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Christmas Fiction Funny

I would start this off with once upon a time however my story is very unpredictable. I mean this was the weirdest situation I have ever been in since I was born.

Anyway, my name is Opal and I'm twenty four. I live in a big family house with many animals including my dog who's a bit let's just say extraordinary.

For Christmas all I ever wanted was a pet bird but weirdly this type of bird she stood out to me the most. I remember waking up to the sounds of a clucking noise on Christmas morning thinking to myself, it can't be a chicken that, popping my head out my bedroom door I saw a huge grin appear across my sister's face as she approached me. Confused and amused slightly I asked her "What was that?" To which she replies "Go look." I slowly walked down the stairs and as I walked into the living room I saw a little orange hen perched on the sofa eating a bagful of berries, the little hen then appeared to have seen and made the cutest clucking sound I have ever heard. My mum grinning at my face walked into the room to which she said "Do you like her? What do you want to call her?" The surprise that I had on my face expressed I was pretty sure this was just a dream until my dad came out of the kitchen holding a new coop and a little chicken sized garden swing. I stood back looking at the little orange hen with her big beady eyes and cheeky beak swallow berries whole. "I-I." Stuttered "Is she mine?" I asked confused about life and the fact I had just been given a chicken for Christmas. My mum nodded to which I said "What about Nugget?" My baby sister started giggling at the name "Nugget?" She said baffled. "I mean isn't that an insult to the fact they make them into chicken nuggets?" She asked amused by my choice. "Yes they do but I think she reminds me of a nugget as she's orange like one and got a cute look about her." I replied softly.

"Well okay, nugget it is." My whole family responded. I was still baffled however, my little chicken Nugget was just sat with a belly full of fruit looking at me with her beady eyes and cheeky face. Not having the slightest clue how to look after her I attempted to. Let's just say during the next few weeks I don't understand why my parents thought this was a clever idea.

Nugget became very mischievous as the weeks passed and even despite me asking her not to eat the garden flowers continued to. Everything I did I couldn't stop my naughty new pet chicken from doing so. The first time I brought my new boyfriend home she chased him up to the street and then continued to peck him as he tried to enter the door. My life was completely draining and I had no idea what to do with the little hen creature that stood besides me. At bedtime she would decide to join me and go perch on my bed as I continued to try and convince her to go to her coop nugget refused to listen and decided my bed was her also. I could never fall asleep without my little orange feathered friend huddling closely to me. Unfortunately as nugget grew to a bigger bird this progressed and she started taking my food out of the cupboard and eating off my plate.

I had no idea what to do or how to look after her eventually as I was getting on with life nugget grew to become a very close friend of mine in chicken form and I became used to not being unable to control her behaviour regardless.

My parents continued to watch amused by my failed attempts to control my pet chicken.

It was a disaster for many years but as time went on the more Nugget grew on me.

My best friend became also my biggest nightmare.

As the years went on I went on to live on my own with my feathered friend, eventually she allowed me to marry and have children with my soon to be husband. The children and I grew to adore and love my little fluffy beaked friend despite how difficult she could be. Soon enough nugget became older and started to fade away.

Despite that I could never get her to settle down even when she was older and becoming grey from age. Instead she was ten times worse and even kept stealing my children's snacks gobling them one by one as she clucked away.

When Nugget turned eight she became very ill and despite all of it she was still running around causing trouble. No matter what my little hen was always up to no good.

Eventually when nugget turned nine and began to show signs of becoming much weaker my son James who was now five went and laid with her resting his head on her cute body. She clucked away soundly as she was in her last moments of her life. "Bye bye Nuggie." He said softly as he left the room.

Nugget clucked away peacefully the night after. My heart was broken but the memories of her flowed throughout my mind continuously. She became the greatest companion and friend a girl could have ever had.

I'm much older now, the years have passed me but the love for my Nugget has never gone away.

As much as I love my new chicken friends we currently have they will never come between me and my girl Nugget the crazy chicken.

She will forever live within my heart, children's hearts and my loving husband's heart as well. A part of me was destroyed the day I lost my wild beaky friend.

One day I hope we can be united in paradise forever again and I hope my lovely bird friend is finally back to being her naughty self.

December 23, 2020 17:15

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1 comment

<inactive> .
08:13 Dec 31, 2020

This is such a cute story but with a sad ending! But I do have a little bit of criticism- Right at the beginning, there was a huge paragraph. It ruined the flow for me, maybe consider breaking it down? There were commas missing and I often had to re-read a sentence before connecting the dots. I don’t think the story was a perfect match with the prompt exactly(I know there isn’t a perfect match but I thought it was a bit iffy)- you asserted many times that Opal didn’t know how to take care of Nugget but I think you could have ‘shown’ that ins...


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