i forgot.txt

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Fiction Funny

"Excuse me?"


"Where do you think you're going?"

"Who are you, and why me?"

"That doesn't matter, you have to come with me."

"Why? Seriously, why?"

"I can't say until we get there."

"Can we stop at that Dunkin' Donuts first? I'm hungry."

"No, we don't have any time to waste."

"People are looking at us weird, can you at least tell me your name? Also, it would be nice if you could let go of my wrist, you're literally dragging me and it hurts."


". . ."

". . ."

"Why are we going in a parking garage?"

"Be quiet."

"I won't be quiet until you actually give me something that I can actually understand that's not 'Be quiet' or 'You'll see when you get there' or 'It doesn't matter.'"

"Expect to be quite loud then, because I have orders to not tell you anything until we arrive."

"Orders?! From who?"

"Did you even hear what I just said?"


"*sigh* . . ."

"Oh my god, we're so far underground. Why are we going to the bottom floor of this parking garage? I can literally feel the ground trying to crush me."

"The ground can't crush you here, it's a parking garage."

"The air is stale, though! You can feel it too, right?"

"No. Air can't be stale."

"Yes, it literally can. It's literally so stale it's crushing. Everything is crushing here. Look! The walls and floor and ceiling are all made of concrete, and so are the stairs that lead back up. How could that not be intimidating to you?"

"I'm used to it."

"I think my wrist is going to be purple after this."

"Shut up."

"If I shut up, then this story wouldn't be able to continue, now would it?"

". . . Fair."

"Speaking of which, why are you moving your hand like that?"

". . ."

"Oh. My. God. Did the concrete just slide away?"

"Well, yes."

"The concrete opened a door because you did a funny thing with your hand?! I think I'm gonna faint."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't faint! You said it yourself!"

"This platform looks like it was cheaply welded. I don't trust it very much."

"It's sturdier than it looks, I promise."

"That isn't saying very much, because it doesn't look very sturdy."

"Think what you want. Stainless steel is a very sturdy material."


"Dude! Chill out!"


"Hey, hey, calm down! Look, we're already stopped, and the door's opening! Let's go!"

"My legs are made of jello and I almost tripped! Maybe you could be a little gentler?"

"I'm sorry, I was just told to bring you here as quickly as possible."

"Okay, now that we're in the building, perhaps you could tell me a little more about what is happening right now?"

"*sigh* . . . Okay, so you've been selected to be the newest member of the agency you stand in."

"Agency? I'm not a good spy at all, and I'm freaking terrified of your elevator."

"You're really good at the talents you do have, and they've been deemed essential by the agency."

"Talents? What talents? Tripping over the gaps in the terrifying elevator so that my legs can slowly turn into jello until I render myself immobile?"

"You're good at holding a conversation, clearly, and we've observed high levels of empathetic capabilities in you."

"You were stalking me."

"We're also almost positive you have hidden psychic capabilities."

"No I don't. You were stalking me, you creeps. I can tell when people are stalking me, and so can basically everybody else."

"You're not listening-"

"If I had psychic powers, I would've just dug through your brain for the information I wanted instead of asking for it."

"That only proves your kindness."

"'Kind' is not a word I would use to describe myself."

"Look. Room 205. Agent David Crofton. We're here, at my boss's office."

"Is it okay if I hide in a corner? Authority figures terrify me."

"Why would you want to hide? He's a nice man."

"It doesn't matter how nice they are, I'm still terrified. It doesn't help if they're naturally intimidating, either."

"I think it would be wise to have you practice your psychic powers before we go in there."

"Practice my psychic powers? What? Why are you trying to change the subject like that?!"

"Just try it, trust me. What am I thinking about?"

"Uhhh . . . apple pie?"

"Anything else?"

"About David Crofton, and how he ran into a talking bear once?"



"Okay, I think we can go in now."

"What? What? What?"

"Calm down!"

"Why do I need to calm down?! I'm panicking here, and you're not even helping one bit! You're not even offering an explanation!"

"I've been trying, but you've been interrupting me!"

"Is there a way I can help you two?"

"Ah! Good day, sir."

"Eep. . ."

"Ah ha ha! Everyone gets a bit intimidated when they meet me for the first time, I understand. Why don't you two take a seat in my office? I can make tea if you'd like."

"Tea? What kind? Oh wow, this office is so nice. . ."

"Oolong, please."

"Oh, we have oolong, like he just said, as well as black tea, green tea, chai tea, and peppermint tea."

"Uhh. . . peppermint, I guess. Also, I really love your office, it's so warm and cozy. Are we supposed to sit in these armchairs?"

"Yes, and thank you."

"Wow, these are really comfy."

"Now that you both are here, I'd like to commend Agent 0005 for bringing her here so quickly."

"Thank you, sir."

"And you are here because of your special abilities. I'm assuming he told you about them?"

"Yeah, but not much. He refused to say anything until we got into the building. By the way, your elevator needs some reforms. It's terrifying."

"Ah ha ha, it's been that way for a while. We've been on a tight budget until pretty recently, so we'll focus on making those changes soon."

"I see, but I still don't understand why you called me here."

"We don't have a psychic on our team yet, and it's getting increasingly harder to find them."

"But why me?"

"Because you were the closest."

"Oh, gee, thanks."

"Location is key. There's a reason the phrase 'location, location, location' exists. Because you're so close to our base of operations, you have an advantage over most of our other agents. You have a thirty minute walk, most other agents have a thirty minute drive."

"Okay. . ."

"And besides, we need you. It's imperative that we have someone that can gather intellectual data without hacking."

"Sounds creepy."

"But ultimately, the choice is yours: would you like to join us?"

"I'll have to think about that one for a while, considering I was literally dragged here by 5."

"That's fine. Please, though, get back to us as soon as possible. Thank you for your time, and here's our business card, for when you make up your mind."

"Thank you, and have a good day!"

". . ."

". . ."

"0005, we need to talk."

January 15, 2021 16:58

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