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Adventure Fiction Kids

She was poor. She is rich. This is the story of how Kate J. became the youngest billionaire in the world.

MacArthurton is a small town in California named after General Douglas MacArthur, commander of the U.S. troops in the Pacific during World War II. Babylonis is a slightly larger town in Montana named after the kingdom of Babylon. 

Katharine, called Kate by her friends, was an ordinary girl living an ordinary life in an ordinary town in MacArthurton, California. She was like everyone else; average height, lived in an average house, and even had an average shoe size. She hated to wake up early in the morning and loved to stay up late. School was a necessary bore, and grades were the worst. 

Kate’s parents were also very normal. Average income, average appearance, and average lifestyle. Therefore, they were very surprised to find a classified document for their 13 year old daughter in the mail. They respected her privacy, not opening the document, but the sender was anonymous. This warranted some scrutiny, and after finding and searching up a suspicious address, they decided to hide the document from Kate until she was 18.

Kate also had two siblings, an older sister named Elizabeth and a younger brother named Henry. Elizabeth was in high school, had excellent grades, and was the star of her class, becoming the favorite student of her teacher. Elizabeth was also athletic, being on a gymnastics team and a swimming team. She was also pretty, switching boyfriends every month. Henry was 11, intelligent, and also outperformed Kate. Even though he was at the top of his class, he already skipped a grade, often joking that he would soon be in the same grade as Kate. In addition, he could beat Kate in soccer as well as basketball and was two seconds slower than Kate in swimming. 

With such outstanding siblings, Kate was often overlooked by her parents and neighbors, but when she got home from school one day, everything changed. As she was researching inheritance for a school project, she came upon some news that the 23rd richest man in the world passed away, leaving behind a massive sum of money. The problem was, he had so many relatives that he was only able to grant ten of them money, albeit a lot of money. The ten relatives all had to do the same thing, something strange, something completely outside their comfort zone in order to get their inheritance. There was a list of who the ten relatives were, and Kate’s name was on the list. 

Kate then checked her email, then double-checked. Someone had sent her an email giving instructions on how to get her inherited money as well as the sum. Kate was so excited she forgot to tell her parents, informing her siblings instead. 

The next day, Henry couldn’t keep quiet. He told all about Kate’s inheritance to his parents, resulting in them wanting to get a portion of the money. Henry and Elizabeth hadn’t thought of that and asked for some as well. 

Finally, Kate agreed to give one million dollars to each of them if they agreed to help her. Her parents even agreed to let them skip school, and they started their journey.

Their mission was to go to Babylonis, Montana, and await further instructions.

After breakfast, the family had a debate on how to get to Babylonis; Should they drive or go via airplane? Henry argued that an airplane is faster, while Elizabeth stated that a car is less expensive. Henry countered by saying they would be rich, so a little expense wouldn’t matter. Elizabeth informed him that the entire mission might be a scam, but Henry was having none of it.

Eventually, they decided to fly, mainly due to the fact that their car was 18 years old and the engine got broken recently. 

They got to Cheyenne, Montana, with little difficulty, and then proceeded to rent a car. After a couple of hours, they were finally at Babylonia. However, it was night so they checked into a motel, eager for the next day. 

The hotel manager known as Robert Earle knew he was supposed to go to bed, but there was too much money at stake. He slipped an envelope under the door of the only family staying that night, then made a call. 

Kate woke up first, then quickly awoke her family. While everyone was brushing their teeth, Kate wandered around impatiently, waiting for her family members to finish because she already brushed her teeth. That’s how she found the envelope.

After showing it to her family, they marched to the motel manager’s door, demanding to know how the envelope got there. To their surprise, the manager had resigned that night, having gained ten million dollars from a mysterious donor. 

They quickly opened the envelope, which directed them to a store downtown. After visiting the store, they emerged holding yet another envelope. This one directed them to a resort, where they met the other nine relatives. The security guard escorted the ten lucky relatives to a part of the resort with a gate, where they were supposed to get in a bus. 

After a short drive, they were in the forest surrounding the resort. There was a lake, and they were instructed to go in. The water was freezing, but for the sake of money, everyone went in. The bus driver then took out his phone and instructed everyone to take off their clothes, then climb the huge oak tree. This made everyone uncomfortable, but the bus driver insisted. Apparently, everyone except the driver was around thirteen, which meant they were all around the same age. However, everyone complied, and then the driver started filming. The driver had everyone jump out of the tree into the lake, then swim ashore. 

Still filming, the driver interviewed each of the 10 people, and then let everyone put their clothes back on. 

Each contestant was informed that their money would be transferred to a Swiss bank account, then ownership of the account would be theirs. Kate was the first on the bus, followed by all the others. 

After driving them all back to the resort, the driver known as Tim Moelj then made a call. 

After each contestant returned home, including Kate, a famous news network released a shocking discovery. 

The 23rd richest man in the world wasn’t dead after all, his "death" was for a study. The contestants would still get the money, but the man would still keep over half of his money.

Right after that, a scientific paper was published, titled “WHAT TEENS WILL DO FOR MONEY.” It included the video of the 10 contestants and the lake, and when Kate’s friends saw it, they were both jealous and surprised; After all, Kate was an ordinary girl from an ordinary town living an ordinary life. 

Tim Moelj, the driver, seemed to have gained 10 million dollars overnight from a mysterious donor. 

Furthermore, each contestant gained 1 billion dollars, and Kate gave 1 million to each of her family members. 

This is how Kate Jenagee became the youngest billionaire in the world. 

December 17, 2020 00:31

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1 comment

Kaci Rigney
18:10 Dec 24, 2020

Hi, Andrew, May I suggest you get Grammarly. It's free and will tell you when you use passive voice--especially was/were, and a host of other passive words, which should be avoided. Research passive voice. The bus driver and motel manager are insignificant characters, we really don't need to know their names. :) Be careful to proofread, as Babylonia was spelled incorrectly the first time. And, do an online search of 'show, don't tell.' Cute story.


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