Singing Frogs

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Coming of Age Contemporary

Day 1

           Brett came home today and he got into a fight with Mom. He’s been away for a long time. No-one will say where he went.

           Dad’s left the porchlight on for Brett for weeks. I asked him and he said it was so Brett could find his way home. So he could know there were people inside. I told Dad he would know there were people home because Mom’s car was in the driveway. Dad told me not to argue and go to bed and he sat up watching the driveway in silence.

           It’s been a very quiet summer. All my friends went away so I’ve been at home a lot. During the day it gets quiet but I turn on the TV and it’s not so bad. I asked Mom for a dog but she said she didn’t want to take care of it and she told me I wouldn’t. She said the TV is ok.

           Brett came home today. I haven’t seen him yet. I’ve been in my room doing reading because because Mom told me I have to or else I’m grounded. I don’t know what that means but she said it that way she does so I’m reading. Mr. Lamitka told me writing in this journal was my summer homework so I’m doing this too. It’s ok.

           I don’t know what Mom and Brett are fighting about. I’ll tell you tomorrow. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. They don’t sound like Mom or Dads.

           Good night.

Day 2

           Brett and Mom were fighting because Brett spilled Mom’s wine because he came in the backdoor last night and not through the porch. Brett said she shouldn’t have left the wine out. Mom gave up and laughed. It was weird because she never laughs. She sounds like Olivia from class. Olivia laughs sometimes when I say sometime and it’s very squeaky. I don’t know why she laughs all the time. I don’t know why Mom is laughing now and she isn’t mad anymore.

           I guess I should say Brett is my older brother. Sorry for not telling you that sooner, book. He’s been away for a long time. He came in my room yesterday when I was done writing and said hello. He is very big, and he has a beard now. Last time I saw him he looked skinny and Dad used to say he looked like one of the knives in the drawers. Dad said now he looks like a hammer. I wonder what I look like?

           Brett is really nice. I missed him. Dad said with Brett back it will make up for everyone being gone for the summer. Dad said we’ll play hockey in the driveway. I asked Brett if he wanted to play hockey but he said he couldn’t because he was going to meet up with old friends. He gave me another hug and walked out of the house and Mom laughed again.

           Dad left the porchlight on for Brett again. I asked him why he could leave the light on now but not before and he said he got a new porchlight bulb and it takes less power than the other lightbulbs, that’s why he can leave it on for Brett all the time.

           Good night.

Day 3

           Brett came home this morning while Mom and Dad were at work. I was watching TV and Brett came in the door. I asked him if he wanted breakfast because I made some for myself but I made too much and there was some left over if he wanted it. Brett said he wasn’t feeling well and he went to bed. Its too bad he got sick during the summer because if he got sick during the winter and he was here he could stay home from school. I wanted to tell him but he locked his bedroom door and wouldn’t let me in. I think he fell asleep.

           Mom and Dad came home from work and asked me where he was. Mom kept doing that weird laugh. Dad sent me outside to play and they talked in the kitchen for a long time. Dad used to get mad at me for leaving the porchlight on all the time but thanks to the new bulb I can stay out all night.

           I came inside to go to the bathroom and Mom and Dad were in the kitchen and Dad looked angry. I asked him why he was angry and he told me to go back outside. I told him I needed to pee and he told me to just piss outside like a real man. Does Brett piss outside?

           Good night.

Day 5

           Sorry I forgot to write last night. Dad and Mom talked to Brett last night and we all went out onto the driveway and we played hockey together. Brett and I were on a team and I got seven goals on Dad. The frogs were out in the long grass and Brett told me they were singing to make a family. He let me try some of his beer too. It was gross, but Brett said the first time you try it its supposed to taste like piss. I asked why would people drink it then and he said the frog-song sounds prettier when you drink it and sometimes things that are loud aren’t so loud anymore. I didn’t get it but he got quiet so I sat and listened with him.  

           Today was quiet. Brett was out last night and Mom and Dad are in the kitchen right now. I asked Dad if we could play hockey again and he told me to go work on my homework. I asked where Brett was and Dad told me to go work on homework or I would be grounded.

           I can see the porchlight on through my window and I can hear the frogs singing. I think it’s pretty without any beer.

           Good night.

Day 6

           Brett came home this morning sick again. He went to his bedroom and he wouldn’t say anything to me. I threw out the cereal I left for him because it got soggy.

           Dad came home from work and asked me where Brett was and I told him he was in his bedroom. Dad went to Brett’s bedroom and he started talking to him. Mom came home and heard the talking and went to the bedroom too and a while later she started crying. I went to the bedroom and Dad kicked me out and told me to go outside. I brought this book outside because I wanted to write in the porchlight and with the frogs singing. I can here Mom crying through the windows.

           Dad and Mom are in the kitchen again.

           Brett just left. He walked out the front door and he told me bye and he was going to see his friends again. He drove his car down the driveway really fast. I can hear Mom and Dad crying through the cracks in the windows.

Day 8

           Sorry for not writing in you yesterday Mr. Book. I didn’t feel very well yesterday. Brett hasn’t come home from a few days ago. The porchlight has been on since he left.

           When Dad came home from work today he asked me where Brett was and I said he was still out. Dad went and got his dirty green work-light out from the garage and set it up on the porch beneath the porchlight. I asked him why he was doing that and he told me so Brett can find his way home easier. I said Brett knows his way home and Dad told me to go play in the yard.

           It’s nighttime now. The phone was ringing and I can hear Mom and Dad talking. Mom started crying and I can hear her through the front door.

Mom came in my room and she was crying and she told me Brett wouldn’t be home for a little bit. Maybe he would be home in a couple weeks, she said, but she didn’t know yet. I asked where he was and she said she didn’t feel like saying. I asked her if she wanted to play driveway hockey and she told me it was late and I needed to go to bed. Dad walked out into the yard and I saw him standing on the driveway and he was looking at the street and he stood there for a long time. Good thing all those lights are on the porch and the frogs are singing otherwise Dad would be alone in the dark.

Day 10

           Mom and Dad have been crying all day. No one wants to talk to me. No one will tell me where Brett went. Dad said he’s been locked up and I asked what that meant and he told me to go play in the yard. I said I wanted to play driveway hockey and he said he wanted to too but he can’t anymore. I said he and mom could be on a team and I could be on a team and we could still play while Brett was gone. He got mad at me and told me to go outside or else I was grounded.

           I played out in the yard for a while in the long grass. Dad turned off the porchlight and the worklight and brought them inside and closed the door. I think he’s mad at me but I don’t know why. It was still light out and I heard the frogs singing so I went to find one because I wanted to sing to one too but every time I got close they stopped singing. Is it my fault? Or do frogs just stop singing sometimes?

January 01, 2021 23:47

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Elaine Entenza
20:18 Jan 08, 2021

The points that hit my heart the most were short parts of the dialogue where the character was vulnerable, asking simple kid-like questions to his diary, or (and this was my favorite part of the story) when he (or she?) is sitting with Brett and listening to the frogs. You can almost feel the little sibling reverence he (or she?) holds for their big brother. "I didn’t get it but he got quiet so I sat and listened with him."... it's as if the little sibling wants to know more but doesn't dare ask because of this reverence. The last line is b...


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Sydney Bingham
01:48 Jan 07, 2021

I loved searching for the clues you left your reader. You did a really good job staying in the main character's perspective. For me, writing from the perspective of a young child is especially difficult - you did a great job with that challenge!


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