Fiction Mystery Fantasy

I live in a quaint apartment. 

Starting from the door, you enter into what could only be described as the most miniscule living room you would ever lay your eyes upon. It has one couch, but not the type of couch made for a multitude of people, but the small, one seated type of couch.

There is a table next to that couch, and upon it is a nightlight and a stack of books, and nothing else.

If you turn right, you see the kitchen. In the kitchen, there is a counter with a stove, and a tiny dining table and chair most likely made for one person as well. 

Then there is my bedroom, a bed with it's mahogany bed frame and plush cushiony mattress and fluff pillows. That is it. That is my apartment.

Oh, I forgot to mention, there is a window. 

But this is no ordinary window. 

To others, it may seem that way, but to me, it is so much more. Instead of gazing at the city below or happening upon my reflection, the window shows me whatever I desire to see. Sometimes it shows a forest. Sometimes I am in a field of flowers, and other times it appears next to a river, and though I cannot hear or smell the surroundings, I can only imagine what it is like. Today, the window shows me one of the most peculiar things it has shown me in a while. It shows me a girl. 

She looks to be about my age, with long curling brown locks and amber eyes. She wears a periwinkle dress, with a magnificent, flowing flounce.

I walk up to my window, curious as to why it is showing me a girl I have never met in my entire life.

"What is this?", I ask. The window does not answer.

"Why are you showing me this?"

Silence again.

I decide to let it go, retreating to my bedroom to read.

The next day, the girl is gone, and the window has returned once again to the flowing river I so much love.

That was a week ago.

Now, I sit at my one person couch, a book atop my palms and reading glasses on. It is a sunday, so there is no work for me today, and I have no plans for the weekend, so I decide to wile my days away reading.

I am just around the middle of my current chapter when there is a knock upon my door.

I stirr in my place, turning towards the entrance. That's odd. I wasn't expecting anyone.

I brush it off. Maybe it is just the girl scouts here to sell cookies and biscuits.

I reluctantly get out of the comforts of my seat to see who it is, and I am surprised to see the very same girl from my window standing at my doorstep.

"Y- Yes?", I stutter. The girl does not respond. Instead, she reaches out a closed fist and waits patiently, expression monotone.

"What- What is it?", I stammer. No response. She reminds me of my window.

I reach out my palm, and she drops something into it, closing my hand before I could see what it is. She then lifts a finger and points behind me. I turn around, expecting to see something, but nothing is there, and when I turn back, the girl is gone.

What a peculiar experience.

I look down the hall just to make sure she wasn't there. When the girl is nowhere to be found, I go back into my apartment and lock my door behind me.

Today, the window shows a tropical rainforest. Giant leaves drip with dew and a waterfall splashes nearby.

I open my palm and find a key. It is bronze, but maybe it was once gold. It is embellished with fancy jewels that have turned a tint of grey, and carved intricately at the handle. I can't help but wonder what it is for.

After a while of contemplating, I decide to go around my house, looking for anything with a keyhole and trying to fit my key. I start at the kitchen, trying drawers and cabinets. I then proceed to my bedroom and attempt my clothing storage. When nothing seems to work, I retire to my one- person couch.

In front of me, the rainforest bursts with green. A bird flutters by. I then remember; my window has a lock. I saw it the first time I moved in, but no key was given to me by my landlord.

I empty my apothecary table and prop it up next to the window, using it as a footstool to reach the lock. The key fits perfectly into the person- shaped hole.

I hesitate to turn it, wondering what is in store for me behind it. Maybe it is just the street. Maybe it is something more. After minutes of standing there with my hand on the key, I turn it and push open my window.

The forest is still there instead of the street, despite the window being open, but now I can see deeper into it. It is more 3- d than ever. My curiosity won over as I reach in to touch a leaf, and to my surprise, it was co pletely tangible. I felt the smooth surface of the greenery brush against my own flesh.

Hesitantly, I put one foot in and was surprised to find solid ground. I put the other and it was the same.

Looking back behind me, I thrust myself in through the window, landing on dirt and grime.

I look around me at a sparking world of different shades of green and brown and blue. Blue, the stream!

I rush for the body of water, caressing it's flow with my cupped palm. It is cold. Real. I splash the liquid over my face, relishing in it's cool.

After, I get up, brush myself off, and have a look around. I recognize some of the trees as kapok or rubber, but others are more difficult to identify.

Hours later, when I am satisfied with my visit, I turn around and head for my window. But to my horror, it is gone.

June 11, 2021 08:28

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