Drama Mystery Thriller

Kyla Ramirez dad had always told her that her mom was in a car wreck in 1991 but she was curious cause when she asked her dad about the funeral it was always okay or she would ask if they could go to her grave on her birthday but he said no cause he was always busy getting with women that's it so she took it upon her self to figure out if she was dead or alive. so she asked the place where her dad said she was buried they said there was no one buried there with her name and they have never seen her dad or heard of him before so she knew from that moment her mother was alive but it made her wonder where she was so she confronted her dad and her dad was mad she did that so he hit her so she went to the cops but she wondered if that would make her find her mom and she was right it did the cops called her mom to ask if she wanted her and she said yes and when the before cop hung up with her mom he said your welcome detective Kyla Ramirez so she asked if she was coming and the cop said she had to take a plane and Kyla asked where she was and he said in mexico right now having a secret mission cause turned out her father was a criminal who has been on watch since 1991 and her mom caught him but to sum it all up she is living with her mom a undercover cop and her father is in prison for 5 different charges and turned out the reason her mom left cause she was threaten that shed be killed so she left and he told her to leave Kyla she did't want to but she did to be safe and that's why she joined the police force and now the last question is what did her father do and no one will ever know till she finds out herself now she knows he would've killed her mother the real question we should really be asking who all has he killed. its going on 10 years now she is now 25 she is a cop like her mom and she is studying her dad and now her mom cause since she lived with her mom she wondered why would her dad tell her to leave unless he wasn't the only killer what if her mom secretly was a killer like her father but no one ain't found out yet. so angelica went to visit the only man who would know her father she went and he laughed about cause he said he knew shed come cause she was his blood and he said shed be a killer like him and she told him no but she asked and he told her that her mom stabbed him and that's why he made her leave and that he'd kill her and that's why he became a killer he killed 20 people but her mom killed 100 people 50 men and 50 women and her dad told her to run and flee the country and said he loved her but her mom had a camera on her and knew she went to her dads so soon as she went home and started packing her bags her mother shot her and she took her daughters files but little did the mom know when angelica left her dad escaped prison and followed angelica and he was behind her and choked her mom and shot her and then he shot himself so now going on 6 years no one knows what happen with the Ramirez family and will never know but rumors say that someone shot them and took there money no one knew but her father had a secret case of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars under ground somewhere and that only one person had the key which was the mother but she never knew where it was but it was a dark stormy night in the hospital both the father and daughter was in a coma for 6 years but died but her mother woke up and was still out there killing innocent people and on the lose and yet she wont be got by anyone ever again cause she got face surgery and no one knows who she cause she now goes by Diana roe living in Colorado in 2012 yet to be caught. but people say if u hear 3 whistles and her the name Ana Maria 6 times in a row she is by you and she will strike fast and kill you and u cant run cause she already got's you dead and just know when she does no one can hear u scream cause its the quick.

' in mexico you have death very close that's true for all human beings because its part of life but in mexico 'death can be found in many things' in 2017 Diana died by getting shot by a guy named Nicolas Avila cause he found out she was the one who killed his one and only true love Kyla Ramirez turned out they was together since 4th grade through collage, cause Nicolas cared so much for her and could't wait to kill the woman who had took the best thing outta this world cause the day he killed her was day he was planning to purpose but latter on they moved on from the indecent and never spoke a word about the Ramirez's family tale.

hope u liked my story had a hard time thinking but i came up with this-

Espero que te haya gustado mi historia. Me costó mucho pensar, pero se me ocurrió esto.

author Kyla raymanda mariea ramirez 12 years old and i love romance but tried giving this a shot and i'm wanting to be a writer when i grow up and i'm hoping ' good at it i think i am but not sure yet

September 25, 2020 18:54

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James Morris
21:28 Oct 07, 2020

I like the story. However, if you want to be a serious writer, you will need to work on your grammar. There are so many grammatical errors in your story, it makes it hard to follow at times. You have a great mind for storytelling, you just need to practice your grammar. Keep it up!


Kyla Ramirez
22:24 Oct 15, 2020

Thank you i am 12 im wanting to be a writer and i will work on my grammar


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