incident Duval survived despite the shooting. Also with the twins help , Jimmy found Kevin the teenagers notebook file with chess movements and Arthur then connects. Otto discovered another case about Seattle University where the school therapist Dr. Kenyon was being noted as a killer. Dr. Kenyon was a former piano prodigy who came under the influence of a man called Emily Sayle. Emily Sayle attacked Dr. Kenyon at her office . Mary intentionally inspires Jimmy . Jimmy arrived just in time to save a victim revealing his super strength. It turned out that Dr. Kenyon was killing the teenagers to protect them from Sayles. The FBI served as Duvals confidential informant without telling Duval first. Also during the launch of Lookinglass there was a TV interview. Mary's assistant ,Alexa shows them an online dead pool where someone bet of her dying. Jimmy and Duval found out that the car was shot at and their suspect had a tattoo on his forearm. Jimmy gets a bad beating which ended him in hospital where he hallucinates his old self. Jimmy run away from the hospital and sent message signal to Duval by the help of Arthur. They told Duval about angry developer , Malcom Sprogue . Malcom Sprogue filed against lawsuits. Malcom kidnaps one of the coders by name Kelly , while Duval accompanies Mary to meet and uses adrenaline shot to stimulate Jim ,who then catches up with them. Duval and Jimmy ask Mary to stay in the car where Jimmy attacks Malcom after he shoots Duval since he was weak ,he cannot be stopped. Mary also found and freed Kelly. Malcom was about to escape when Duval fastly shot at him. Otto found out that Jimmy genetic code is being rewritten by his own body. He gave Mary good News that her treatment with Jimmy's blood was working. Also a killer that mutilates victims beyond recognition is on the loose. Otto also becomes suspicious of the growing bond between Jimmy Pritchard and his sister. Also Duval sister and Jimmy Pritchard's daughter, Helen were dating a Parole officer named Wally when they in high school. Otto was over the anniversary of his parents death. Jimmy Pritchard past came to haunt him since he seem to have covered a crime committed by a drug Lord's girl friend who was noted as a confidential betrayer. Jimmy Pritchard acted as an accomplice in a crime. Jimmy Pritchard was a persistent to set things straight. It could be observed that Mary's cancer was severe ,Otto wants to find a new blood donor for her. Also Gracei begins dating an older guy. Again both Pritchard and Duval joined forces to track down a serial killer of some sort. Also both Alexa and Connor struggled to hold the key technology from Lookinglass. Almost the bond between Mary and Jimmy Pritchard developed stronger but Otto escapes to some greater lenghths. Jimmy Pritchard and Duval carried forward to examine who Albert Lin really was entirely. The man who invented him tried to give way on how he is involved in a series of deadly murders. Also the investigation sends a wedge between both Mary and Otto. Again Otto was to make a decision if he will abandon Mary and release everything they have built including Jimmy Pritchard ,then Gracie goes missing. It was noted that both Pritchard and Duval must race against the clock in some fast move in order to save Jimmy Pritchard's daughter before time runs out for Jimmy Pritchard. Also as observed in the season finale both Jimmy Pritchard and Duval raced against the clock and time to rescue Gracie from Connor and Otto's life -threatening experiment. Quiet unfortunately ,time was running out for Jimmy Pritchard since there was no tank for which he can also regenerate. Together both Mary and Alexa fulfilled everything she undertook and thereby unlocked the code in order to save Pritchard's life. Finally Otto battles with his conscience and other outcomes in his life threatening experiment which changed lives forever. In addition ,I will like to add that in my home country Ghana there is a TV station called Second Chance TV station that telecasts gospel activities of Christians in worship. Likewise in the United States of America a land of opportunity and plenty , Second Chance television series is telecast on television to attract more viewers rather than critics who may express an unfavorable opinion about the Story Second Chance in the television series.

August 09, 2020 12:52

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Klaus Ford
08:34 Jan 23, 2023

Very interesting, I love soap operas! And I think it's very relevant these days, covids and so on. I often watch movies and drama series on TV, I also like crime series. I'm a big movie buff. Recently my TV broke down, and I found this article: <a href=""></a>. However, some equipment can be repaired if you figure it out. I was able to figure it out and fix it, and I didn't have to buy a new one. Technology is an amazing thing unti...


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Sue Marsh
15:49 Aug 11, 2020

The way the story began was not the best opening you could have used, you should never give your real email or phone number nor anyone else's, you 555 that is fictitious. The read was fine after that other than a few grammatical mistakes but we all make those. Keep writing. Sue


Prince Brempong
16:06 Aug 11, 2020

Reply here...This happens to be Mr. Prince De-Grant Brempong in instances where I do not provide my Telephone number and Email how can Reedsy contact me if I win the Contest and send to me the prize money of fifty dollars. Do you have any other alternative when the Contest does not receive both your email and phone number how they possibly contact you when you win.


Elle Clark
21:39 Aug 19, 2020

If you win, Reedsy will contact you using the email address you used to sign up. You do not need to - and should not - give out your personal information on your stories. It means that people can use this information to scam you or to steal your information. Make sure you do not do this on future stories.


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Charles Stucker
11:10 Aug 11, 2020

First, don't list your phone number - if that is fictitious, use the standard 555 code for "this is a fake phone number" to avoid some poor soul being bombarded by calls from having the number you use. Second, your entire story is tell. Show is when you write a scene as if it is happening right there, "Jimmy felt the bullets striking his aged body before darkness overtook him. He woke strapped to a metal table, an antiseptic hospital scent clinging to his nostrils. The chill metal should have left him shivering..." Show takes more words ...


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