Christian Contemporary

       “That person is surely going to hell.”

           “What made you a god? You know, for a fact, that person is going to hell.”

           “Look at how they dress. Look at how they act. Look at their lifestyle. It doesn’t take much thought to know they are going to the hot place.”

           “We will be surprised by who we see in paradise. Thank God we are not judged by humanity. If so, we will all be going to hell.”

           “I believe I’m going to heaven.”

           “Are you sure, mister judgmental?”

           “I have done a lot of good things. Better than bad.”

           “Have you accepted Jesus into your life?”

           “Of course. Silly question from one who was there when I did so.”

           “That is right. Quite a few years ago, when that happened. So much has happened since that day.”

           “Yes indeed. Many things have taken place that makes you wonder if there is a loving God.”

           “Don’t go blaming God for what humanity has caused. We want to do things our own way, so we reap what we sow.”

           “But for being such a loving God, He sure lets a lot happen that brings tragedy.”

           “Maybe that is God’s way to bring us back to Him. It’s a shame that it takes a major tragedy to bring many to God.”

           “Or it drives more people away.”

           “You see how that is going when people go their own way? This world is in a bigger mess than it has been before. Or maybe it hasn’t been for some people’s thinking? Throughout history, there have been disasters. Humanity keeps on falling down the same hole.”

           “Nowadays, it seems to be worse. Anything goes nowadays. What we considered crimes is now okay. Trafficking is rampant. Any lifestyle is okay. Do whatever you want it fine, even it hurts others.”

           “There have been many civilizations that were similar. That is why they are no longer around.”

           “You think this country and others will go under?”

           “I believe if they continue to follow the wrong path, they will fall off the cliff.”

           “I do my best not to judge the ones who are taking us down the toilet.”

           “That is good. Don’t judge. Instead, show your love no matter how they are.”

           “You know how tough it is to love many people out there.”

           “I know it well. You read or see it in the news daily. There are many monsters out there doing despicable acts. Ruining lives. Innocence is taken away. There have been many times I would love to take the monsters out. The thing is that we can’t understand God’s love since He still gives everyone a chance to repent. If it was most of us humans, we would hang them and hope they go to hell.”

           “To give ones that cause misery a second chance takes a great love indeed. You would think everyone would want to have a relationship with God due to His love.”

           “Free will to all. Do what you want. Many upon many blame God for the mess we create. Loved ones leaving way too soon. Many that went the agnostic or atheist route had a rough start or a tragedy in their life to take them that way.”

           “And they blame God. Such fools.”

           “Let’s not go as far as calling them that. When we let our emotions run our life, we make wrong decisions. Plus, many forget or believe there is a devil and his cronies out there spreading lies and misery.”

           “I’m surprised God hasn’t destroyed this planet.”

           “Close to destroying humanity. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar to read and hear from many civilizations of a talk of a great flood.”

           “He keeps on giving us a chance.”

           “Always giving us a chance to be with Him. Never give up on us. Most humans would give up on ones who mess up over and over.”

           “Including many in the church. There can be people who call themselves Christians that can be such hypocrites. Judging people that just need love.”

           “It’s unfortunate. If you are going to be of the Christian faith, we should always strive to show love. But we are also human, and we fall too. There are people who use an excuse a Christian did against them to not be a part of the faith. Christians are far from perfect, but many need to be a better example.”

           “Of course, people love to bring up the days where many were killed in the name of God.”

           “Many believe they did God’s work by doing so, but they were deceived. Now, it’s because of their actions that many stay away from the faith.”

           “There is so much good they are missing out on.”

           “But many have been deceived and think there is no good. Wasting their time believing in a God that is supposedly full of love. They have and continue to be fed negativity daily. Nothing good in this world. Like they say, misery loves company.”

           “It’s tough out there being a Christian.”

           “And it won’t be any easier out there. It seems to get even worse out there as Christians are labelled as lunatics. You don’t hear about the good faith does for humanity. Only the crazy stuff people do in the name of faith, or you hear the half-truth.”

           “Toss out the morality.”

           “People don’t like to be told right and wrong. They want to do it their way. We see where that is heading.”

           “But there is always a chance of redemption.”

           “Always a chance and always will be. You hear about the revivals that pop up. Churches to me nowadays are less stuffy.”

           “Best of all, we know who wins at the end.”

           “That is the best part of all. There is already a winner. The devil knows so, trying to take as many souls as possible.”

           “It seems like the devil is working overtime lately.”

           “It sure does. Who knows what could come up soon?”

           “This has been a friendly conversation.”

           “Yes indeed. It has been recorded to give to ones who want to listen. It might not be perfect, but hopefully helps ones in need.”

           “Will they listen?”

           “I hope so. We just want to help. Not condemn.”

           “I agree.”

Posted Feb 20, 2023

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53 likes 27 comments

Martin Ross
19:45 Feb 26, 2023

I struggle with my views of faith, spirituality, and the institution of religion, especially these days when the three get tangled and God’s message becomes unclear. This was an incisive and open exploration of faith and the world, and I appreciate once again being given this grist for my spiritual mill. Thanks!


Corey Melin
20:03 Feb 26, 2023

Thank you for the comments and I really hope it helps. God just wants a relationship with you. A friendship. One He will never turn away. Many times I was deceived to believe such. I also experienced many upon many bad examples of the faith. Show love. Not judgment. Not hate. Sorry. Not trying to preach. I’m no preacher by any means. Just someone that had and continues to have difficulties is this crazy world


04:37 Feb 25, 2023

This was a very potent story that handles religious questions very delicately and in a beautiful way. It takes real courage to speak out about Christianity like this, it is admirable. Very good work.

I love this line: “It’s unfortunate. If you are going to be of the Christian faith, we should always strive to show love. But we are also human, and we fall too. There are people who use an excuse a Christian did against them to not be a part of the faith. Christians are far from perfect, but many need to be a better example.”


Corey Melin
15:41 Feb 25, 2023

Thank for the comments and it’s a touchy matter. It turned out to be quite easy to write. I thought I would be rewriting many times.


Carly Arden
07:49 Jun 19, 2023


My name is CARLY ARDEN. I want to give thanks to DR PETER for bringing back my ex husband. No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person, It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he broke up with me again. I was confused and did not know what to do again, rather than to get in contact with DR PETER .He did a love spell that made my husband come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. DR PETER makes him realize how much we love and need each other. This man is for real and for good. He can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counseling, and we’re doing very well in our love life. contact details below.
WhatsApp on +1 (646) 494-4360


Suzanne Marsh
19:41 Mar 14, 2023

what a fantastic story! We all struggle with what our faith means to us, you did an excellent job of presenting that fact. Sue


Corey Melin
19:47 Mar 14, 2023

Thank you for the comments. We definitely struggle since many of us, especially me, like to do it MY way


Helen A Howard
10:40 Mar 12, 2023

Realistic dialogue and raises valid questions.
Some are quick to judge people who have a faith. Having a faith, like you say, does not make a person perfect. It’s good to open up these conversations.


Corey Melin
14:39 Mar 12, 2023

Thank you for the comments!


Mary Bendickson
06:57 Mar 07, 2023

Sending you my love. Great piece. I'll enjoy following you. Thanks for liking mine.


Corey Melin
16:54 Mar 07, 2023

Thank you for the comments. With time so limited on writing it’s tough. Many times I get an idea but by that time there is only a day or two before deadline. Or I’m just too busy. Take care


Suzanne Marsh
20:23 Mar 02, 2023

great story I especially like the last few lines, they ring so very true.


23:49 Feb 27, 2023

well done on a difficult topic.! And thank you for taking the time to read mine. Much appreciated!


Corey Melin
14:38 Feb 28, 2023

Thank you for the comments and you are welcome


MJ Simons
07:39 Feb 27, 2023

Wow Corey this is a great read filled with a lot of emotion. The dialogue is clear and concise because the topics discussed could have easily become a dissertation. The topic of forgiveness itself could be a full-length dissertation!

I like how the two friends discussed the state of the world, man's innate sense of autonomy, and why we clearly need a savior. One of my favorite lines was, "The thing is that we can’t understand God’s love since He still gives everyone a chance to repent." So true.

God loves us so much! Indescribable.

Thank you for this wonderful story. Nicely done!


Corey Melin
13:50 Feb 27, 2023

Thank you for the comments! I believe there is a shaking going on, and all the deceiving that has been put out in the faith is crumbling in so many ways.


Wendy Kaminski
02:29 Feb 25, 2023

This was really a nice and rational dialogue between two seekers, Corey! I appreciate you putting it out there. You had some particularly good points, including one I hadn't thought of previously: “Maybe that is God’s way to bring us back to Him. It’s a shame that it takes a major tragedy to bring many to God.” Thought-provoking.

"There are people who use an excuse a Christian did against them to not be a part of the faith. Christians are far from perfect, but many need to be a better example." I have a co-worker who was challenged once in that regard, and I will always remember what she said: "Being a Christian doesn't mean you're perfect - it just means that you are trying." Very nice! As was your story - I enjoyed it!


Corey Melin
15:37 Feb 25, 2023

Thank you for the comment! For so many years I told myself I’m surely going to hell this day. Then I have a day that I say my chances are good to entering paradise. Then I realized none of us are perfect. Majority of the people in church are there to better their lives in this messed up world. And to hopefully show others Christianity is not that bad. There are plenty of bad examples out there who call them Christians. Love is the key word. If none is displayed they are off the mark


Roger Scypion
20:36 Feb 23, 2023

Excellent! Fantastic dialogue! Engaging and a much needed conversation for any and everybody. Kudos!


Corey Melin
20:59 Feb 23, 2023

Thank you for the comments!


Phoebe DeNeve
16:24 Feb 21, 2023

Wow, this story was beautiful. I'm in the faith, but haven't tried to write about it yet because I'm afraid I won't capture it right. You did an amazing job!


Corey Melin
20:03 Feb 21, 2023

Thank you and I know what you mean. You have to watch what you say since words are twisted so easily. I finally said, “Hey, I’m not perfect but hopefully it helps souls know there is hope in this bleak world”


Lily Finch
05:48 Feb 21, 2023

A topic not many are willing to talk or write about. I also wrote about Christianity at Christmas. Good on ya'. LF6.


Corey Melin
20:01 Feb 21, 2023

Yes indeed. Unfortunately Christianity has been pummeled a lot as each decade goes by. If only everyone knew how much love and forgiveness. No one is perfect. I’m far from it


Lily Finch
22:02 Feb 21, 2023

Ditto! LF6.


Viga Boland
00:55 Feb 21, 2023

Fascinating argument I’ve had with myself and others many times. Good for you having the courage to capture it so well here. Good job.


Corey Melin
03:07 Feb 21, 2023

Thank you for the comments! I believe many of us have talked this way.


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