The spirits lullaby

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt



I am about to tell you a story. It is an extraordinary story, quite one of a kind. It is from long ago, about a time before humans roamed. A time where the most peculiar beings walked the Earth. This story has been passed down generation from generation, and now belongs to me. And I will share it with you.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a small village. It was an odd village, unlike any others. Instead of boring, wooden planks for the houses, they were made out of pure crystal that sparkled in the sunlight. Instead of the village being built in the countryside with green fields surrounding it, it had been created beside a gleaming ocean. The ocean was not typical either. It seemed more blue, more clean, more shimmering than any other. The people were the most peculiar of all! They were not human, rather mystical beings. There were warlocks and witches. There were huge giants and tiny elves! Majestic beasts larger than two elephants plodded freely, the ground rumbling beneath them. There were many extraordinary things, extraordinary beings. Though I think the most wonderful, the most brain puzzling, most extraordinary things were the water spirits. The water spirits ruled the village, yet could only be seen in the sparkling ocean. They were made out of the purest of water, and every night they would do something special for the villagers. Every night until the sun's long fingers would pull apart the darkness from the light,the water spirits would sing a sweet lullaby. Like the village, the song was different from any other song. It was peaceful, and the melody was like a butterfly's flapping wings. The lyrics were something you would remember through the night, but then forget the next morning. They did this every night. Except one.

It had been a tiresome day, the day the spirits did not sing. The day had been crammed with much work, and hardly any play. Even the youngest beings had done dirty chores for a long stretch of the day. By the end, all the villagers were ready for the beautiful lullaby, craving for it.

The spirits were preparing for their song when the ship bobbed through the wavy ocean. An ominous ship it was, for the minute it came into view of the spirits, a blanket of fog swirled around the water. The spirits frowned upon the ship as it grew closer and closer. The ship was fairly large, with flaming red sails. A man stood on the side of the ship, his hands clinging onto the mast. A white lace up shirt covered his chest, and he wore black pantaloons. A red jacket with golden buttons was slipped over his shirt. A giant hat with a large feather covered his messy black curls.

"Ay!" The man shouted to the spirits. The spirits glared deeply at him, for they knew too well who he was. The lead spirit, (who every night led the spirits in song,) drew closer to the boat.

The lead spirit was very beautiful, very beautiful indeed. Although she was made out of only water, she felt real. Her long locks of hair ran over her shoulder like a waterfall. Her eyes had so much detail, and sparkled beautifully. She had pressed her lips into a thin line.

"What do you want, Corter?" The lead spirit hissed. She did not want to see him, she had hoped to never see his face again!

"I prefer Captain Corter now."

"Well, I prefer that you leave." The lead spirit snapped. Corter gave a small chuckle before speaking again.

"Afraid I cannot do that. I want another chance, you see." The lead spirit gave a teasing laugh.

"I do not think so. What you did cannot be forgiven."

"I proposed to you! It's not a crime." Corter tried to defend himself. The lead spirit gritted her teeth.

"Our relationship was moving too fast, and you knew that!" She accused him. Corter stared at her, he did love her after all.

"Love, do you even know why I proposed?"

"No, and I do not really want to hear it. Also do not call me love!" The lead spirit spat.

"I did it for the world! I wanted to unite water and land! Don't you see?" Corter cried.

"I don't care for your explanation. I don't even care for you!"

"Well then I have no other choice." Corter pulled out a little bottle with a dark green liquid bubbling inside. The spirits gasped.

"Don't you dare!" The lead spirit cried out.

"Oh darling, I already have." Corter ripped the cork out with a POP! He poured the liquid in the ocean. The water stung against the spirits, as the ocean water decreased in size. It all happened so quickly! It was as if someone had pulled the plug, draining the ocean away. It dried up, and turned into dust. The spirits drained away, becoming dust as well. There was no beautiful water, for it had been replaced with ugly beige sand.

"My work here is done." Corter growled. He felt no regret for the terrible thing he had done, his heart was a black hole. He stomped down from his ship, and trudged through the sand, starting the long journey back to where he had came from.

The town disappeared soon after the spirits had. The village was never seen, nor spoken of again. Few of the villagers had survived, most been turned to sand like the spirits. The ones who had survived had made the long journey across the ocean to other far away lands. No one really knew if they had made it though.The lullaby was never heard again, it's sweet melody lost forever, only with the sand that used to be the spirits. But if you ever go by the ocean, listen closely. Be silent, don't move. If you wish for a lullaby, you may hear the voices of the lost spirits singing the song to the forgotten villagers. Listen closely.

The End.

I hope you liked my story!

February 27, 2021 00:42

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