Adventure Fantasy Friendship

In a city same as any other in a apartment build there is a young boy. Playing a video game on the television. Across the hall a couple is arguing down stairs people are getting ready for the party. Tonight the ball drops to start the New Year as the hours tick by. Everyone is eager to start partying not knowing what tonight will bring.

The hours tick down to minutes everyone is glued to the television. Counting down to the New Year everyone one the television. Is having a good time laughing dancing to the music being played. Counting the seconds as the ball drops the finale seconds come. The crowed chants five, four ,three, two, one, as everyone screams happy NEW YEAR. The entire area goes pitch dark no electric any where.

No cell phone service everyone uses their cell phones as flash lights. Trying to figure out what is going on the cops come. Using the microphones telling the people not to panic. To leave in a orderly fashion everyone walks to their vehicles. A few stragglers stay behind and hide out to see what is going on.

Everyone just thinks it is a mass power outage little does any one know. But that is the furthest thing from the truth. Everyone departed to their cars slowly people start disappearing. No one sees them disappearing until a woman. Screams out do to her friend disappearing right next to her.  

Spreading through the crowed like wild fire that a woman disappeared. Mass panic erupts everyone runs trying to hide. But no where is safe soon people hear a whoosh with a scream as what ever. Is in the darkness attacks people slowly you can see the cell phone drop to the ground one by one.

You can hear people crying in the street mix with screams of fear. You have to ask your self if anyone will be around by morning. Hours go by the screams in the night slowly fade. Few and far between there are people huddled in groups trying to watch each other. Message comes to them from far away that there is one place where the electric is still working.

But the roomers of this coming to them so fast makes it seem fake . The only thing that seems to be working are cars. For now no one knows exactly how long the gas will hold out for if the electric. Does not come back on soon morning comes everyone emerges from their homes. A few people make a run on the gas stations to get as much fuel as the can.

Some people make runs on supper markets for food solar lanterns plus batteries. P eople who wait for the rush to be over don’t get much of anything. Day light hours turn into days which turn into months of no electric. Crime rises stealing people hurting each other a can of beans. As food grows scarce so does water people at the power plant trying. As best they can to figure out what is going on.

Police working the best they can to figure out the disappearances. To no avail the cops can not seems to find anything . To tell the public as to why people disappeared people go for any ship that they can find. To try to find this place they heard room of with they electric still on.

They truth of it not known to anyone just the hope of it being true. Is all they have to go on every ship in the harbor is gone. No one on the ships knows exactly where they are going. Not even the captains know tons of people leave for the few that could not get aboard. Have to stay and hold out hope that something will happen.

Years go by still no answers as to what happened. No one still has any idea what has happened on that night. The people that stayed in the city took to the library to find books. On growing crops they also raided stores in every direction for solar equipment.

They started to farm fend for them self’s a few people ventured to the city. From far away some countries away. Looking to see if the roomer is true about the electric still being on. Every where the people journey the hear that it is the same thing. They hear the electric is on in the north others hear it is on in the south. No one knows exactly where it is but they hear it is out there. Maybe it is just for hope or maybe it is just.

To make people up root themselves so other people can take what they leave. Either way it give a lot of people hope that there is one place. Not yet found where there is electric. One person thinks that the people who disappeared. Is because a great apocalypse has happened everyone that is left. Got left behind another says it was aliens. Lastly one person says that it was a government experiment who know.

Some people traveled to Washington to get answers none have yet to return. Maybe it is the government or it be as simple as ran out of gas. The more likely version is that they got stopped and everything taken from them. Left out there no food no water nothing just left.

But for the ones who make it here live some what decent lives. Solar power farm life in the city charging areas for phone to play games. As they travel to where ever it is they are going. It is not much but for the one who stay it is kinda perfect in a way almost. But at some point we all have to realize nothing good last forever.

We lost half the solar panels to a nasty storm that came out of no where. There are teams out looking for more but it is not looking good. Food people have come and raided our supply. Not sure how much longer we can stay here if at all we only want to help. People as they travel through here it is pretty much a ghost town.

Late at night you can still here the Whoosh and screech from what ever. Took people to begin with I don’t know if anyone will see this letter. But if you do know this we are still here yes we maybe miles away. From each other but if you find us we will help however we can.

We had to leave our precious home because of what other’s have done. We are in search of a new place to call home. Also maybe some answer’s to the electrical problem. Lastly maybe answer’s to where everyone went plus what that creature. Is in the night that took them. But if you are looking for use well will leave hints on the road to find us. Have a little faith and look for the signs till your find us have a safe journey.

April 30, 2021 21:48

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