Science Fiction Fantasy

“5 steps to the right! 3 steps forward! 10 steps to the left and sit down! Eat!”

I forced my feet to move and do as the voice booming out of the speaker commanded. For the past few days, I’ve wanted to do the exact opposite of what it told me to do. It has everything to do with the old man who stepped out of the little box in my brain 3 days ago. He told me that he was my great grandfather on my Mom’s side, and he was preserved in his box until the time was right.

“Take 5 more bites and throw your food away!”

I wanted to finish the rest of my food and I had more than 5 bites left. “Shahari, do as they say for now.” My grandfather instructed sensing that I wanted to disobey. I took my final bites and begrudgingly threw the rest of my food away.

“Go back to your room! Lay down, close your eyes, and take a nap!”

It was during nap times that my grandfather would reveal to me what was going on. My eyes were closed but my brain was awake. Since they monitor our brain waves, my grandfather cast a mimic shield over my brain that would hide what my mind was actually doing.

3 days ago, I was laying down for our scheduled nap time, when a door in my mind opened up and an elderly man with a cane walked out. Before I could scream, he told me to be still and remain like I was sleeping. He walked around my mind chanting something from a language I could not understand. “Who are you? What do you want? What language were you speaking?” I asked in rapid succession. “Whoa, whoa slow down Shahari. All will be revealed.” He said smiling and taking a seat on a stool that appeared out of nowhere. “How do you know my name?!” I shrieked. “Silence! Let me explain. Geesh you are just like your grandmother in the questioning department.” He said shaking his head and chuckling. He went on to explain that I was in a pod created by a group of creatures named the Namphibians. They invaded Earth 250 years ago to control the human race. After observing humans for centuries, they decided that we could not exist without guidance and direction. They put a substance in our water supply that made us comply with their plan and we have been enslaved ever since. Needless to say, I had a hard time believing him.

“You’ll know it’s true by how you feel. When you hear a command, you will not want to comply. Your original free will has been unlocked. Do not by any means reveal that you have a different thought!” he said. I just sat in silence, so he continued sharing. “Our family was chosen by the Creator to live free. When the Namphibians came, a hidden little box was created in all of our minds to allow our ancestors to guide us out of enslavement. Now is the appointed time for you.” He concluded “I don’t believe you! I do NOT believe you!!” I shrieked in my brain.

“Get up and take 10 steps forward! Grab your laundry bag and head to the washroom!”

I wasn’t done napping, so I didn’t move. When I realized that I had a different thought outside of the one booming from the speaker box I gasped. “Shahari get up before they realize that you have made a different choice!” my grandfather urged. I hurriedly jumped up and walked the 10 steps to my laundry bag, then left out of my room to the washroom. “Do you believe me now?” I didn’t say anything. I heard my grandfather sigh and mumble something about the hardheaded women in his family. For the next few hours, I struggled with making myself do what the voice commanded and argued with my grandfather. “During your next nap time I will show you the truth as I have done many times in the past with your relatives. Then you will have to believe me!”  he said, “I thought you said I didn’t have to do anything.” I flippantly replied. “I will not argue with a petulant little girl any longer.” He said folding his arms. The silence that followed was almost unbearable.

“Take 5 steps forward! Pick up your laundry bag! Go back to your room and take a nap!”

I did as the voice told me to and waited for further instruction. My grandfather didn’t speak to me but walked around uttering things in the unknown language he used. I heard a small pop. “Okay Shahari, time to get up.” My grandfather said. When I got up, I still saw myself in my bed sleeping. “No time for questions, we only have a small window.” He said cutting off the millions of questions he knew were coming his way. He led me to a chute stationed at the end of the hallway that my room was in. I climbed in it and wiggled myself to the end where I heard voices.

“These humans cannot think for themselves so we will think for them.” Naminda said snickering. “Why is she referring to us as humans? Isn’t she one?” I thought recognizing the woman who was speaking. “Yes, they are like our little puppets.” Kyro said peering down on the hundreds of humans doing the exact same thing in the exact same way. “Let’s get naked, I miss your touch on my skin.” Naminda said turning to Kyro who nodded his head in agreement. Instead of taking off their clothes, they unzipped their skin and revealed turquoise blue bodies with shimmering scales from head to toe. “See!” my great grandfather said with his arms still folded in annoyance from the argument we had a few hours ago. I couldn’t even speak; I was so shocked.

Kyro pulled away from Naminda’s body and sniffed the air. “I detect a human presence.” He spoke. “Nonsense, someone would have to be unplugged in order for them to make it up here. Look at the board, everyone is still red.” She said pointing to the switchboard that displayed all of our vitals. “Hmmm…you’re right. I must be mistaken.” Kyro said still sounding unconvinced. “Here my love, let me remind you of home to ease your mind.” Naminda said and illuminated her body.

I quietly crept back down the same chute that I used to enter into the control room still in disbelief. “Do you believe me now Shahari?!” “Yes, grandfather.” I said sniffling. “Are you willing to listen now, or do you need further proof?” he said with a stern voice. “Please show me what I need to do.” I said ready to carry out the legacy of my family.

“This human can think for themself!!” I said standing over the lifeless body of Kyro and Naminda finally carrying out the plan my grandfather had revealed to me after I first saw the truth with my own eyes.  I pressed the release button and watched each red light turn to green. I peered down and watched every human stop what they were doing and begin to look around. “You’re free now! The pods can be used to escape.” I shouted over the intercom. Everyone mad a mad dash to the escape pods that we had seen be used everyday by Namphibians we didn’t know were masquerading as humans. I programmed them to take everyone to the safe haven my grandfather told me about. My last and final step was to blow up the pod. This would require me to be consumed also but the tradeoff would be getting a little box of my own.

“You’ll never die!” my grandfather said as I felt the flames engulfing my body. “I am going to rest with my ancestors. I’ve completed my mission, now it us up to you.” He said heading back to his little box. “Wait, please stay with me! I don’t want to go through this alone.” I said feeling the fire melt me into oblivion. “I am with you Shahari, I will always be with you.” He said pausing at the door of the box. I took my last breath and felt myself transported to a large meeting room. “Welcome Shahari, now you are truly free.” An older woman said grabbing my hand.

“Another pod has blown up?!” “How?! “Where?!” Who is causing this?” Zentack seethed in his chamber as questions surrounded him and the news of another pod being destroyed travelled around the planet. He knew if he investigated it deeper, that family would be at the center of the kerfuffle. Every time he thought they had been wiped out, another one of them popped up and caused havoc. Zentack stood up and stretched to his full 6’4 height. “I’m going to Earth to put a stop to this once and for all.” Silence followed his announcement. “Uh, your majesty are you sure that is the best idea? Some of us aren’t made to handle earth’s atmosphere.” One of Zentack’s generals said timidly. “Are you calling me weak? Zentack asked in a low threatening voice while beginning to illuminate himself. “No sire, I um, well we only want the best for you.” He said backing away.  “Prepare my ship!” Zentack bellowed and everyone scrambled to do his bidding.

“Walk 10 steps forward! Walk 3 steps to the left and sit down! Read the book in front of you!”

“You don’t have to do that Gehazi.” I said stepping out of my little box in the brain of my younger family member.” Who are you? Where did you come from?” he asked in a frightened tone. “I’m Shahari, just act normal. All will be revealed.” I said taking a seat on the stool that appeared out of nowhere and uttering a spell in the language my great grandfather used. 

December 14, 2020 18:37

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