We are all given a gift we can use to better everyone’s lives in this world. A world that desperately needs gifts to keep it from going into the dark ages. Ones who use their gifts for evil can bring such an event that unfortunately has occurred throughout history. It will continue to the end of time because of living in a fallen world, but never give up and strive to use your gift to better humanity and our planet.
My name is Robert, and I use my gift to help others with my discoveries when I am meant to do so. Sometimes my gift tells me there is something, but it is not time to discover it yet. Maybe never. With good and evil in this world, some discoveries can be twisted and shaped into a tool to promote depravity. Even though, our souls will always warn us the alarm is ignored. Not for me.
I am on the road, my existence, as I use my gift to find items and hidden places. It would amaze people how much is out there to behold. So much has been lost through the ages. For me to find some of these wonders is compared to being surprised at a birthday party by loved ones you have not seen for an exceptionally long time. Some items I can take, to continue to travel and survive, knowing it is okay to do so. Many items stay for they are not meant to be displayed publicly. And the one or many who placed it does not want it found. No matter how long ago, I have respected the magnificent and priceless item that has been placed.
What brings the best feeling to my soul is to find an item that someone lost and know that I can take it. To return it to the one who either lost it or related to the one who lost it. To see their tears brings me happiness and tears of my own. I have lost a gem in this world, my wife. My gem of gems. One day I will see her again.
“It has been five years,” I mutter. “But it feels like yesterday.”
I slam on the brakes, hoping no one is behind me as I come to a stop. I look out the passenger window to see a field with trees scattered throughout.
“There is something here,” I say and pull off the road onto the gravel. “This is a powerful one.”
What can be in this field with such a pull to my gift? Excitement grows.
I step out of my vehicle and walk toward the field. Few people driving on this road so no worry of someone stopping to see what I am doing, I hope.
I enter the field, knowing my eyesight will not lead me to the treasure. A pulling of my gift will take place when it is time. I just need to have patience and it will come.
I close my eyes and raise my head to let the breeze caress my face. I empty my thoughts, knowing it will make it easier for my gift to work.
Minutes tick, tick away.
I feel the pull. I open my eyes and look to the right. A hundred yards away are two pine trees growing close to each other. So close I will have to turn sideways to go between the two.
“I should not complain since there are times much labor is needed to bring forth the surprise.”
I walk toward the trees, feeling the pull of my gift increasingly as I come closer and closer.
“What will I behold today?”
I go to the trees and immediately step between the trees, and I enter a room as large as the bedroom I once inhabited. But instead of a bed, there is a wooden chair in the middle of the room. Shelves full of books cover the walls. I turn around and look at an immaculate wooden door with numerous scenes chiseled in of what looks like events taking place centuries ago.
“This differs vastly from other discoveries.”
I walk over to one shelf and look at the multi-colored books. There are no titles on the spines as I take one from the shelf. Brand new books.
“What do these books hold that they are hidden from humanity?”
I am about to open the book when I feel a presence behind me. I turn around and jump back, slamming into the shelf, as I look upon a man who looks like Gandalf.
“Hello,” he says with a smile.
“Hello,” I respond in disbelief. “Never expected to encounter anyone. Especially someone who looks like a character I love in a book.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, then he changes to every ethnicity and gender until he looks like Gandalf again. “I can look like any, for it matters not, as all is equal. You like this character, so here I am. The one to enlighten, guard, and teach in this library.”
“I want to know the knowledge these books hold. To be hidden, they must be incredibly special.”
He gave me a warm smile. “They are, for they hold the entire history of humanity. The factual history of your race. Not the history written by ones who think it should be this way or honestly do not know all the details since they were not around when the events took place. These books contain no fiction.”
“I would love to show this to the world, but know it is not possible,” I tell him.
“There is much good in the world. But you know there are ones who use their gift for evil purposes. Free will has been given to humanity which brings forth good and evil. These books are only for the gifted who will not pervert the knowledge within them. They can never leave this room. Only you can leave with the knowledge, knowing what to give to the people and what not.”
“This will take years to read,” I say as I look at all the shelves.
“Time matters not here. Only on your planet is there time.”
“I am still in shock to find such a treasure in the middle of America.”
“This room seeks the gifted who knows best with what it contains, so the portal will open anywhere in your world.”
“I am so grateful.”
“Enjoy,” he says and moments later dissipates.
I take the book and sit in the chair. Reading commences. Book after book.
“My God,” I whisper. “How my mind has been opened.”
To gain full knowledge instead of partial. Saddened by how wrong the history is that many of us know on Earth. Was it intentional or do they believe this is what happened? Life would be much different if this world knew its true history. Brought tears to my eyes.
“One day, we will all know once we exit the world.”
I do not know how long it takes me to read, one point realizing there is no need to eat, drink, or restroom stop. No need to sleep as I read on and on until I finish.
“Time to go.”
I go to the door, open it, and walk out. I enter the field and stop. In the room, I never bother to look at my watch. Never think to do so. Now I look and see a minute has passed.
“The greatest find by the gift given to me.”
I walk to my vehicle, so thankful to have this gift.
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I really enjoyed this story. It very loosely reminded me of the giver.
Thank you for the comment
Being a cynic, I often pause when someone tells me a book, a story, or a show is inspirational. But you have a gift for blending drama and fantasy with heartfelt inspiration that rings true. Another terrific story, and one that might help the reader through trying times. That’s added value in literature!
Greatly appreciate the comments
Nice story.. please like and comment on mine too
Nicely written. I enjoyed the discovery of the knowledge in books.
Thank you for the comment
A great story Corey. Much of the truth of human history is hidden between the lines of our so called recorded history, you have highlighted this so well in your story. I hope to stumble across the library sometime.
Thank you for the comments
As a younger kid, a couple of books were banned in the school library back then and just like you I've also asked...
“What do these books hold that they are hidden from humanity?”
Something tells me there are a lot of things we don't know about the world and the most intriguing thing is..."The answers are all written in gold ink_in BANNED/UNDISCOVERED BOOKS.
Thank you for the comments and you are right. Knowledge is lost because we don’t like what it states. To me it’s a way to learn not to repeat history
How many gifts are possessed but not accessed in this must-have-it-now world.
Or as a much wiser ancient once penned, "Zeal without knowledge is not good, and he who hastens with his feet misses the way."
I like the idea that the library is in a field, in America, (of all places) between two pine trees, that the books have no names on their spines, there is only one chair, Gandalf is the librarian, and time is suspended for as long as you read. That, indeed, is a secret library.
Thank you for the comments. America does seem to be a strange place for a secret library. The reason why I added the library can be encountered anywhere in the world
Oh that's right. I remember that line, and of course, it made sense, that it could be reached from anywhere.
Fantastic piece, such a unique voice to your writing.
Thank you for the comments
this story was also a gift
Thank you for the comment
Hi Corey,
It's like you were writing poetry. Thanks.
Thank you for the comments
The giver was bestowed.
Yes indeed. Thank you
Bit rich, Reedsy, given the fact you censor so many writers. The gift of books - but only if they aren't offensive or different in any way
I don’t know the full picture of Reedsy so restrain from criticizing them in any way. Sorry that it didn’t go well for you. Hopefully it gets better for you as you show your talents
I read this a few times Corey as enjoyed such a thoughtful and reflective piece. thank you!
Greatly appreciate your comments. There are events that take place in our lives that slow us down and we take a closer look at the full picture instead of rushing to judgment.
Thanks Corey. oh yes, I completely agree. I've experienced quite a few of these events in the past few years so this resonates with me a lot. Thank you.
Great take on the prompt. I'm sure he will go back another day. Does he ever find his lost wife? Is the answer to that question in the books? I also concluded that the books did not contain revisionist history.
I took it that she had died. You know?
Thank you for the comments and his wife had passed. He hopes one day they will unite once again in the afterlife
A wonderful story that creatively answers the prompt. Very good!
Thanks for checking my stories Corey :)
I started to read and had the sensation, by the half of it, that this could be a tv show called "The finder". I googled this and found out such show already exists so... I continued reading, and the story changed its tone into something else, which was nice and surprising. Maybe I would have liked a little bit more of reading after the book was found, but that's me :) Liked it, well written.
Thank you for the comments! I will have to look up “The Finder”. I believe we all have gifts. I would love to have a gift like this story. Time constraints and a busy schedule can make my stories incomplete
LOL was that a polite way of suggesting his idea was borrowed
Nope, it was a way of saying it had potential... which someone had thought before, and I had no idea :)
Nice original story.
The one I feel like I can connect.
Nicely done.
Thank you for the comments
The gift of knowledge through books.
Thanks for liking 'The Passing'
Thank you for the comments
When they aren't being censored