Different outcome to what you thought.

Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Write about someone who’s been sent to boarding school.... view prompt


Fiction Lesbian Teens & Young Adult

Well they finally did it and I am now on my way to an all-girls military boarding school in Westchester, England, I stick my face to the window and blow on it just thinking of how I ended up heading to a freaking boarding school. I rolled my eyes remembering my parents and I’s conversation where they proceeded to tell me, “Well Kendra we are sending you to an all-girls military boarding school in Westchester since your attitude and behavior have been unacceptable. We cannot see you getting any discipline from us and that you need a more direct approach to your attitude.” I sighed and looked at the water flowing under the bridge we were crossing, just as the school came into view. I must say it is a sight to see, all the old architecture and the new England style landscape. I smirked thinking well this is going to be an interesting adventure, what lead up to my parents sending me here was me coming out to them that I was a lesbian, and now they send me to an “all-girls military school” thinking that will “Straighten” me out I giggled at this. I role my eyes mumbling under my breath,” They have lost their minds and are not very smart.” I giggle just as we pull up and father who drove me here says,” Time to go Kendra me and your mother will see you during spring break.” I role my eyes getting out and grabbing my backpack and bags before turning and flipping my father the bird saying,” Yeah like you will, you and mother never pay attention to me and now you think this will turn me straight well father you have made a huge mistake.” I turn on my heels walking up to the entrance of the school taking a breath whispering to myself,” Well to hell and back with a beautiful lady on my arm in the end, shall I.” I giggle and open the doors walking into this open space of magnificent architectural design and I am giddy just seeing the moldings and woodwork on the walls, stairs, and banisters of the two stairways on either side of the room. Looking around I see several doors then to the back, I see two hallways, I am in a trance when I hear someone speaking to me, I look to my right seeing a woman with a slight scowl on her face looking at me and I pause saying,” Sorry mam I was admiring the architecture of the room. Did you say something?” she paused at my answer before smiling lightly saying,” Yes young lady, I am headmistress Blake and I asked are if you are Kendra Wendell?” I nod blushing saying,” Yes mam sorry about that.” She nods back at me saying,” Quite alright dear but next time make sure to pay attention when someone is in the room with you. Now follow me young lady to your room, we must get you settled before dinner at six.” I nod and begin following mistress Blake down one of the long hallways, she stops at the fifth door opening it saying,” Well now most girls have roommates but since you are new to the school year you have your own room. I expect it to be kept clean and that you follow our rules about guests and junk food in your room. I nod while giggling and snickering inside my head like lady your crazy, she looks at me and I blush saying,” Yes mam I understand.” She nods telling me,” Well then unpack and then meet me back upfront, my office is the first door under the stairs we passed walking down here.” I nod and she leaves, the moment the door closes I sigh in relief and flop down on the bed to the left of the room. I pop back up into a sitting position thinking well this is a good start so far at least she didn’t bring up why I was sent here, but alas knowing my parents they either told her or they kept it a secret as to not embarrass themselves for having a “Lesbian” for a daughter. I snicker again and start unpacking and organizing my room, one thing I am good at is organization and cleaning. I think I have a touch of OCD but my parents never had me diagnosed and I am glad because if they knew they would have had me working as their maid. I finished up and walked out my door looking down the hallway smiling enjoying how old and rustic this building is. Giggling lightly to myself I head back upfront like mistress Blake said and head to her office door nocking; I hear a faint come in, so I push the door open. She looks up at me nodding and saying,” Well now your punctual aren’t you, let us head to the dining hall shall we.” I nod and follow behind her at her brisk pace I had to slightly jog thinking how can this woman be so fast at just walking, she doesn’t look much older than thirty but I am bad at guessing peoples ages so I just shrug it off and keep up with her as good as I could. We arrive near two double doors and I hear loud chatter and silverware against plates, and I smile thinking, well I wonder if this is one of those schools where they do not let you have much free time. The moment she opens the doors the whole dining hall goes silent; I mean you could literally hear a freaking pin drop in this joint and I was nervous as hell now. It looked to be close to a hundred or more students and like ten to twenty teachers and I gulped feeling all eyes on me, mistress Blakes sees my face and smile slightly saying,” don’t worry dear they don’t bite on the first day.” I blush thinking, like really lady if they do not bite on the first day, do they bite on the second. She just smirks at me and I roll my eyes after she looks away still feeling like a fish caught in a bowl without water.

Following her inside she leads me to the end of a table next to people I am assuming are the teachers. I blush more now embarrassed that I am sat next to them. I see a plate of food and a drink sat in front of me, then the silence in the room is interrupted by everyone going back to eating their dinner. I look at my plate and wondered if it tasted good, I am not a picky eater, but I do have taste buds. I sigh and dig into the food and smile glad it tastes good, as I am eating I hear a few conversations going on around me of most people asking who I am and I just block it out enjoying my dinner.

I hear someone talking to me, so I look over seeing mistress Blake shaking her head as she asked again,” Are you enjoying your dinner dear?” I blush and nod wiping my mouth with a napkin before saying,” Yes mam it is delicious, uhm are you enjoying yours?” she smiles at me and nods saying,” Well yes I am and I am also glad to hear that you are as well dear, we will all have free time for classwork, reading, and other activities after dinner. Since you just arrived, I would like to discuss the school rules and requirements for classes and training.” I nod saying,” Yes mam that is fine.” She nods and we both continue eating our food.

We had just gotten back into her office after eating our dinner and I was now nervous wondering what kind of training we must do and what classes I will be in. Seeing as I always get A’s and B’s for my school work I am not too worried about that, however, I am more worried about the physical training aspect of this school considering I am not an athletic person though I am physically fit for a teenager. She is shuffling through papers which is making me nervous, so I start counting every piece she moves methodically. As if I zoned out again I hear her clearing her throat so, I look at her and blush as she speaks, “Miss Wendell, I do not know why you zone out so much but please do pay attention more.” I nodded biting my lip before saying, “Sorry mam I have a touch of nerves and was distracted by you moving the papers around.” She pauses with an eyebrow up looking at me, I gulp, and she sighs saying, “That is alright just in the future try to be more attentive please.” I nod as she starts explaining all my classes of which I am glad to hear what ones I have are what I am good at from mathematics to French. I smile nodding as she hands me my class schedule saying, “Well now let’s discuss the training part of schooling, unlike most military or based military schools we do not force you to train as soldiers, on the contrary, our training is mostly for physical and mental activities like most schools except for it being a more competitive atmosphere. You will train mornings four to seven and evenings four to six, of the training course there is running, an obstacle course and team building depending on the day.” I gulp and nod thinking well shit I am going to die early in life, just thinking of running let alone an obstacle course makes my body want to shut down. I nod my head then she does the same before dismissing me to my room. It is just after seven and I am tired and nervous as well as annoyed that from now on I must get up a four in the morning. I sigh heading towards my room not seeing a soul in sight wondering if it is always like this in the late evenings. Getting to my room I curl up onto my bed wanting to just run away but knowing I have nowhere else to go I am stuck here until I graduate. I am glad I am only here for the remainder of the year. Yes, my parents sent me as a senior to a boarding school. I will leave when May comes around. It is now October and the whole “see you in spring” thing yup you correctly thought my parents are asshats. I feel my eyelids drooping so I curl further under my covers falling asleep hope tomorrow I do not die from exercise.

Waking up to this incessant beeping I scowl and grumble looking at my phone and it's exactly three-thirty in the morning, remembering I set my alarm I get up and dress in the workout clothes I was given last night and sigh, cliché uniforms for boarding schools go figure. I smile thinking well at least unlike most boarding schools these have built-in full bathrooms of which I was grateful to. Don’t get me wrong I am far from shy but I also have some scars from when I was younger that I wish to keep secret until I find someone who can understand where they came from. I sigh and do my morning routine getting showered and dressed in less than thirty minutes with time to spare. I make my way to the training field out back of the building. Walking outside it is still dark and a little chilly but don’t I mind it because it feels quite nice. I see a group of students I am assuming are in my class and a teacher standing at attention, I jog up to them and get in line just as the teacher begins spilling what we are to do during training. Once she Is done, yes, I did not tell you but all the staff here are women as well. It is like being in lady heaven, well anyway we all begin working our asses off for hours until we are relieved just before seven to go get cleaned up and eat our breakfast before classes start. Me still being the noob and outside I sit at the first empty spot I see and am eating when I hear a throat clear behind me, I look up seeing the young girl maybe two or three year’s younger than I, and she smiles asking, “Can, can I sit with you?” I smile up at her and nod, she sits down saying, “I’m Nelly and you are?” I smile back saying,” Well Nelly it is lovely to meet you and my name is Kendra.” She blushes a light pink before asking, “So you’re a senior right?” I nod taking a drink before saying, “Yes I’ll be graduating in May with everyone else.” She nods eating her food and I do the same, before hearing her ask,” Uhm why, why were you sent here?” I blush at her and smirk before looking at her asking,” Well Nelly why were you sent here?” she blushes nodding saying, “Point taken uhm I have been here since freshman year and I am a senior this year. I don’t really know why I was sent here though.” She has a sad look on her face and I nod leaning into her whispering, “Can you keep a secret?” she smiles and nods so I go for it whispering,” Well Nell my parents wanted to turn me straight so they sent me here.” She blushes and scoots back a little with shock on her face then she giggles. Which then throws me into giggling as well before, I hear several throats around me clearing, I look around, and like six other girls were giving me a look before going back to eating, I don’t know what they were thinking but if they heard me they didn’t say anything. Nelly and I went back to eating and all I could think was she is going to be a good friend.

After that setting through classes all day, I realize I am going to like it here. Other than Nelly I have met and talked with a few other girls and am happy to say I am making friends. I just hope the rest of the school year goes well and I end up on top of my grades and training. I am in my room now looking out at the sun setting, tired from a long hard day of physical and mental labor and I am glad about my outcome, I yawn fixing to head to bed thinking what will my future be like after my time here and will I leave with high hopes and maybe a beautiful woman on my arms. So this was the beginning of my boarding school experience and all I could think was parent’s sending your kids to boarding schools or other faraway places to discipline them does not always have the outcome you want it to so, thank you to my parents for sending me here where I can be myself.

October 20, 2020 01:50

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