Fantasy Fiction

Wind gushed down my back as I sprinted down the empty streets. The wailing of the wind screamed through my ears as I watched the trees sway as if they were threatening to leave their roots and crawl away. Fear tattooed my face as I gathered adrenaline, drawing the last bit of energy from my veins.

Quickly, I took a small peak behind me to make triple sure that he wasn’t following me. A small weight fell off my shoulders as a unconscious breath escaped my lips.

The street laid barren behind me. Nobody. Just me and my panic thoughts wrestling through the night.

How did I get here? I questioned myself as I reach the front gate to my old, wooden home made entirely of maple wood and a patio of brass beams. 

Most people try to avoid my home, as most seem to think it’s a bit odd looking or an neighbourhood eye sore. It doesn’t make much sense, as I fully believe that I have the best house throughout the entire village. My cactus garden stood tall as they hid in the shadow behind the moon, as I briskly ran toward my front door.

Panic rang through my ears as my fingers fumbled, as they failed to unlock all eight padlocks. 

Howls of the night continued to roar through my ears as I could imagine the beasts howling through my mind.

With a slam, I shut the door, while I re-locked it.

My face immediately went to the window as I kept the lights off, hopefully he will think that I’m not home.

“Who am I fooling?” I told myself as I quivered my lip.

A large shadow illuminated from the darkness, casting from the full circle of the moon, as if it were harnessing all that power.

A knock rumbled behind the door, as it echoed through the house. Heavy footsteps shift on the patio as it was obvious that the mysterious person was inpatient or perhaps in a rush.

Seconds felt like an eternity until I heard the thundering of the boots leave my patio. The squeaking of the gate felt like a rush of glee had washed over me, until I noticed an envelope sitting underneath the door.

Fear sat on me like a blanket as I silently held my breath, with shaking hands, I picked it up.

Nothing unusual stood out. It was just a regular looking envelope, with my name neatly written on top.

Slowly, I pulled the single sheet of paper, as I turned on the ceiling lights. Dimly the bulbs flickered as I tried to comprehend the words in front of me.

Rhea Stone, thank you for your application. We are very pleased and more than happy to be offering you a position at this marvellous company. Congratulations, and I strongly encourage you to accept. – The Triple S. Society. 

Confusion bolted down my throat and intertwined through my bones. This had to be some sort of joke, a trick of some sort by someone who was bored or lonely; I fool myself into believing.

Just three days ago, after I got fired from my office law firm, I saw the add to this company on a very odd site that randomly popped onto my phone. I only applied, out of a joke, I never thought that this could be a real company. But it might explain what I saw tonight.

With a shaky breath, I reread the letter six more times as it took awhile to realize that I have actually gotten the job offer.

Who would have thought, that a high up business lawyer like me, would settle to accepting the very first job that comes my way out of desperation? Especially if this new work place is called the Secret Shape Shifter Society.

Three days have gone by since that mysterious night; the night that I received my job offer. Most of my family believe that I either made up this company for attention to hide the fact that I got fired, the other half believe that I have gone mad.

I honestly have no idea onto which one is worse, I feel like I have completely lost my mind. 

Early morning birds chirped as I locked all my padlocks, I anxiously whistled as I walked out my pathway, heading to my vehicle as I slow prepare myself for the first day of my new job; the very job that may or may not exist, but I have nothing else to lose.

As I pulled out the driveway, images of that mysterious night roughly tugged onto my mind. 

Flashes of the full moon blinded my eyes as I witnessed a overly large wolf like creature bolt through the woods. 

This may be a small forested town, but there are certainly no weird wolf creatures running around. Well at least I never used to think so. 

I remember staggering out of fear as I hid behind a large evergreen bush, hoping that it wouldn’t see me.

As I shook from fear, I watched as the strange looking creature morphed into a man. After witnessing such an event, I bolt home, which to my surprise the fellow had followed me home, gifting me this job.

Perhaps this is a real company full of actual shape shifters, but I certainly don’t possess such abilities. I wonder what I will be doing, as the application never gave much information and I eagerly filled it out, thinking this was all fake.

Pain filled the pit of my stomach as I pulled into a weird looking building that needed plenty of fixing. The beams looked as if they would buckle during the next wind storm as the roof barley had shingles left on it.

“There is no way that this is a real company,” I tell myself as I look around the empty parking lot. A far as I could tell, I was the only vehicle there.

“Perhaps, they only want me here to play with my mind so I won’t remember what I saw.” I whispered to myself as I checked my watch.

Goosebumps filled my skin as I held my breath, only ten minutes until I of started my new, bizarre job.

Something felt off as I nervously got out of my car, sweat beaded across my young face as I stepped closer towards the tainted metal doors.

Hushed voices emerged from the hallway as I entered the building.

“Welcome to the Triple S. Society. We fully believe that you Rhea Stone have a ability to make this company larger and expand quicker than ever before.” An older lady said triumphly as I stood shaking in the doorway, feeling very nervous as strangers began to crowd the halls.

“What exactly is my position here?” I nervously questioned as I felt all eyes on my. Mass attention was and never will be my thing.

“We believe that you’re the next prodigy in shape shifting.”

“In Shape shifting?” I repeated out of confusion, maybe this does exist, but I surely know that I’m not a shape shifter, I would certainly know if I had such an ability…Wouldn’t I?

December 17, 2020 01:34

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