Adventure Fantasy Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

 I was looking out a window as I saw the sunset. When the sun set, I heard a loud long howl. It was the werewolf Alpha telling all of us creatures, that it was time for us to come out of the darkness and shadows. I am the last one of my kind. I am the last vampire I was born first and I am here last.

I got out of my coffin and gently walked across the wooden floor, hearing them screeching under my weight. I went down the hall and into the bathroom. I removed my glowing white nightgown and took a bath. Then, I put on an old dress that looked like it was from the 1600s.

I walked out of my house. It looked old and could fall at any moment, but I made it like that so the humans wouldn't go in. Making it scary and old does the job. I don't look like a vampire so that I wouldn't be hunted down like any of my children.

I stopped and watched other creatures walk by werewolves, ghouls, witches, warlocks, elves, Demons, and Angels. We all hide our true forms from the human's. In fear of them finding out about us, all except me I have seen it all. I am an Immortal, I hear my children say it's a gift. But in reality, I could see my loved ones die.

I am a queen in this small village, but to me, this small village is my kingdom. I taught them everything that they knew. " Your Highness, one of the children from the demons clan is, is..." Said one of the ghouls. " Calm down my dear, try to breathe," I said as I put my hands on their shoulders. So they could calm down.

They kneeled and said, " My queen, one of the children from the demon clan, is very ill, and we don't think that she will survive the night." I looked at them and then cleared my throat. " What house?" I said. He looked up at me. " 28," he said, letting the word roll off his tongue.

I took a deep breath and walked into a dark shadow on the back of one of the small cottages. I walked through the shadow into a room where the small child lay. She looked ill and she didn't move when she saw my present the mother of the child walked over to me. " Hello your Majesty," she said as she greeted me "My husband brought back a sickness from the underworld, and it has only affected the demon clan. It hasn’t spread to any other species. Is there anything in your power that you can do to help my family?" She said as she grabbed my hand and led me to a chair near the sick child.

" Yes, I have the cure for this sickness, it's as old as time. Don't worry, my child, but I hope you inform me early." I said as one of my helpers teleported to me with my medication bag. I nodded my head as a thank you, and they teleported out of the cottage that we were in. I put some gloves on and pulled out a vile with some purple liquid inside. I put in a needle and gently grabbed that child's left arm and gently put it in her vein and inget her with the medication. I pulled it out and I wrapped it with a thin cloth.

I put everything back in my bag took off my gloves and put them in the bag as well. I got up and walked over to the mother. " My dear child, if anything like this ever happens again please inform me as soon as possible. One more day in her condition she could have died. Now can I please see your husband?" I say with a smile hoping to brighten the mood. " I'm sorry, but he died this morning," She said gazing down at the floor. Those words pierced my heart like an arrow fired by a hunter at a deer.

" I see, I'm sorry for your loss my dear. Don't fall into sorrow, his soul will follow you until it's your time when you pass, and then he will guide you to the afterlife to one of my brother's worlds. You maybe reborn or live the rest of your life with each other. Just remember don't be afraid to ask me for help." I said as she hugged me and she started crying on me. I hugged her back gently brushing her hair with my hand to sooth her. I hum a small medley after a while she let go and I wiped her tears away. " How about you get some rest, you have been through a lot," I say.  

She nodded and walked out of the room where we were. I took a deep breath and went outside. Once I stepped out, a cool breeze swept through my hair, and I began walking through the village. I could hear children laughing and watched them play. I continued walking until I reached the edge of the village and then stepped into the woods. After walking for an hour, I stopped and noticed fog rolling in.

"That's not normal," I said, adjusting my dress slightly to kneel and touch the fog. I heard something running toward me I didn't have time to react. A small child ran into me and I held onto them as they struggled to break free.

" Miss! Please let go I have to run or my father will kill me" I heard the small child say in a scared tired tone. But I didn't let them go I got up still holding the small child. In my arms "It's all right, dear. I won't let anything happen to you. Can you tell me why you're running from your father?" I asked gently.

"I sold our cow for the wrong price, and now my father is going to kill me," said the child as they hugged me tightly. "What is your name, dear?" I asked, smiling to reassure them that they were in a safe space. " I'm Kris Leon" He said, " That is a lovely name you got there dear," I said smiling at him snowing him my fangs. His eyes almost seemed to glow. " You are beautiful..." he said as he put his hands on my face I lightly laughed at this.

I heard loud footsteps and yelling, and soon after, there was a man who was holding a hatchet. He smiled slightly, " Thank goodness you have found my son. I was cutting wood and ran away from me." He said as he walked closer to us. " You think you could lie to me like that? I see right throw your lies." I say as I let my head high to show him that I don't fear him. He held his hatchet high getting ready to throw it at me. " If you throw that hatchet at me you have one shot after that you're better off dead," I say with a hiss.

Is this woman really this foolish? She doesn’t stand a chance against me. I have a weapon, but yet she has a gaze like I’ve never encountered before. I've never seen anyone with purple eyes in all my 30 years. Something feels very off about her. She gives me a cold shiver down my spine. I should probably run. But if I turned my back for even a second, I knew I would be in danger.

"Are you going to stand there like a fool, or are you going to do something? I don't have all night. I have my people that I need to get to," I say in a calm, clear tone. " How about I make a deal with you? If I let you keep my son you spear my life." I heard him say I could hear slight fear in his tone. " Very well then. But if you ever enter my land aging I will kill you in a heartbeat. Not a second to lose." I say with a smile on my face to give the man a good scare.

"You will never see me again," he said as he took off running, leaving his hatchet behind. I walked over to where he had been and picked it up. "How about I take you home with me, my love? I will raise you as my own, and you will never have to live in fear," I said as I started heading back to the village. At some point, I set the boy down and held his hand. He began telling all kinds of stories, some of which made me laugh.

Once we entered the village, he clung to my side, slightly scared by the appearance of others. "It's alright, dear. We are a big happy family here. There is nothing to fear," I said as I walked him through, showing him around. Still, I could sense fear from this child. I hope he learns to trust us, despite our different appearances.

I took him to my house but he didn't think to judge it, and that put a smile on my face. " You have a lovely place you have here, miss," He said with a smile I walked over to and looked into his bright blue eyes and brushed my fingers through his black hair. " Let me show you your new room," I say as I lead him upstairs to a large room with a bed and a small shelf with a few books. " Tomorrow, I will change this room to your liking. But let me tell you something. I don't want to keep any secrets from you." I say and he looks up at me and nods in response.

I kneeled so I could see him eye to eye and I held my hand out and he grabbed it with his hands, I took a deep breath before I let any words leave my mouth " I am a vampire, I have been here on this earth since the bigging of time. I am immortal, I have seen many of my children live and die. So don't be afraid to ask me anything. I know all" I say

His small eyes widened when he heard me and he hugged me and started crying. " I don't want to leave you when I die!" He cried " I promise you that I will try to find a way for me to stay with you even after death! " they say as they look at me. This touched my heart and I wiped their tears away and smiled. " Alright dear, I'll help you," I say as I kiss their head picked him and put him in bed. I taught him in his bed and I sang a song to him to him.

As I sang my song, I watched his chest rise and fall as I watched him take his final breath. I felt something rolling down my face. As I touched my face and saw that I was crying. " I have not cried in over a million years, why now?" I say to myself and I turn to see the small boy lying in his bed. One of my helpers telephoned to me " What do you wish to do with the body?" They asked " Buried him, with my first born daughter. I wish to see his soul once aging." I say as I walk out of the room.

Once I shut the door I broke down into tears. " Forgive me, Father! But why do you torture me like this? Why did you create me to kill? What did I ever do to you to make you hate me since birth?" I say crying. I got up wiped my tears from my face and went back into the room where the child still lay dead. I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

I took out one of his eyes and replaced it with one of his and the small boy woke and hugged me as he cried. " How am I alive?" He asked as I rubbed his back. "I give you immortality boy, an eye for an eye," I say as I hug them tightly trying to soothe you, and I cry, now knowing that I can see what he sees.


January 28, 2025 21:15

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