The death in dreams.

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Drama Thriller Horror

Maybelle ran through the woods. Tree branches scraping against her face. The floor cut her feet and gave her splinters. She ran through the forest trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her legs and the sweat and blood mixture dripping into her eyes. She didn't stop running. Not until her legs gave out.

She collapsed on the mossy floor and hit her head. Her breathing began to get shorter and it was harder to breath. She started to see wight dots surrounding her. Pain rushed through her body. She tried to cry out in pain but nothing came out. She started to lose her vision and all thought. Her body fell limb as her last breath escaped from her dead lips. 


With a jot Maybelle wook up. She was drenched in cold sweat. She looked around expecting to be in the forest and realized she was in her bedroom. It took her a few seconds until she realized what happened. It was just a dream. She let out a little sigh of relief and confusion and turned off her alarm. She swung her legs out of bed and put her feet onto her rug. 

The feeling of the fur on her feet was calming in some way. She made her way to her bathroom to take a shower to wash off her sweat and to calm her down. When she got into the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror and jumped back a little. There was a cut above her eyebrow. 

She moved closer to the mirror to get a closer look. She was shocked that she didn't realize the blood on her face. The cut suddenly started to burn and sting. After staring at it for a little bit, Maybelle undressed and hoped in the shower thinking about what had happened last night. 

The dream had seemed so real and how did she get this mysterious cut? She scrubbed her body and found a leaf in her hair and dirt on her feet and legs. She tried to push the thought out of her head. She had a big project today in class and she couldn't be distracted by what had happened. As hard as she tried her mind kept drifting back to the dream. 

More memories of the dream back to her and she remembered seeing a beautiful girl there. She had carmel skin and long brown hair. She had what looked like flowers in her hair. She remembered running through the forest. She did not remember why she was. The dream had felt so real. 

The thought stuck with her as she put on her clothes and when she did her hair. She put it in a braid and put on her lilac purple dress. She tried to cover her cut with makeup but she just decided to put a bandaid over it. If anyone asked she could just say…. She would say that she fell down the stairs. Yea, that will have to do. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Maybell got dressed in her pajamas and layed down in bed. She stared at her ceiling and stayed like that until her eyes gave out. She was a little scared for her dream and what it might have.

 She opened up her eyes and she was underwater. She looked around and she tried to swim. She felt the air slowly start to leave her lungs. Every time she thought that she was almost at the service she was at not even close. She looked around trying to see something. She saw a figure of what looked to be a person. 

She looked closer and realized it was the girl. She tried to scream out for her to help but all that left her where air bubbles. Maybelles vision started to get blurry. Her lungs started to fill with water. She felt something pirch her skin and she started to fall deeper, and deeper as her body fell life less through the water. 

Maybelle wook up. Sweat soaked her body again. She looked around and she was back in her room. She wiped her wet forehead. She felt a sting on her leg and when she looked, there was a cut. It was pouring out blood all over her floor as she ran to her bathroom. She took a shower and got dressed. 

She wore jeans and a t.shirt. She thought of an excuse for her cut on her leg if anyone said it and asked. And for herself.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Maybelle was in a burning building. The walls started to collapse. Smoke filled her lungs. Fire burned her skin. When she cried out the only sound in return was the fire crackling. The sound of her skin boyilling. The roof next to her collapsing. In her last few moments she saw the beautiful girl. This time she was closer. Her eyes were emerald green and they were soft. She died looking into her eyes.

Maybelle wook up, drenched in her sweat. 

* * * * * * * * * * *

Maybelle shivered as she looked around. It was snowing. No. It was blizzarding. Her skin started to turn black and her lungs filled with icy cold air. She looked around and saw the girl. She was standing closer now. She was wearing a white dress and her hair was covered in snow. She looked almost angelic in the snow. She was close enough for Maybelle to see that she had 4 marks on her arm. 

One was green. The next was blue. The other one was red. The last one was only half of a line. It was white and it was slowly starting to fill in. Maybelle felt her body temperature drop and she fell on the ground. As her vision got dark she saw the girl neal next to her. The white line on her arm fully filled in as Maybelle took her last breath.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Maybelle looked around her and she was in the woods again. The only thing that was different was that there was a wolf 4 feet in front of her. It growled at her and lunged. It took a large bite out of her side and Maybelle let out a cry. Nothing came out. All you could hear was her hard breathing. She looked around as her blood poured out of her side. 

As she looked around she saw the girl again. On her arm next to her white line, there was a brown one starting to fill in. the wolf came next to the girl and she pet it. She stared at the girl with pain in her eyes. She wondered how she could not be helping her. 

Instead of her white dress she was wearing a brown slick dress with a brown fur sash. She walked closer and Maybelle felt her breath on her neck. She whispered in her ear,´´sorry that you are the sacrificse.´´ she moved away and saw maybelles eyes filled with fear.  

What did she mean by sacrifice? Maybelle wondered. The girl's warm voice filled her memory as she bled out. Her vision again became blurry as her warm blood fall out of her side. She looked at the girls arm and again the brown line filled as she died. 

This time she did not wake up. Her body laid on her blood soaked bed. She layed in a cold sweat and blood. In her room the girl walked in and looked at her. A tear fell from her eye as the lines on her arm started to disappear. She always hated this part. Maybelles blood moved from the bed and moved to the girl's body. 

Her skin absorbed all of her blood and all that was left on the bed was skin and bones. With one last look the girl left her house in search for her next victim.

May 03, 2021 14:06

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hi! you're awesome! i'm bi as well as genderfluid! so good to see another LGBTQ author in our community!


Nyx :)
14:37 May 03, 2021

yay! im so happy that there is more authors in the LGBTQ+ family! you are also a very talented author and thx for liking my story!


:DDDDD Thank you so much and no prob!


Nyx :)
14:39 May 03, 2021

Your welcome! :D


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Tarushi Parmar
13:51 May 31, 2021

Nice story,would be great without the grammatical errors. Btw,The ending was great!


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Dhwani Jain
17:20 May 27, 2021

Hello Nice story...loved the repetitive dreams with almost the same foundation. The end was shocking. Thanks for liking my stories...


Nyx :)
17:29 May 27, 2021

Thanks and of course! :D


Dhwani Jain
17:41 May 27, 2021

Thanks for filling out the review quiz...You're from America?


Nyx :)
17:42 May 27, 2021

yes, where are you from?


Dhwani Jain
17:44 May 27, 2021



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Kathleen `Woods
16:03 Apr 21, 2022

I feel like I'm a bit late to respond but here's my silly-Billy reaction. Maybelle is a very lucky person, considering that she actually seems to have such solid dreams, the cut off on her second go round sounds really cool over E-reader. Wait, the- the Pretty Girl is a Very Pretty People Eater! Well, ain't that nifty? Which of course is the exact opposite of a bad reaction for me in regards to thrillers. I can also say that the pieces you presented bled together really well, as far as leading to your reveal. Thanks for Writing!


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Akshara P
17:45 Nov 24, 2021

heyy! hru?


Nyx :)
02:26 Nov 25, 2021

Hii! Im doing fine, hbu?


Akshara P
09:39 Nov 25, 2021

eh, a little wattpad here and some pinterest there, you? :)


Nyx :)
00:58 Jan 25, 2022

Haha same. got to love pinterest. I also am watching this show called you and its SOOOO good. (also sorry im so late to respond, life happened)


Akshara P
07:03 Jan 25, 2022

Haha no problem. I think I've heard of that show before, I'll check it out sometime! Anywho, what are your favorite genre of movies? I absolutely love crime thriller. :)


Nyx :)
18:02 Jan 31, 2022

I also love crime thriller but I also LOVE fantasy and horror. hbu?


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15:32 Jun 03, 2021

Sylvan, I love everything you write! Wow! You seem like the kind of author that'll right a hit. Anyways, I heard you don't like America I see you're point, but then again in other countries they're not as aware of LGBTQ. Honestly, the only other thing I like about America is being able to make my little fairy gardens in peace while if I were in another country my mom would call me nonstop. I like that you don't really follow the same lines as everyone else. And I look up to you in a way.


Nyx :)
16:01 Jun 03, 2021

OMG, you are so nice. It means so much to me that you said that i don't follow the same lines as every one else and that you love everything i write. you have just made my day...... wait no week.... wait no month..... wait no year..... yes that's better. I also see your point about america and i understand. I still have a little bit till i have to chose where i'm going to live. also did you know that you can really live in a hobbit hole?! I'm probuble going to be living in one of those in a flower feild 100 miles from the closest town. I lit...


15:32 Jun 04, 2021

Thank you I really appreciate the way you're the only person who reads my stories. Because, besides I don't exactly see myself doing this professionally. I mean it's not really my strength anyways.


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15:32 Jun 04, 2021

Thank you I really appreciate the way you're the only person who reads my stories. Because, besides I don't exactly see myself doing this professionally. I mean it's not really my strength anyways.


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15:32 Jun 04, 2021

Thank you I really appreciate the way you're the only person who reads my stories. Because, besides I don't exactly see myself doing this professionally. I mean it's not really my strength anyways.


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Miss Note
05:16 May 10, 2021

You are awesome...this is my first reading blogs but all I can say is my first impression is quite good...


Nyx :)
15:59 May 10, 2021

AWW! thank you so much! Im sick rn and you just made my day!


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Cookie Carla🍪
13:53 May 07, 2021

Hey Sylvan guess what?!!


Nyx :)
21:37 May 07, 2021



Nyx :)
19:23 May 09, 2021

Dont leave me hanging!!


Cookie Carla🍪
13:10 May 10, 2021

I started a group chat thing for all the Reedsers!! If you wanna join the code is @reedsy on


Nyx :)
16:00 May 10, 2021

Okay! I will def join!


Cookie Carla🍪
16:04 May 10, 2021



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Cookie Carla🍪
16:05 May 10, 2021

Also, if you need ta find me I'm JaTerra on there :DD


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Unknown User
16:07 Nov 24, 2021

<removed by user>


Nyx :)
02:28 Nov 25, 2021

Hi! Thanks for the yellow little dot lol. i love seeing it. How are you?


Unknown User
03:03 Nov 25, 2021

<removed by user>


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