Coming of Age Contemporary

I got on the subway and sat down in the closest seat. I was used to crowded places but I still didnโ€™t like staying in them for too long. I distracted myself with my sketchbook. I always carried my sketchbook no matter what. I opened up the old, used sketchbook and flipped over to an unused page. I started drawing lightly until the train jerked to a stop. Someone slammed into my pencil and the straight line turned into a mess of scribbles. I shut the book and picked up my things. A huge crowd started as everyone tried to leave the train at the same time. I patiently waited until everyone left. Once they left i got up and started to leave as this was my stop but then the intercom came on and said โ€œstep back doors closingโ€ and i realized that i was too late and couldn't get off, i sat waiting until the next stop thinking โ€œsure it won't be too far from the other oneโ€ and opened my sketchbook again.

โ€œAye kid this is the last stop ya getting off or notโ€ The intercom person said. I hadnโ€™t even realized that I had fallen asleep. I got off of the subway and took out my phone. I found out that my apartment was 45 minutes away. I decided I would just have to walk home. I quickly started walking, after ten minutes I was panting. I hadnโ€™t realized how out of shape I was. I made a mental note that I would work out more. I decided to sit on the closest bench. I looked around and only saw one person near me. I breathed heavily and I saw my warm breath in the cold air. A yawn slipped through my lips. The person chuckled and said โ€œSo you're tired tooโ€. โ€œYeahโ€ I said hesitantly. They walked a little closer and the streetlight shone above him so I could tell he was a boy, a little older than me. I moved over a bit so he wasnโ€™t as close to me.ย 

I decided to start walking again because I had taken a long break. Thirty minutes passed and I had finally reached my apartment. I walked up the long stairs until I got to my door. I unlocked my door and threw my things on the counter. I locked the door and sat down exhausted from walking. I switched on the TV and scrolled through it until I found something that looked interesting. I got my laptop and wrote on my blog. After a few hours I glanced at my clock and realized it was one in the morning. I closed my laptop and turned off the TV. I walked to my bedroom and changed into something a bit more comfy. I walked to my bed and I fell asleep before my head touched my pillow.ย 

I woke up quickly to see that it was 6:10. I had a photoshoot at 6:30 so I hurried to get changed and to eat breakfast. I quickly changed into sweats and I ate an apple. I quickly got my car keys and practically ran to my car. I checked my phone and saw it was 6:23. I quickly drove to the studio and ran inside. Louis the photographer quickly came over to me. โ€œOh darling weโ€™re going to shoot in 10 minutesโ€ He said to me. โ€œHey Amanda do her makeupโ€ He said again. โ€œHello Dianaโ€ Amanda said to me as she did my makeup. Another lady pushed an outfit towards me and I went to change. I put on the scratchy and tight outfit and walked over to Louis. He told me to go in front of the camera. I went and started posing until Louis said โ€œAmazing weโ€™re done, thank you Dianaโ€. I changed and got my things. I was about to leave

โ€œHey bench girlโ€ The guy that I had met the night before. โ€œWere you following me?โ€ I yelled at him. โ€œWhat? no, Louis is my older brotherโ€ He explained. I started walking to my car and he followed me. โ€œIโ€™m Peter Haynes by the way,โ€ He said enthusiastically. โ€œIโ€™m Dianaโ€ I said as I shut the door to my car. I drove away, I felt kind of bad for being so rude to him even though he was being kind of creepy. I turned on some music and soon I got to my apartment. I stepped out of my car and a young girl came running at me. โ€œDiana Glover Iโ€™m such a big fan, can I have your autograph?โ€ The young girl said. I smiled and signed her Disney princess notebook. โ€œThank you so much,โ€ Her mother said. I smiled back at her and walked to my apartment. I walked inside and threw my things on the floor. I walked to the couch and sat down. I opened my laptop and closed it again. I got my sketchbook and started drawing, I felt much better than I did when I was at the studio. I opened up my laptop again and went to my blog. I started pouring my heart out about everything that was wrong. My job, my passion, everything. I quickly erased it all. Who would want to listen to some girl talking about her problems. I decided to write about my day at the studio. Well some of it. My day at the studio was amazing! I had a great time trying on fun outfits and posing for the camera is so fun. Louis is the best photographer, he made the experience even better. Louis would love that and so would everyone else reading the blog.ย 

I went to my room and went to bed. The next day came faster than normal. I and I decided that I would ride the subway again. I got ready and walked to the subway. I walked inside and took out my sketchbook. I started drawing some of the people on the train, an old woman with aย bright sweater, a young mother and her child and some teenagers. I was so mesmerized with my drawings that I hadnโ€™t realized that I had missed my stop. This was the last stop, I quickly left the subway and wondered where I was. I walked around a bit and I saw a forest. I decided to go towards it. I walked until I heard a sound like a tsunami. I turned around in all different directions until I saw a beautiful waterfall not far away. I walked towards it and sat down. Right then I didnโ€™t care about anything.

April 22, 2021 14:02

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Hii, My friend helped me a bit with this story but here's her profile you should check her out. https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/ms-grace/ tehe i hope u liked the story and should I make it a series????


Ms. Grace
15:29 Apr 22, 2021





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Ooh, so I absolutely loved your style in this; itโ€™s executed so well! I do have one critique; you often begin sentences with โ€œIโ€... maybe switch it up a little and put the verbs first?


tysm :) and I'll try doing that more .


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